Closed So Many Issues

Helios Obasi

kid brother | scaredy cat
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 17 1/2 Inch Swishy Pear Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
06/2049 (12)
Helios had not been at school more than a couple of days, and he had underestimate just how unsafe the place was. There were too many students, not enough space, the staircase moved, Hufflepuff was thankfully on the fourth floor by Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were in towers, slytherin was under the water. Just, nothing was particularly safe. Magic could protect, but he had quickly found out that students had died at the school. Which of course happened, but still. It wasn't a safe place. He was writing to his sister, listing out all of the things wrong, and letting her know that he was intending to try to speak to someone about it when he had all of the information about it gathered. The letter also included that he missed her. Since moving to New Zealand, there hadn't been a day he hadn't seen her, so it did make quite the change.
One of his favorite places so far was the Great Hall. Not only the ceiling was just so very cool. The food was like the best and there was a lot! He already could hear his mother saying to him, that he shouldn't eat so many because he would get sick. But he ignored that, he wanted to do what he wanted. There was no one telling him what could or not. He was now eleven and that was old enough to decide what was good. So after he ate a lot of pieces of chickens he kind of felt his stomach. So he had aten enough. He was so enthiosiastic so would meet up with some guys later outside to play football, he brought along his own to the great hall and figured he could already practice some inside so planted it in front of his feet and runned excitingly with it during the great hall. He had kicked the football in front of him and before he knew it he didn't spot his ball anymore. Where was it? It seemed to be in the direction of the Hufflepuff table. So he runned towards it and saw a boy sitting there. '' Hey, have you seen my football?'' He than asked the boy and tapped him at his shoulder.
Hero was struggling to stay completely focus on his work, there were too many people around him, too maybe loud noises and distractions. Truthfully, he knew he should've known that this would be the front place to work on this, but he had decided to and going back to the dorm now, would be too much effort and too many possible stairs that he could get stuck on. He glanced as a football bounced and hit his legs. He leaned down and picked it up, just as another boy approached him. "You shouldn't be playing with this indoors," he replied, and picked the ball up and held it in his hands.
As he approached the boy and he showed him the football he smiled bright. Thankfully, it was his favorite and he didn't really wished it to hurt someone ofcourse. But he was playfull and not always carefull. But not on intention. The boy gave his ball and Travis took it from him, and he smiled. '' It's actually really fun.'' He than said with an smile. '' The castle is sooo big! So I can run around with it.'' The boy just sounded like his mother. '' What were you doing?'' He than asked the boy curiously. As he hold the football in his arms.
Helios shook his head at the words the boy said. "You shouldn't do that," he told him, with a tone that indicated the Helios thought him silly. Like doing such a thing was dumb, "I'll tell a professor if I see you doing playing inside with that ball," he added with a simple tone. Before looking down at what he was doing. "I'm writing a letter," he said but gave nothing further to it about what he was doing and to whom.

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