Closed So I Bought The Toy You Like

Savannah Walters

free-spirited; alt seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (15)
Savannah had used what little pocket money she had left after getting her school supplies, and making sure she had a bit of money to save for a rainy day, Savannah had bought a beginners gobstones set and a book to help her. She wasn't that interested in it, but her only friend was and she wanted to give it a try. He was just so interested about it. It made her want to try it herself. She wasn't sure she understood why he liked it so much. She had set up the game in the courtyard and had her book open on the page that she needed to learn from and was trying her best to just...get it. Perhaps it was easier with someone else. But she could manage this herself. She didn't need to have her friend or anyone show her.
Emery had been pretty flustered by the conversation he'd had with Rāwhiti about Savannah, but he wasn't going to let it ruin his friendship with her. So when he spotted her in the courtyard, he decided to approach her. It was only when he headed closer that he realized what she was doing. Emery grinned, delighted. "Are you playing gobstones?" He asked, excitement clear in his voice. "You are!"
Savannah glanced up when Emery approached, blushing a little before nodding slightly. "Yeah, well, you liked it so much, I figured I'd see what the fuss was about," she replied with a roll of her eyes and just the faintest glimpse of a smile. She knew that was what friends did, take an interest in things they were interested in. "I'm just figuring out the playing part of it," Savannah added, not then asking for his help in figuring it out.
Emery felt proud and a bit happy when Savannah pretty much admitted she had gotten the game because he liked it. He wondered again if Rāwhiti had been right, but he pushed it out of his mind. Emery bit his lip for a moment, trying not to look too excited. "I can teach you?" He asked, aware he sounded eager.
Savannah glanced at him and then back at what she was doing. "I think I've got it," she assured him. "Why don't we just play and then I can figure things out as we go," Even if Emery was her friend, she wasn't about to accept help from him. She could do it herself, she didn't need him or anyone to show her how to do anything.
Emery had to bite his tongue when Savannah said she thought she got the rules. He really wanted to explain it properly, but he knew he could be overbearing when it came to his interest in gobstones. He nodded. "Sure, I'd love to play." He said, trying not to show his excitement.
Savannah glanced at him and nodded. She gathered up her gobstones from how she had been essentially trying to play them. She motioned to the ground, "After you," she said, doing that mostly because she wanted to take the time to actually watch how he played before she had her shot. Savannah needed to actually learn how to do this.
Emery nodded, kneeling down and setting up the field correctly. He then lined up his own shot, making sure to do it slowly so Savannah could watch. If she didn't want him to teach her, he wouldn't, but he could still demonstrate. He made his first move, smiling as the gobstone ended up exactly where he had planned it to.

Hope its okay to handwave the rules a bit
Savannah was watching close, taking in what he was doing and trying her best to retain the information. She wouldn't call him out for going more slowly, since this was helping her. She took her move after him. Savannah focused trying her best to get it close, but she was a little too powerful with it and it went further than where she'd intended for it to go.
Emery stood to the side as Savannah took her turn. He watched her with a slight smile. It meant a lot to him that she had decided to try out his hobby for him. He wished he could bring it up to Rāwhiti, but he knew the Gryffindor would be weird about it. But maybe he was right. Was this the behavior of someone with a crush? Emery watched her with a slight frown. "Good job." He said, though her shot had gone a little too far.
Savannah was quite glad that he said good job, though she knew she could've done a lot better. "It went too far," she said despite being happy for the praise, not wanting to appear like she had needed the praise. "Your turn," she said, watching to see if she could gleam anything from his stance or style as to how to avoid sending her gobstones too far.
Emery shrugged as Savannah stated the obvious. "Well, it's your first time playing." He said. "At least you didn't throw the gobstone like a quaffle." He added, thinking back to when he was trying to teach Rāwhiti the game. Emery took his time on his turn, lining up his second gobstone to hit the first and bump it closer to the target.
Savannah gave a half smile at the joke. "Do you like quidditch?" she asked as she watched him take his second shot. Savannah had never seen Emery interact with the quidditch things, so she had to imagine he wasn't that interested in it. The ravenclaw then moved and took her second turn, she lined it up and trying to hold back on the power sent it off. It moved quickly, not going too fair but still being too wide from the target.
Emery's smile dropped a bit as Savannah asked him about Quidditch. He wondered how it hadn't come up before, but he wasn't sure how she felt about it either. He didn't want to completely trash it if it was her favorite thing, even if he had strong feelings about it. Emery frowned a bit and shook his head. "Not really." He said, though that was an understatement. He decided to focus on his next play, but it was slightly off from what he had wanted. His frown deepened.
It was an unsurprising answer to her that he didn't like quidditch. She had found those who liked it, tended to talk about it, tended to want to talk about it. She watched as his next gobstone didn't go clearly where it should've. "Why not?" she asked about quidditch. She was mostly curious, curious as to the why he didn't like it. Savannah lined up her next shot and was able to get it to nudge her previous shot a little close to the target.
Emery had kind of hoped Savannah would change the subject but she hadn’t. He glanced at her, trying to think of how to answer her question without launching into a tirade. He shrugged, looking at their game again. “It’s a weird game, the rules make no sense.” He told her. “It’s convoluted, just so it’s more of a spectacle to watch, but half of the players are unnecessary. It’s also incredibly overrated.” He said, crouching down for his own next shot. “Nice one.” He added absently as he saw she had done well.
Savannah considered what he said. She didn't think the rules made no sense, but could agree it was more of a spectacle. She did also think the sport was overrated, but it was also the only sport that Hogwarts had, really. "That's fair," she said, not agreeing with him or trying to counter it, but just considering his points. She was pleased he'd liked her shot, and she just watched him take his.
Emery was a bit surprised that Savannah seemed to agree with him. Or at least, not to disagree. He watched her for a moment, frowning a bit. "Do you play?" He finally asked her. He determinedly ignored the Quidditch teams as much as he could, which meant he had no idea who was on any team, including the one from his own house. He took his shot, glad it went better. His gobstone knocked Savannah's out of the circle and he gave her an apologetic look.
Savannah nodded at the question. "Yeah, I'm an alternate seeker on the house team," she replied. She wasn't too surprised given how he viewed quidditch that he did not know this. It likely was just not something on his radar. She watched him take his shot and knock hers out of the circle. She frowned and rolled her eyes a little at his look, but didn't say anything, just lining up to take her next shot, which stopped short of the circle.
Emery nodded in response to Savannah's nod. He had sort of guessed she played from her question, but he was immediately grateful to her that she didn't try to turn around and sell Quidditch to him. It actually made him feel more open to asking her a bit about it, even though he still wasn't very interested. "Is that good?" He asked her, before taking his next shot. He accidentally bumped Savanah's gobstone into the circle. He hoped she didn't think he was letting her win.
Savannah gave a little nod in response, she did enjoy quidditch, it had its value in her life. It added something to what she did. "I like it," was what she said after nodding, taking a moment to clearly really think it over. She watched him take his next shot and end up helping her. Savannah smirked a little. "I thought the point was to hinder the opponent, not help them," she teased. She lined up her next shot, but sent it completely wide.
Emery had meant to ask with his question if Savannah's position was any good, as in, significant to the game. He was pretty sure seekers were the important ones, but an alternate sounded kind of like a waste. He nearly said his other friend was also a seeker, but he didn't. He kind of wanted to keep Rāwhiti and Savannah separate. He had the feeling they wouldn't get along. Emery huffed at her teasing. "Well, you need the help." He told her with a slight smile as her next shot went completely wide. He managed a good shot himself and barely restrained looking incredibly smug about it.
Savannah wasn't sure if he'd ask more about quidditch but was pretty happy to leave it. Instead smirking a little at his teasing. She rolled her eyes somewhat more dramatically than she normally would, especially as he managed to get a good shot in. "I certainly, am not accepting the help," Savannah told him. "This is my first game, you should beat me," she leaned down again, taking her time, thinking about what she had just done wrong, and then sending the gobstone. She got it close to where it needed to go, a fair shot, but it was still unlikely to get her any closer to winning.
Emery couldn't help smiling at Savannah's words. He raised his eyebrows a bit, watching her. "Oh, I will." He told her when she said he should beat her. "But I actually want to play for a bit first." he said, aware he sounded quite arrogant. Somehow, he thought Savannah wouldn't mind. "Though, you're not playing bad for a newbie."
Savannah equally raised her eyebrow at his words before giving a little laugh. "Okay, sure, but we'll re-match immediately after then I'll win," she teased with a little faint smile on her lips. She shrugged. "It's not difficult," she boasted, ignoring that she was bound to now play like absolute garbage because of what she'd just claimed.

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