Stefan Archer

Stefan Archer

head librarian
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
And I've lost who I am
And I can't understand, Why my heart is so broken


Say Hello to

Fall into your sunlight ,
The future's open wide beyond believing

Stefan Mason Archer

Stefan - In German the meaning of the name Stefan is: Crown; wreath. Scandinavian Meaning: The name Stefan is a Scandinavian baby name. In Scandinavian the meaning of the name Stefan is: Crown; wreath.
Mason - Its origin is from the occupational surname Mason, which means "one who works with stone".
Archer - It is of Latin origin. Mean Bowman. It was a popular medieval second name.

I don't know where the name Stefan came from. I guess my mother probably picked it. It's a nice enough name. The meaning is pretty nice, I can't imagine my father picking a name like that for me. But he does surprise me at times. Although at times I think the name Stefan was picked because my parents actually liked the name Stephen but didn't want to write that so the shortened version came out as Stefan. I actually like my name. There aren't too many Stefan's in the world. It's a pretty unique name in that sense. Not to mention that it's meaning makes me feel like something in my life will be better.
Mason, it's my father's name, so, I'm guessing he gave it to me. I'm not sure why. Maybe when they named me, they didn't actually know I was colourblind. Which means that there was a time, albeit short time, when he was actually proud of me. I really wish that would be repeated. I mean it would be nice to see pride from my father, but it's wishful thinking. Like, that's all it is. Mason isn't a name most know me by. I don't know if I've even told anyone of it. It's just a name to me. It means nothing. As for Archer, well I like it as a last name. It's completely different. I wish I was an archer. I don't know where it's from. I really know anything about my dad's family, so I couldn't tell you where it is from. I wish I knew. I'd like to know more about my family.

OOC:I had a lot of trouble picking a name for Stefan. I had almost the entire character ready, everything was prepared, and I'd made the most part of the development, but I didn't have a name for the character. I couldn't think of anything that actually suited him. The character I had in mind as well, as sort of matching the PB line I was thinking of using. Admittedly, I had been watching the vampire diaries around the time, and while I had many potential names for Stefan, the name Stefan just stuck out. The surname Archer was equally hard to come up with, but it had stemmed from the fact I wanted his surname to be something strong. I had thought about Bowman, or something like that, and Archer (which is the name of a cider) was what I'd been looking for. The middle name since it was his father's name came a little later, I could see Stefan's father as giving him the same middle name, so that was how that came about. All in all, I'm pretty happy with his name, and when I read back at the other options I have, I realise that this was definitely the right choice.

I don't have any. You can't really shorten Stefan. I mean you could, but no one has bothered. And I'm alright with just having a name and no nick name. I might be one of the only people with that opinion but it's what I think. Nicknames mean nothing unless they are either clever or an shortening of a very long name.

I am currently 34 years old. To be very honest, I didn't think I would live to see this age. I mean I hardly thought I would reach being a teenager, but I have, and it had been fantastic. I know that while my life has not been great, I'll forever be thankful for the fact I've lived to this age. Should I not live much longer, I'll be okay. But if I do live longer, I will be incredibly happy for the opportunity.

I was born on April 1st 2015. And that's all I know. I don't what time, or where, though I assume a hospital, it might've been at home. I just know I was born on April fools day. I couldn't tell you if I was born in the morning or the evening. I have never been able to find my birth certificate. I'm thinking my dad has it hidden somewhere.

I graduated with little grades to my name, so I was really unsure as to what I'd be able to do. For the most part since leaving school, I've just been doing up my house, with the help of Branson. Getting it to look presentable. I've worked in a number of places within the small village I live next to. It's a good little town that has been really kind towards me. I worked for a good while with an old man in his book store, and this sort of made me realise that I didn't want some desk job, and I didn't need to be doing something that was incredibly well paid. All I really needed was something stable, and something that I was good at. So, I applied to be a librarian at Hogwarts in New Zealand, and I was really happy when I managed to get it. So, I guess that makes my profession a librarian.

OOC: I never actually came up with any profession for Stefan. I had thought about him being a professor and had toyed with the idea for quite some time, but I couldn't him being able to do that. He wasn't confident enough to teach, and being faced with a group of people he hardly knew in a close setting wasn't the kind of thing I imagined Stefan being very comfortable with. He didn't appear to have very many options to him. Which is mostly my fault by not having done very many classes. But, as Stefan grew once I was active on him again, it became increasingly clear that he wouldn't be able to get a job straight out of school. He would in no way be ready. It made more sense if he spent time, getting better. Working on his issues, learning about his family, before trying to find him the right job. I had decided that he'd work in a bookstore for a while, it was a good way of there being pretend income, but it was also good that he was doing such a thing. He was happy doing something that wasn't too complex. He was good at organising, bring order and I just thought that he would want to give back to Hogwarts in any way that he could, and a librarian seemed like the right option. I'm not certain if that will be what Stefan ends up doing for the rest of his life, but it seems like the sort of option he'd be happy doing for most of his life.

My father's name is Mason Archer. He's a tall man, but, I don't really know what he looks like. He doesn't work. He does some small jobs here and there, but nothing serious. Our household has very little money coming in. My father is a heavy drinker, I don't know him for anything else. I wish more about my father but I don't.
Mason Archer is a black haired man, with blue eyes and pale skin. He was born in England and raised in America. He then attended a school in the states for Brightest young people. He was incredibly bright for his age. He had two brothers and a sister. He was the youngest of the lot. His parents were both professors at the University of Colorado. He had huge plans to travel the world. In his second last year of high school, a girl transferred in to his school, and for him it was love at first sight. Mason, however bright was always put down by his father and eldest brother, (the favourite of his father). It was due to the fact he is partially colour blind. Before the Christmas Mason and the girl got together and had a quick marriage in Vegas in their Junior year. He'd found his soul-mate. The girl told him she was pregnant at the start of there senior year. And both told there families. Mason's family did not take it very well. And Mason was disowned by his father claimed he had ruined his future. With that Mason persuaded the girl to go with him to New Zealand.

Once in New Zealand, the found a house in the country and just went there. As the pregnancy went on, the girl go more and more depressed. She had angry outbursts. And spent days crying. Mason couldn't figure out why. But he felt helpless, and like no matter what he would try nothing would actually work. Then his son was born. At time point, Mason had angry with his son, but after naming it, he felt like things would be better. He was wrong. His son was completely colour blind and his wife was very unhappy. He spent his time looking after Stefan in first two years. He loved watching Stefan smile and he had his mother's laugh. But, his wife was never really the same. She had terrible outbursts of anger. And had more than one occasion hit Stefan. When she killed herself and tried at the same time to kill Stefan, His father was hurled into a world of nothing. He hated his son for killing his wife and ruining his life. So although in the beginning he was the one protecting Stefan things just turned. Mason is aware of what he does, and while at times he'll feel bad, he is reminded of his wife.

Since Stefan acceptance into Hogwarts Mason has had very mixed views towards his son. He had no idea what Stefan being a wizard meant. He didn't quite know how to act, or how to be towards his son. Surprise was mostly what he felt, pride in his son. And then a deep fear. If his son could have magical powers, what did it mean for him, for Mason. Mason initial thought about saying no, and just acting very kind towards his son, but when an alcohol fuelled rage lead to him being anything but nice towards a young Stefan, he decided, the school would be better. He hates the silence of the home without Stefan, his rage and upset is bottled up for many days. He doesn't know how to release the anger without someone there. He was unable to get more jobs, during the holiday's when Stefan was home all the rage was centralized. He didn't even being to think about just not sending him back. Mason truly believed that by letting Stefan continue going to school it would increase his control over his son. But he had to admit the winter of 2029, where his son fought back for the first time in about twelve years was both a proud and surprising moment. Mason was getting to the point that at night, all he would think about was the times he spent with his son when he'd just been born. The love he'd felt that he could no longer feel towards the boy.

At the end of the 2029, Mason had been getting increasingly anxious. He had replied their fight in his head a hundred times, and he didn't quite know what to do. Part of him was worried he'd lost the control over his son and the other part believed his son wouldn't return. When Stefan did, Mason felt angry. That his son would dare pretend like everything was alright. That nothing had happened. It made him so angry, and a day after severely beating his son, Mason drove a knife into his stomach. He then proceed to kill himself. Since without his son, or his wife he had nothing else, and he really didn't want to go it alone.

I don't know anything about my mother. I know that she was my mum. And that she died when I was 2. But, I have no idea how she died. Just that she died. I think my mother would've been an amazing women. She would've helped me. I know it. Well, I hope it.
Stefan's mother's name is Aurora Chloe Grace, Which later became Aurora Chloe Grace Archer. She was a bright young girl from a small family. She lived in South Carolina in America with her devoutly Christian parents. And her little sister. She lived in a small town that had a huge community feel about it. She was a very happy and bright girl. She had golden hair, and very blue eyes. She had a huge heart and cared more for those around her than herself. She came from an average family. When she was 12 her mum was diagnosed with cancer. It was in the early days of her illness that she began to doubt her faith. She loved her parents and loved her community, but she didn't know what she had done for her mother to get that illness. It was a hard time for Aurora but this caused her to work a lot harder in school and focus a lot on her school work than anything else.

When her mother died just at the end of her Sophomore year at High School, she'd been accepted into a school in Colorado for the gifted. It was a full ride, so her father decided to move her whole family there. She met her future husband at the school. And it felt like everything for them would be perfect. She got married in the Junior year and this came as a great shock to her father who didn't like that her new husband was not a catholic. But, she ignored him. At the start of the senior year, Aurora fell pregnant. And this caused her father to go ballistic. She wasn't even 17 yet, and already pregnant. Her father threw her out, and this caused her to be very angry. She hadn't ever expected that from her father.

So, with her new Husband left the country and went to New Zealand. She felt very alone and isolated. She didn't want to have the baby, and almost got rid of it, but her husband told her to not. She was briefly happy when her son was born, and even chose his name, but this was short lived, when she returned back to the empty house. She was annoyed that she had had everything and it had been stolen from her, by this baby. She would snap easily, and found it hard to keep calm. Eventually she snapped, and tried to kill herself and her son. Obviously her son(stefan) survived

I don't have any siblings that I know of. I don't know what my parent's life was like before me, so I don't know if they had other kids with other people or whatever. It's probably for the best that I don't have any siblings. I can't imagine having to look out for someone else as well as myself. It's selfish but if there was someone else, I would have to protect them, and that wouldn't be good in the long run for me.
Stefan has never had a desire for siblings. He'll always say that he did. Since that's what he found most only children do. Stefan knew that a sibling for him would end in disaster. Even though Stefan has been treated horribly in his life, the thought of having a sibling younger, or older have to suffer through what he did was unthinkable. You could say that his true nature showed most when he thought about others. Stefan views himself as selfish, and self-centered but he knows that if it came down to it. He would happily exchange his life for a sibling he could've had. This was always why he didn't want them. Stefan didn't want to ever have to be put in that situation. He could face this alone, not with someone else. It was easier if all the hate was directed on to him, than onto two or more people.

Branson Archer - Born May 7th 2041 in the early hours at St. Mungo's hospital, Male
Aurora Archer - Born December 12th 2043 in the late afternoon at St. Mungo's Hospital, female
Rose Archer - Born December 12th 2043 in the late afternoon at St. Mungo's Hospital, female

For a long time I didn't know that I had any family besides my parents. My father never spoke of any, so I assumed he had none. However, I meet Tybalt Archer, who is my cousin, and he told me all about the family we share. His parents, my grandparents. It was quite the surprise, I had never imagined that I'd ever get to meet them, but, Ty has encouraged it. We made sure that we were actually related. Like just so that I wasn't stepping into anything that could be wrong. it's nice to have them. Both Branson and Elliot, my aunt and uncle have been incredibly kind towards me. They have no reason to be, but they are kind to me, and it's a little surreal. I prefer my cousin Tybalt. He's the one that introduced me to everything, so I owe him for that.

Stefan has a vast family, though he doesn't know them, and they don't know he exists. After his parents moved to New Zealand, they never heard from any of them again. And vice-versa. But, little does he know that he has a large family. All of whom, are interested in finding out what happened to his parents.

On his dad's side, he has two older brothers and one older sister.
His eldest brother is Cristian Archer. He is now a muggle accountant and works in Boston, USA. He went to the local High School in Colorado and then attended The University of New York. He is pretty fierce, but it's all an act. A face, he's actually a really nice person, who is just making his way through the world. He recently got married to a New York woman. She's a primary teacher in Boston. Cristian felt awful for how he treated his brother, and has tried many times to locate him. But his search has been fruitless and hasn't ever tried that hard. He has one daughter from a previous marriage. Her name is Madelina Archer. She is now 8 years old. Her mother hadn't wanted to have children, so left shortly after the birth. It was around the same time that he met his new wife. They now have a second child Magnolia Archer, 4.

The second born son of the Archer parents was Branson Archer, who was pretty hated by his father, but never to the same extent as Stefan's father. Branson Archer grew up with a hard life, he worked hard, but nothing came simply to him. He read and read, just to be as smart as his brothers. He married young, to a woman named Elliot Evans. They moved in together when he started at University, and this was just around the time that their first son, Mason Archer was born. When Branson lost his brother, he was distraught and he always spent time trying to find him. However, he soon became distracted by his own family, and focused on that rather than the search for his brother. Five years after the birth of their first son, they had a second son, Tybalt Archer, and six years following that, they had a daughter, Lydia Archer. it was in the same year, that Mason was accepted into Hogwarts New Zealand, but, he drowned and was then unable to attend. This loss of his son, sparked Branson into searching for his brother all over again. This lead the family to moving to New Zealand. Tybalt attends Hogwarts New Zealand. This is the only part of his family that Stefan has actually met. He likes them a lot, and feels very close to his cousin Tybalt. More than the rest.

His sister was next, she was born Zefira Archer but became Zefira Lyria. She is the second youngest sibling. And the only one who does not have any wish to find her brother. In her eyes he made his choice when he got together with the girl and then got her pregnant. She has a very short temper, and works as a flight attendant, which is where she met her husband who is a Pilot for the same airline. They had no children, and do not plan on having any. While, Zefira has little intentions of ever contacting Stefan, now that her brother has heard about him, her husband wants to try to meet him. Thinking that it'll be good for the family. He's doesn't want kids, but he thinks it's silly to not contact Stefan.

On his mother's side is 1 sister.
She was 15 when her sister left, and was still at school. She was born Stefina Grace. But became Stefina Violet when she married at 18, just after having finishing school. She looked up to her sister a lot, and her sister had helped her a lot when there mother had passed. Stefina was devastated when her sister left, and hasn't spoken to her father since it happened. She got married to her high School Sweetheart. And right now is on maternity leave from her job at the local school. She is a part time artist and her husband is a musician who records his own songs and puts them only for others to hear. It helps to bring in enough money so they can live. She has two children. One girl and one boy. The girl was named after her sister, and is Grace Violet. She has ringlet blonde hair, and dark blue eyes. The boy was named after her husband, Ryan Violet. She is still in contact with Branson, and the two have agreed to stop at nothing to find out what happened to there siblings. Although hearing about Stefan was pretty hard for her, considering the similarities in the name, she isn't sure if she wants to meet him just yet. She hadn't even known that her sister was dead, and with her own family to deal with, she's not sure what sort of role she'd be to Stefan, and that's sort of stopping her from moving forward with it.

Grandparents on his dad's side
Both currently alive.
Stefan grandmother who prefers being called Mam is of Scottish origin, having spent the first eleven years of her life living in Inverness in the north of Scotland. She is a small woman, with fiery red hair in her youth and bright blue eyes. She was Isla Holt, before she later became Isla Archer She moved to Chicago, when her mother died, and their entire family moved. She had three sisters, but was the youngest by five years so she felt a lot out of place. Her three sisters later returned to Scotland.
Her life was pretty uneventful, she went to school until the age of seventeen, when she left and attended a local college. She hadn't been very good at school, but college helped her a lot. It was in her third year of college when she was having trouble with a class and her tutor was Cristian Archer, Stefan's grandfather.
The two got along very well, they got close very soon. Isla found that while she was very much in love with Cristian she was aware that he had some violent tendencies. They grew close and eventually married.
Isla had four children, and did very little in the way of discipline, that was always her husband's line. She was there to comfort them when they needed it. She was always proud of her children, keen to have them do well, so it broke her heart to see how poorly Cristian treated Mason, and then how angry Cristian had been at Mason for marrying the girl, and then getting her pregnant. Isla had begged for him to let them stay, to let them be a part of all of their lives, but it couldn't be.
Isla has not quite been the same since the disappearance of her son and daughter in law. Though she has managed to keep up appearances and appear okay to the growing family.
Stefan's grandfather is and always has been a proud man. He worked hard for everything he has, and believes that without hard work a person can get no where. He was top of his class, and graduated from Stanford University with a degree in business. But, he took up a small part time job at the local library, tutoring students who were having difficulties. This was where he met the love of his life. Isla. He knew from the moment he saw her that he'd be in love with her. There was no doubt in his mind about them being together. Cristian was an angry man. He couldn't do anything about it, he had tried many things but he couldn't hold it back.
He proposed to Isla after two years of dating and was very happy to welcome four children into his life. However, he was a harsh parent. Wanted everything done right, and upon hearing of his youngest son's impairment, he grew angry. Colourblindness was a common trait in his family. He'd not gotten it, and being an only child it had somehow skipped a generation. Cristian treated his youngest son more harshly than the rest. Giving him the bigger work load and basically using him as the go to punching bag.
Cristian barely blinked when he threw Mason out the house. He'd had such a promising career, and Cristian was having none of that girl or his good for nothing son near their house.
Even years later he doesn't think of what happened to them, or hasn't even thought that somewhere in the world he has another grandson, older than the rest of them.

Grandparents on Mother's side
Grandmother died, grandfather alive.
His grandmother on his mother's side died when his mother was still young. Born Aurora Harper, later became Aurora Grace She was an All American woman. With a great smile and a huge welcoming heart. She had soft blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She wore a smile each day, and came from a huge family that had in growing up moved across to different states. But could've been counted on turning up at family events. She died young of Breast cancer that hadn't been caught early enough. She was a devoutly christian woman and met her husband at a church group when she was twenty years old. She had two beautiful daughter who both in turn were the spitting image of her.
This grandfather had always been a little distant with his daughters, he loved them dearly, but wasn't the kind of man that really knew how to be a good parent. His parents hadn't really been around for him growing up and part of him believes that, that is how he should be with his own daughters.

PET(S) :
Before I absolutely hated the idea of pets, but I guess now that I'm older I wouldn't mind one. Something to keep me company. But, what's difficult is that I can barely afford to feed myself, so I wouldn't be able to afford any animals, so for now, while I'd really love an owl, or a cat, or something I know it's silly. Instead I can just wait. I've never had a pet before so it would be new. It could be quite interesting to get a pet. When I'm a little older, and maybe have a more stable job.

I know for sure that I am muggle born. While before my father had always said that I was a disgrace, a wizard in the family, on top of everything else. So, I just always assumed that it would be impossible for my mother to be a witch. In the back of my mind, I'd wished for it, just something else to connect me with my mother, but it wasn't to be. From what I've learned of my mother's family, which isn't too much, they are no magical, and nor are the Archer's. The reason that Ty is a wizard is because his mother is. I just somehow developed magic. It was just something that I ended up being. And I'm thankful. While being Muggleborn, won't always be the best thing, I love it.

Since attending school, I've never had much bother with it. Sure, at times in the Slytherin common room, I felt out of place and like I was annoying everyone by just being around, but apart from that, I've never had issues with it. I've never been the kind of person who worries about blood status. Mostly as it was never something that I had to think about. There were other things on my mind that matter more than my blood type. To me, it means nothing more than my parents weren't magical, and that's okay. I don't see, and have never understood why people get so annoyed about it.

OOC: Stefan had originally meant to be half blood. I'd toyed with the idea of having his mother be magical, and in reality since Stefan never knew his mother it means to him that he'd never know if the magic was inherited or if it sprang from no where. I realised that to me, it made for better story if the magic had been from no where. Almost like the magic grew just from the need to survive. It would've made less sense if Stefan's father had been a wizard, in the way he'd treated Stefan after he'd gotten in the school. Stefan's father both hated and feared the fact Stefan was a wizard, although he'd wouldn't have denied the fact that there were some signs. Things that while Stefan's father would've tried to make Stefan explained they simply couldn't have been. Stefan being muggleborn was the only way I think it would've worked. The love he had for Hogwarts made the most sense when he had thought he'd never have anything like that. It was the escape that he wouldn't have gotten as a muggle, and as a wizard born of magical parents it would never had led to the change in dynamic between Stefan and his father.

I live somewhere in the countryside of New Zealand. I don't actually know where it is exactly. Just that it's in the country and the nearest city is Wellington. Which is about 2 hours away. I'm not positive, but I would say it was that. Even at that, it's just a house in the middle of no where. It's on it's own, the nearest town or inhabited area is about an hour away. So, it isn't a hometown, more a home in a random place with no name and nothing nearby.

I wandered around for a very long time. I didn't have anywhere to go really, and I didn't know where I was half the time. After staying with Elvera I decided that I needed to settle, that I was doing myself no favours by walking around and just heading no where. So I headed to the only sort of home that I'd known. The house I'd shared with my father while he was still alive. I didn't think it would still be empty, I'd assumed that it would be filled with a new family, but it was as empty as it would've been. I was like no one had touched it since I'd last been there. The house felt weird when I'd first arrived. I hadn't been there since he'd tried to, you know. It took some time for me to get adjusted to it, but, I really like it now. I can't go in all the rooms, but it's pretty good. It's a roof over my head, and a place where I can keep warm in the winter. All I can really ask for.

FIRST HOME: The first place I ever lived was the same place I was born, and lived until I was 14 year old. It's a fairly small house in the middle of nowhere. If I lived anywhere before that, my father never told me. It's not a terrible house. But it was in the middle of no where, so there was no one. No one to stop my father each time he raised his hand. I pretty much grew to hate the house, but it's really the only place I know as home. No matter how unwelcome I was made to feel when I was in it.
A fairly small two story house. Built in the late 1950s, was not really made to last, but has done pretty well. It's up keep was done mostly by Stefan from the moment that he could keep it tidy. It has two bedrooms, one bathroom, an attic, a living room, kitchen and dining room. It would take Stefan hours to clean it up after his father. Most of the stuff that his family had put in when they'd first moved in has either been broken or has been removed. Stefan's room was small, maybe four times the size of the broom cupboard. Enough space for a small mattress on the floor, and a cupboard for what belongings he had. The window was broken when Stefan was six, going on seven and has never been fixed. In recent years, the house has lacked heating, electricity and at one point running water. Although Stefan was upset to leave the house, the house holds too many memories for him to ever be able to return.

SECOND HOME: My second home was the foster home I was put into after being released from the hospital. It was a small apartment block in the inner city of Wellington. I was given the spare closest as a bedroom. It had a very small window, but you couldn't see much out of it. The walls were paper thin, there was a draft, and everyone around us seemed to be making noise, Having gone from a small, empty house in the middle of nowhere, to an inner city apartment. It was why I left, I couldn't take it. I hated the noise. I hated them.
The second home was built in the late 1990s, built less about high quality but more for supply and demand. It was on the 12th floor, and Stefan was always made to walk up the stairs, since his foster family thought it would help Stefan grow a little. Not in height but in width. Stefan disagreed with it, and struggled. It has created a huge distaste for large amounts of stairs. It was not a very big house, and cost very little.

THIRD HOME: Hogwarts New Zealand. It's probably the best home I've ever had. It's always been there in a way that most things haven't. I love and I'm sad I had to leave it. It's always been the place I could just be myself, where I didn't have to fear being caught out, fear being ridiculed or anything like that. It was a place my father couldn't reach. The only place. Now, that he's dead, and Rumor has it came along, I don't feel as safe there. I'm scared that somehow the muggle social services will find the school, and the school would've sent me back to foster care. I don't want that.
Hogwarts New Zealand saved Stefan when he didn't realize how much he needed saving, but like all other things in his life, he feared that it wasn't to last. That it wasn't real at all. That one day he'd wake up and he'd be eleven again, living at home with his father barely able to wake up everyday. It the place where Stefan has felt happiest and safest, but he ran because he knew it wouldn't last.

FOURTH HOME: This is technically the same as the first home. It's the one I used to live in. While it's not somewhere I thought I'd ever go back to, I've happily returned. It's a perfect place for me. I know it. It's not really close to anyone, I can preform and improve my magic, it's where I grew up, ignoring how hard it was for me growing up. It a perfect little house that is all mine, I couldn't ask for more really.

OOC: Stefan going back to his old house after spending a good six/seven or so months just living rough was in part laziness, and then also that I sort of thought that it would be right. Stefan didn't have much money growing up, practically none, the only money he had was the allowance that the school gave him at the beginning of each year, which he had saved in part, but was also used to buy food, and of course the school supplies, so by the time he'd met Professor Elvera Le Fey for the second time, he didn't even have any money for food. Which posed the issue of where would a boy go, who hated to impose upon others and was convinced that Kate hated him, he would home. The place where Stefan had grown up to him, is reluctantly home, and as he's worked on it, and sorted through the possessions his parents had, he's grown more used to it. It's not place that lingers in his memory. He can separate the two. Stefan wouldn't have gone back unless he was truly desperate, and he had been. I saw Stefan at his wits end, and just knowing that he couldn't go back to school just yet, but he needed somewhere. Admittedly it's odd, and the first year or so of Stefan being back would not have been very nice, but it worked out. It was easier than trying to come up with something else, and the more I thought about it, the more it sense to me

Achromatopia -The complete lack of the perception of color in a
subject, seeing only in black, white, and shades of grey.
Hemeralopia -Reduced visual capacity in bright light, Day-blindness.
Photophobia -The avoidance of bright light by those suffering from hemeralopia.
Depression - Feeling Blue Never been check or diagnosed but, pretty clear that it would exist in him.
PTSD - Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder caused by very stressful, frightening or distressing events.

Well, I've had it all my life. It's a part of me. I hate it. I hate being colourblind. I can live with it. I can deal with it, but I hate it. I mean, I look at the world and it's just black and white. It's the same colours all the time, people talk about the wondrous world, and I just do not see it. I guess it makes me pretty angry, I have to work harder than everyone else, and I don't really get much credit for it. But, I know I could never try and fix it. I'd rather be colourblind all my life than try to cure it, see colour and then not. Or even lose my sight. I hate it, but I can live with it.

OOC: I had intended Stefan to just be blind. That had been the original idea, but the way his story formed, it added a whole mound of issues if he'd been blind. It would've been trickier, and it would've been even harder for Stefan while at hogwarts. As much as I'm sure had I gone with that, it would've been fine, I would've made it work, but I began to do some research, and it was just on general colour-blindness. Like Red-Green colourblindness. Then I stumbled upon an article about complete colourblindness in people. The complete inability to perceive any colour, and I thought it was pretty odd, so I did a little more research, and there was very little material, mostly as it's quite difficult to prove, and incredibly rare. To begin with, I had it that it was due to an accident while Stefan was in the womb, but this grew into the idea that it was passed down through his family, the male, since that's where the general colourblind gene is most dominant. Which then made more sense to me, about Stefan's father words. Knowing exactly what it was, and knowing his son would have it. His father chose to get Stefan tested, though he knew what the results would be.

I'm Straight. I know that. I'm certain of it.

Married to Kate Moon-Archer.
So, the girl I'm in love with is currently my wife. It's the best feeling ever. Kate makes me feel on top of the world. I feel like when I'm with her, that I will get better. She's a beautiful girl, currently still at Hogwarts. Beautiful hair, and I'm sure beautiful eyes. She's incredibly patient, and understanding. She doesn't push me into telling her anything about what happened to me. She's very sporty. I love her. I love the way she feels when I hold her close to me. I like the way she has given more confidence. The truth is that my wife is probably the reason, I'm still alive, she pretty much saved my life on many occasions, without even needed to do anything. I don't think I'm really good enough for her, but she's amazing, and I will do everything and I mean everything to be the best possible husband, even though I don't quite know how to be one. I don't know how people who are dating are meant to act like. I'll have to work on it, but it will be so worth it.
We got married in the summer of 2037, in our background of the house we share, it was a small affair, but it was everything I could've hoped for, Kate, my beautiful wife is everything I could've wished for. She's so beautiful, and marrying her to me was nothing more than a formality, but one I was really willing to do.

PAST: The only crush I've ever had has been the present one.
This is incorrect, as much as Stefan wouldn't quite know what it meant by crushing, his first crush was actually Willow. It wasn't anything serious. She just managed to make him smile in a way that he hadn't before that point. It had been very short, and nothing ever became of it. He grew to see her more of an older sister than a potential girlfriend. Which was why he has now forgotten about it completely, or has made himself believe that it never existed

PRESENT: Kate Moon. She's a hufflepuff. In the same year as me. She's pretty amazing. I don't see anyone else as being what Kate means to me. I don't think I'm good enough for her though. She deserves a lot more than what I can actually give her. She's perfect in almost every way. And I know that she can do better than me. I love her. I love her more than I could ever say, more than both my parents ever loved me. Just everything about her makes me smile. She has this way of making me remember that the world is not so bad. That I could be okay. She's one of the only people I'll believe when they say I'm not worthless.

Just before the winter break. At the end of first year. It was on a bench. She kissed me, and then I kissed her.

Was with Kate. It was up in the North Tower. It felt amazing. So perfect. I didn't think I'd ever love doing something so odd. But, kissing her, my problems just melted away. Like they were nothing, like they meant nothing. She's so amazing. I don't think I could feel the way I did with any other girl.

Well, I've been seeing Kate for quite a long time. And during the month of June, well, she was at my house, and we did it. It was nice. I wasn't sure what I was expecting. But it was just amazing. I'm glad it was with her.
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All this time spent in vain ,
wasted years, wasted gain

I have been told I have dark brown hair. I don't quite know what colour hair I have, since I can't actually see it. It looks black to me. So, I guess that means it's quite dark anyway. As well as the fact my hair is quite dark it also grows really slowly. I only cut it, about once a year and then it's fine. I think it's weird not knowing your own hair colour. I trust what people tell me, but I can never be certain now can I. Stefan has dark brown hair. It's stays pretty short, and takes a while to grow. His father would often pull large parts of his hair out, but it never bothered Stefan. Now, his hair, is fairly long, styled so I still have a fringe, but shorter than before.

I haven't ever dyed my hair. My father would never allow it, plus it wouldn't make much difference to my life, if I'm honest. I wouldn't see a difference. Since I can't see colour. I guess if I was to dye it black then I'd be actually seeing my hair for the colour that it is. But, it's pretty pointless and would be a waste of money.

I don't know what eye colour I have. People say my eyes are a blue, a dark clear blue colour. I don't know. I can't tell in the mirror. They look grey to me, and I kind of like how they look to me. I mean then I can't ever know if they are the type of eyes which really stand out, or not. I guess since they are blue then they must stand out a little, but I don't know. I just go off what others tell me about my eyes. Stefan has dark blue eyes, which are very clear. They do stand out against his skin as he is very pale. He has the exact same eye colour as his father.

I stand now, at just about 6ft 0inches. I'm of average height, maybe a little taller than most. My father was a tall man, he would always tower over me, it's only recently that I'd been catching up to him. I'll never know if I'd be taller than him, but currently I'm just glad that I am tall. I know that the taller I am the less likely people are to pick on me.

I'm very light. I couldn't tell you the exact weight, just take my word for the fact that I'm skinny and light. It just takes one look at me to see how I really am. I'm just so skinny. I'd like to be heavier. I think I look really weird that skinny.
Stefan has never really been given much food, his father could barely afford it, so he got what was left. At Hogwarts is the only real time that Stefan will actually eat. He'll have all the meals in the day if he can. But as soon as he leaves he has nothing. While in the hospital in 2030, the doctors were very worried about how thin Stefan was. It was the sole reason why it took so long for Stefan to get better. His body had to work twice as hard to keep him alive as it did normally, which was very hard work.

I don't think I have any birthmarks, but I have a number of scars. My left hand, is a maze of different scars. Most of which I got at the one time, but then most others which I got at a lot of different times. It's pretty bad. I have a scar on my left foot. A scar on my lower back. A scar on my right thigh. A scar on the palm of my right hand. A number of scars running up my arms. I have a lot more, but, it's really too many to mention. I mean, I can't really do anything about them, they are just there. I really wish I could get rid of them, but I can't, so I'll just live with them. I actually have many more. But, one worth mentioning is the one on my stomach, it's a pretty big scar at this point and it's very visible, it is most definitely one of the scars I'll keep for the very rest of my life.

I don't think I have one. I'm just really skinny. If that's a body type, then that's me. I'm just really skinny and I don't really have much else. I'm not strong or atheltic, but I'm not obese and overweight. I'm skinny, and boney. And it's not very nice. I don't like it, I don't see how others would like it. I mean if I hate it, so should everyone else. I mean who likes an overly skinny person.

I don't know. I couldn't tell you. I've never been told and I don't I ever will be. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't even aware there were different blood types. I'd like to know what I was. Stefan is Blood type AB positive

I'm naturally left handed. I use my right hand though. A pen, or quill feels a lot more comfortable in my left hand than in my right, but, my father didn't want my to use my left hand, so I've learned with my right, and it's kind of just stuck. I'm not great at writing with either hand, if I was to write a sentence with both hands you probably wouldn't even notice that much of a difference. Which makes it really annoying that I have to use my right rather than my right. I do think that I'm getting better with my right hand. Slowly, but I hadn't really ever practiced before hogwarts.
It's fairly hard to definitively say which hand that Stefan wrote first with. He wrote a bit with his left, and a bit with his right. He always favored his left hand when it came to writing since it was his left hand that was mostly un-injured. But, over time, he was forced to use his right hand while at home, it wasn't until he got to Hogwarts that his left hand became dominant, and he is now very clearly left handed, but his right hand is also fairly strong.

I think I sound neutral. I don't know what kind of accent I have. I think I sound Kiwi, mixed with a little american. But, I really don't know. School has made me sound more Kiwi, but that's really all. I don't know anything about my father, so I couldn't tell you what accent he has that I might have picked up on.

I can speak English. And that's it. I don't know any other languages. I've never been given the chance to learn another language, since I've not been to school until Hogwarts, so apart from English, I don't know any other language. I'd quite like to learn another language, it would be fun, since it would make me seem a little more intelligent but, for now, it's just english.

Nothing. Well, I'm sensitive to the sun and direct sunlight, but, apart from that I'm not allergic to anything. Not that I know off. I haven't really tried enough to know if I would be allergic or not. It's just not something I've thought about often, It's not something that would really factor into my life. If I'm allergic to something then that's fine, I can add that to the list of things I live with.

I don't really have a personal style. I don't really have many clothes. My father and I don't have a lot of money so I don't have many clothes. I only have two outfits to chose from really. My school uniform, or my casual, which is black jeans, black converses, dark grey t-shirt (or white t-shirt) and my black jumper, which is a little big for me. That's really all the clothes I own. I don't own a suit, or anything fancy. And I'm okay with that. If I had too many clothes then I'd never know what to wear, this way, I kind of don't really have a choice what I wear. I really should get new clothes soon, because mine are getting a little old. And old clothes aren't great.

Tom Mison

11-14) Alex Evans
14-20) Victor Norlander

Let me go and I will run,
I will not be silenced

I like a lot of things. Bread mainly. It's weird, but I could live off bread. It's simple and it does it's job properly. I don't get hungry after I've eaten bread, I always feel nicely full, which is more than what can be said about most other foods. Bread just does it better. It's a little odd, and I think I'm the only person with such an obsession with bread. I also like cloudy overcast days. Where it's neither too bright or too dark. It's just the best way. It's at those times that I see the best. There is nothing really hurting my eyes sight and it isn't too dark. It's pretty much perfect. Most don't actually like it, but I do. I love rain. I love the way it feels against my skin. I love how it runs off of surfaces, and the way it's simply perfect in almost every way. I love the feel of grass against my skin and I love the way it can be both harsh and hard, and soft. I love the way it smells, it's just amazing. I like being around my friends, they make me feel worthwhile and that's good. They don't make me feel like a loser. I know I'll always have them there, to help me through whatever, if I ever chose to tell them about myself. I like Kate as well. I don't think you're meant to put specific people, but, I like her. She's different from most people. She actually likes me, she's forced anything out of me, and even if I'm not exactly nice to her all the time, I care for her, and I do really like her.

I don't like my dad. Well, It's hard to really say, he's horrible to me, like horrible, but, I don't hate him. I don't like him, but I don't hate him. He is still my family. He'll always be that, no matter what he does, or says, he's still the only person who's constantly been in my life. I want free of him, but, he's still my dad. I don't like a lot of other things too. I hate bullies, why people would bother to be so mean, just, it's horrible. To spend your time making someone else's life hell, is just not in any way cool. Like, it's just not nice. I don't like other things, like I don't some food. I'm that picky, but I can't stand the taste of Kiwi's. And I hate the smell of sweets. It's just too much. I hate feeling trapped. Under pressure. It makes me feel like a speck of dust on the floor, and that's not a nice feeling. I can't stand heights. They scare me, so much. Like, I can't go near them without feeling deeply sick. I also can't fly, but, I don't want to, it's not really natural, I like both my feet firmly on the ground. I really don't like hospitals either, they annoy me. So many questions, it's just not fun. I also don't like foster care, after being in foster care, and having a similar experience like when I was at home, I don't want a repeat of that.

I'm not sure if I have very many good habits. I listen and do as I'm told, which is a good habit. I don't really speak out of turn and I find it easy to follow instructions without much question. I don't like to push people, so I guess that is probably a good habit. It isn't all completely bad, I guess the fact, I tidy up after myself, don't make too much noise, do all my work and homework, eat somewhat properly would all be seen as good habits. I just have never sat down to think what are my good habits and what are my bad habits, it's just always been me and bad stuff. My dad doesn't think I have any good qualities, and he tends to be right about things like that.

I'm not strong enough. I don't fight for my rights and for my freedom. I just do whatever I'm told. I push people away. I blame everything on my past. I lose track of time quite easily and I stick to myself most of the time. I don't venture out into the sunlight often. My sight is poor, but I don't really try to help it. I don't eat enough at home. I find it difficult to meet people's eyes, when I don't know them, or am angry. When I'm scared, I run. Pretty simply put. I don't really know what else to do apart from run and hide. But, that's not a good habit to have.

I think my goals are pretty simple, nothing too major or new. I want to be a good wizard, I want to be successful when it comes to magic, I'm not bothered about gaining money. I want to be successful, and happy really. But, that's pretty far off in the future, right now, my goal is get out of my house. I want to leave, I want a much less violent and turbulent home. It isn't too much too ask for. I mean, I'll gain it myself in time, but it isn't too hard, I should be able to achieve it. What will it actually take to get that kind of thing. I don't want to fight my father. Really becoming a good wizard, which is my distant future goal would in turn help my goal of leaving my house.

My father. Plain and simple. It's not heights or spiders. Not darkness or slytherins. Not an ultimate dark lord. Just my own father. It's not like I haven't tried to get over this fear, but he doesn't like me. He's violent, and it scares me. Sure, it's made me appreciate the miracle of life everyday, but, every time he comes near me I fear that everything will fail, and I won't wake. He's not strictly speaking scary looking, he looks like a normal guy, but he has fire behind his eyes. Even though he's been dead for a couple of years, he's still my greatest fear. The mere thought that he could still be in my life is terrifying to me. I'm just dealing with everything that he did to me, and being told he was alive, or that. I'd just panic and freak out. I can't take it. Ever.
OOC: Now, I'm always pretty certain that Stefan's boggart would always be his father, but the problem is with that, is that Stefan does still in part love his father. Now, since he is with Kate, I think this would change slightly to his father harming Kate, but having his boggart be a man, he technically did still love made a lot of sense to me. And, it fitted Stefan's internal issues regarding the man. Both loving and hating him. Missing him, and knowing no one else could ever.

I don't have a patronus, it's advanced magic and I have problems with the basics. I think if I was to have patronus, it would be something fragile and something that wouldn't be able to see colour. I'm not sure what creatures can't see colour, but some can't. I think I would probably have a patronus as a dragonfly. It's pretty simple. And it's not a stupid thing, but it's perfectly fine. I have never seen a dragonfly, but, I think they would be amazing. I want mine to be a dragonfly.

The day I met Kate. I know it's a little odd, but, the day I met her, I had no idea of the happiness she'd bring me. She opened my eyes to a completely different way of life. She's the person who helps me through the dark days with my father. When I think of the day I met her, it was so small, and so simple, but when I think of it, I'm glad and happy that I did meet her. She's always gone against her nature of asking question, never pushing the subject of my family with me. She's so kind. That when I remember the day I met her, I can not help but smile and feel happy.

OOC: I think the only thing that could change his patronus memory now would be him having his own kids. Meeting Kate was not something that was suppose to ever grow into what it did to Stefan. It was supposed to be another friend. But, meeting her, was the thing he needed in his life. He couldn't see himself with anyone else. She became the one person that kept him going the most through everything. She was the one he missed the most and always wanted to contact. He'd be forever grateful for all the times she saved his life, that it would make perfect sense that their meeting, would bring to the front all those strong feelings he would develop for her, and the happiness she would bring him that the memory would be able to conjure a patronus

I think it would be one of my earliest memories. I was around 5 at the time, and I was hungry. I hadn't eaten all day, I went to the kitchen to try and get something. There wasn't anything in the cupboards, I could reach, so I climbed up on to the counter. When I opened the cupboard, a tin fell out and hit the floor. My father stormed through and started yelling at me. I didn't know what I'd done wrong. I'd only gone to get something to eat. I started to cry and took a step away from my father, and fell onto the kitchen floor. I cried even more, and my father yelled at me to be quiet, and then yelled even more. He had such a fury behind his eyes. He looked like the devil had completely taken over him. Eventually after he'd hit my face, he stopped and went back to the living room. I'd never felt so scared.

One thing that I would have to admit, a Truth being that despite everything that my dad did to me, I still miss him ever day. I know I shouldn't but I do. It's hard, he might've been a **** but he was still my dad and I think I will always love him. Always.

OOC: I've always wanted to RP Stefan having drank veritiserum, most because he'd probably admit to everything. He'd leave no details out. He would not be able to think over everything that he'd say, and I think it would be fun to RP out, to see how character would react to it, and how he would deal with having told them. I used to think that the only way Stefan would've ever said anything about it, would be because of veritiserum

What Stefan would describe if he was standing in front of the mirror
It's odd, I just really see me. But, I'm not happy, so it can't be just be me. I guess if I could see colour, it would be full of colour. But, I can't know and no one can tell me. It's weird, I'm smiling in my reflection. It's an odd smile, not only that, but I don't really smile that often. And not in the sense that I see myself. I'm smiling as though I'm almost carefree. Like I'm free. I'm not as skinny, and I don't have any scars. If they are there, they're incredibly faint. And I have a girl around my arm. We are standing together, she's looking at me strange. As if she really cares about me. I don't know if it's love or just that she really cares. And then there is an older women. She's just waving in the background. She has a nice smile, and she looks familiar, like I should know who she if, but I don't. I can't place it. She's looking at me with a smile. As if proud, and glad to see me. It's weird. But I like it. I don't know what others see in the mirror, but I like what I see.
If most people could see what he sees
The first thing that would be noticed would be the fact that there is a lot of color. Very high saturation. Everything about the image would be enhanced, it would be very clear, and it would be very bright. The next thing would be the fact that he would have a girl by his side. It wouldn't be clear who the girl was to begin with, the face would be blurry, but eventually it would be pretty clear who it is. Stefan is unlikely to ever admit to who the person actually is, but he knows who it is, and if he was under a truth telling spell or potion, he would be able to answer the question very easily, Kate. There is a sense of happiness, pride something that Stefan hasn't ever felt. And more importantly, the Stefan in the reflection has a very clear look of love in his eyes for the girl. One of the last things you would noticed was that sitting not too far behind where Stefan is his mother, or who he has imagined to be his mother. All in all, it's what Stefan deeply desires to be his life.

I'm not sure what that really is, but if it's smells that i love. One would have to be the humid smell before and after rain. It's calming and perfect. It smells of the outdoors and makes me smile every time I smell it. It's almost like home. Not home as in I live in a place that smells of the outdoors, but rather it's comfortable.I also love the smell of bread. Almost as much as I love the taste. It's a lovely smell, and it's my favourite food, so It's pretty simple for me to want to smell and eat it. I like the smell of Hogwarts. It's really becoming like a home to me, so, I love the smell of it.

Willow Autumn. While she was in my year and I haven't seen her in a while, I really do look up to her. She's a smart girl, and she's strong. She's their for me as a friend even when I don't want her to be. She's gone through a lot and yet it doesn't seem to define her as a person. She's really very nice to me, and Kate and Sara. She has her own problems, and yet everyone elses seems to come first. Which I don't think is right since she needs to take of herself before she starts trying to take care of me and the others. She's someone that I'm sure anyone could look up to. She tries hard and I know at times it can be hard for her. She's probably my closest friends besides Kate. I've never really thought that anyone could be a friend like her, and though she has got a few anger issues, I know they are my fault, which is why I look up to her more, because she does actually care.

I dream a lot, on the days I don't have nightmares I dream. Which is nice. My dreams are usually something I'd actually really like in real everyday life. It's just in that way that I have no idea how I'd do it. My current dream is really simple. My father prevented me from doing and seeing a lot of things in my life, he made my life unbareable, but, in my mind, a beach would be enough to send away my troubles. My dream starts really oddly, I'm in this old car, and I'm driving. Kate's beside me. All the windows are rolled down, she's wearing this beautiful dress, I don't know what colour it is, I obviously can't tell. We stop at this incredibly high cliff, my heart always starts racing at this point, you know just beating hard in my chest. I fear we're jumping, but out of nowhere, these steep stone steps appear. We taken them down and it takes a good while before we reach the sand. As soon as my feet land on the sand, my shoes are gone. I stretch my toes and dig them in. The sand in soft, it's slightly damp, but it feels pretty nice. I take Kate's hand and we wonder to the water's edge. I'm standing away from the water. She's leading me towards it. In my mind this is the first time I'd ever gone to the beach. I'm nervous, the water isn't like the Hogwarts Lake. I feel a small wave engulf my feet in freezing water. I laugh. Trying to get away, but Kate holds me strong. Keeps me there and sure enough the water warms. I step forward, readjusting my hand in hers. Moving deeper and deeper into the water. This is always where dream switches. I can never understand why, but it does. The next thing I know I'm alone, the sun is setting in the distance casting a purple(ish) light in the sky. I'm smiling though, I see Kate in the distance, she's running towards me, so, I too break into a run. When I reach her, I pick her up by the waist and spin in a circle. The sun always shines too bright in my eyes and I always wake up.
Stefan's always wanted to go to the beach. He's never really been to a real beach. Which upsets him slightly. Since that's just something he'd like to do. Considering they live on an island. Stefan can't always remember all the details of the dream, when he describes it, it's only part of the dream he can remember clear, the rest he fills in with what he wants. It's the best dream he has. The warmth and strength he gets from it, has helped him through a lot.

My nightmares are many. I don't think I could even say one that if truly worst than the rest. I have about three. But, I guess out of those, if I had to pick, I know which one it would be. I've had this nightmare for years. It makes me want to curl up and cry every time I have it. I'll hide under my covers in fear because of it. It starts off normal, I'm tidying some mess my father left in the kitchen. A mixture, of vomit, vodka, flour and some form of rum, as well as various other things. I can remember the smell more than anything. I was almost sick myself. I'm maybe four or five at the time, I'm desperately trying to clean the mess. I know my father will be up soon, and I know he expects a spotless kitchen, But I can't get it out the floor. I'm crying silent tears. I'm still sore from the last time, I don't want it. So, I'm just crying and crying and crying, desperately trying to clear it up. I'm concentrating so hard I don't hear anything. The next thing I know, my father's friend is holding me up by the back of already thorn t-shirt. He's laughing at me. I'm still crying, I know I should stop, but I can't. I'm thrown to the ground where I hear a resounding crack in my arm and then white hot pain. I scream out, then I know I've done the wrong thing. I wake up at this point. Knowing my father's heading towards me. There is little that scares me more.
Stefan's worst nightmare, is a memory. He can remember almost every single detail about that day. He hates it.

I don't have any. I think there could be a higher power, but if there is, then I have been forgotten. I mean, I can't have done anything that wrong that would deserve the life I have been given. I'm not perfect, but that is the same for everyone, and yet, I seem to ended up worse off than most other people. I don't think it's right and I don't believe that I should be treated in such a way. I'm just not strong enough to fight back, and the colour blindness is not exactly something I can fight against.
Stefan has always wanted to believe in something, but he can't believe in anything if this higher being has let all these things happen to him. He can't understand why someone would let him, lose his mother, be colourblind, suffer a world of pain each and everyday, would let his father die, and leave him with nothing. He wants to think that there is something out there that will lead him to having good things happen in his life. Either now or eventually. But he has never been taught to pray, or has ever had any education in religion. He doesn't half want to believe, because if it turns out that it is, then he had no idea what he'd done to deserve such treatment. He hadn't ever done anything wrong, there was little opportunity for him to do things that would be deemed as wrong. And it is because of that, that Stefan has no religious beliefs.


Aries is a uniquely naive sign. Although they are independent, outgoing and assertive they are also surprisingly trusting, often innocently walking into the lion's den at times. No matter what upheaval, challenge or triumph they confront - an Aries has a wonderful ability to bounce back. Their faith in life and the future remains untouched by hardship. Their gift is that they are always children at heart and the world is always a magical place for them. They often travel to escape any feelings of being stuck or possessed. Aries people love challenges. In fact, if everything is running smoothly, they are quite capable of going out and doing something (sometimes quite foolish) to rock the boat. Aries love to race in where angels fear to tread.

The fox sign is amazingly cunning and knows how to work a room with sly, sexy humor. Full of guile, vigor and bright intelligence the fox is an untamable force. This Celtic animal sign is the one to take with you on exotic vacations, they will wind your ways into amazing adventures. They have a knack for story telling, and every experience is fodder for their tales. They are tender-hearted, although they don't show that soft side too often because they're too busy playing and cracking jokes. However, they aren't shy about showing their loyalty; if you are the friend of the fox, you have a friend for life. Highly energetic and courageous, the fox has an indomitable spirit.

I think, now, as an adult, it's a lot easier to describe what I'm actually like, since I'm not clouded by whatever was happening, at school, I was scared of just about everything, I didn't know what was happening there, before school everything had been horrible, but it made sense in my head. I guess I'd say now, the best way to describe me is happy, I've been seeking professional help for everything that happened during my childhood since the beginning of the academica year in 2039. It just made most sense for me to do that, it's only once every couple of months right now, but the little I do really helps. I'm a lot less broken than I once was, now, I can talk about what happened during my childhood, it's not easy, but I can at least talk about it, I have far fewer nightmares and I can really put it behind me right now. It's no longer something that takes over my entire life, so I'm no longer as broken as I once was. There are still days where I can't get out of bed, because of the nightmares and things like that, but, they definitely happen less, and with Kate, my beautiful wife, I don't have to worry too much about it. Aside from that, I'd still describe myself as pretty friendly, I try my best to make everyone feel welcome wherever I end up, I know what it's like to receive unkindness and to feel unwelcome in any place, so I'm always trying to make people feel the exact opposite of what I felt.

I'd argue that in all the time I spent on myself that I'm pretty self-centred, even if I was always looking out to make sure I stayed alive, it does still make me self-centred, I was only thinking of myself. Right now, there isn't a lot I wouldn't do for Kate, she's everything to me, but, I'd do a lot to keep her in my life too. I'd do a lot, pretty much anything to ensure our happiness, to make sure that nothing bad happens to her, or that we both continue to survive, I think of us first and then others second. The survival instinct I grew up with isn't exactly the best, and it takes a lot to really truly kick. I guess from this you could also call me protective, and I am, I am protective of the life I've built for myself and Kate, and any family we end up having. She's my world, I would protect her from anything, I wanted to protect her from the horrors of my past but, I could never really do that. I want to give her the world and everything else, and I want to protect her from it too. She's my world.

I'd say, admittedly that while I've mellowed out, I definitely don't get as angry as I used to, I fear that if Kate and I ever had any children that I would end up just like him. I've never not wanted to be a father, but I'm so afraid of being terrible at it, of something happening to Kate and me becoming like him, that I'm afraid to have children, I am afraid of what the next step in our relationship will be. Kids are such a huge thing, and it can go so badly wrong, and I want to do right by them. My fear, the fear that formed a lot of my earlier decision, is something I seem always fall upon. I spent so much of my life being afraid of this that, and the other thing, and I just don't know how ready I am for the next step, and my fear just plagues me in this, I also would really rather not pass on my family's terrible genes to some son I could have, I want to avoid inflicting what I have on to him. I try really hard, I work hard at what I do, I face each day with all the strength that I can, I work towards being a better husband and hopefully one day I'll be a good father. I'm as kind as I can manage, I always give everything my best. I'm a much better person than I was before. Admittedly, I'm still pretty quiet, I never quite shook that, but there is very I can do about that.

All is lost, Hope remains ,
The wars not over

Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core

Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.
Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood: 'The Survivor's Wand' - A wand of Fir chooses a wizard or witch that is not easily done away with.
Core: One of the rarest of wands cores, thestral hair is not to be taken lightly as a wand core. Thestral hair is a tricky ingredient to work with and will not just bond with any caster. This core works best for people who have faced death in the past. Because of the fears of the creature from which it comes, rumors have abounded that thestral hair wands have no allegiance to the wand's caster.
Flexibility: Sturdy: A solid wand for any witch or wizard - easy to use, and highly dependable.

I like my wand. It's a good wand. I don't really have anything to compare it to. But it's light in my hand, and it has a very singular colour. What colour I don't know, but it looks nice. It's good when I cast spells, and even though I'm not very good yet, I always think that the wand makes them more powerful than I mean them to be. I feel a good connection between me and my wand. Although I always hide it from my father when I go home. I don't have the money to buy a new one. And I really like this wand. It's as much a part of me as anything else. Like a sixth finger.

I attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, New Zealand. It's a school, in the Southern Hemisphere. In New Zealand. It's got a cliff area, a forest and a lake. It's a huge castle, with many different rooms, and places to go. There is never a time when you can't find somewhere quiet. Hogwarts New Zealand is a good school, since it's got such a wide variety of people, and I'm not as left out. And others are of non-magical parents. It's always busy, so if ever you need to find someone to talk to there are always people around. And apart from a few bad eggs, the people are very friendly. It's the best magical school. I really enjoyed all the years I spent there. I'll never forget everything the school did for me.

My first impression of the school, was I'd died and gone to heaven. It was the most amazing castle I'd ever seen. It was so majestic and beautiful I could hardly believe it really existed. It wasn't like I'd read about it before I'd come. It had been a completely new experience and I didn't even believe it when I first heard. But, stepping inside the great hall, had been completely surreal, that I know it had to be all true. The size of the place, with all the different faces and the professors. The corridors, were cool, with all the moving portraits. It took me by surprise the first time, but it's weird how that's normal now. The Slytherin common room, is an odd place. It has a very cold air to it. It's not meant to be warm either, it's at the bottom of the school where it would be cold. Which differs from the place itself, since it's warm temperature wise. The dorm room, is fairly big. And my area is a good little area. I didn't bring much with me, so I can pretty much fit it all into the one drawer. But I've spread it out a little, since that's what the others did. Obviously I won't see all the colours, so I don't really see all of Hogwarts.

I was a Slytherin. I was sorted in Slytherin. It's an alright house. I'm not really very Slytherin. I'm a little too nice in their eyes, and I'm muggleborn, which means I don't exist, and while it would be nice to have the opportunity to make more friends if they were friendly people in the house. Slytherin is a place, where no one really cares about anyone else, so no one asks me questions I couldn't answer or tries to get me to talk about things. I was really unsure as to if it was the right fit for me to begin with, but I realise now, in hindsight that I couldn't have hoped for anything better. For a person like me a quiet house was the absolutely most perfect thing ever.

OOC: I was always really unsure when I first came up for the idea of Stefan as to where he would go. Which house would this boy belong in. He wasn't smart, because he'd never been given a chance to be smart. He wasn't particularly brave, and he sure as hell didn't see himself as brave. He didn't believe in himself. He wasn't that kind, he found it hard to work, and he wasn't very open about things. Which left Slytherin, but I never saw him as one, he wasn't sly, or cunning. He was quiet and no quite sure about himself. He was broken and lost. But, Slytherin was in the end a good fit. It gave him the space he would need. The realization that even in a perfect school, in a perfect world there was always going to be a side, that didn't want harmony. In a sense Slytherin gave Stefan the familiarity of home that he needed to make the transition from a life of hell, to a much better life. It let him be able the quiet boy in the back. People expect him to be very Slytherin, which means when they find out he's a nice person they are surprised, and in that way Stefan is reminded that he isn't part of the evil that exists in the world. The evil he knows. So, in short, Slytherin is a perfect fit.

Being sorted was really weird. I had no idea what each house was, or what they stood for. I wasn't sure which house I would be placed into, and I had no idea which house was which. This didn't help to begin with since I knew so little. When we reached the front of the hall, it was clear what needed to be done. You had to put on the hat. My second name is Archer, so I was one of the first to have to go up. But, as the names were called, I began to feel really nervous. My hands were sweaty, and I wanted to walk away. Then my name was called, and my nerves doubled. I could feel my heart in my chest and I just wanted to run away. But, I walked up to the stool, and placed the hat on my head once I'd sat down. It didn't take very long before the sort hat had made it's decision and called out Slytherin to the entire hall. Once it was over, I was so relieved. I felt like I could relax for a little bit. I'm actually glad my second name is Archer, the whole process was over in a second. And then, I just got to watch.

Stefan could still not believe his eyes. He could not believe that he was actually at Hogwarts. That he was actually somewhere where his father couldn't touch him. Stefan couldn't help but wonder as to why his father had suddenly agreed to let him go. Stefan did not understand his father. And he did not want to. Stefan had never laid eyes upon so many people his age. He had never seen so many 11 year olds. It was all quite over whelming for the colour blind boy. He could throgh his sight make out who had lighter hair and who had darker hair. But that was all his eyes were giving away. Stefan wished he could see the Higwarts colours. He knewthey would have to be some ofthe most amazing things ever. See the real colour of the stone and to see the different colours of the paintings he had seen upon arrival. Stefan noted the excitement that most seem to have. He too was excited but he was sure it was for very different reasons. He was excited that he could finally escape. Finally. A small smile crept upon Stefan's face. He looked Down At the ground, and as he did so, caught a glance at his banadged arm. He'd badly spranned it, so his left arm was in a sling. Stefan also had a large black eye. The last of the hurt his father would inflict. Stefan's smile grew as he noticed the doors open.

Stefan walked into the Great Hall. Only to become almost blind by the amount of light. Lots of light in the Great Hall. His eyes had to get adjusted. But when they were beginning to Stefan saw the four long tables full of students. With the different crests upon the uniform. In that moment stefan knew that each house had a colour. A colour to set them apart. So people knew which they were in. Stefan's smile faded. He couldn't see the colour. He had no idea as to how he would be able to find the table he was meant to sit at once sorted. It also did not help that his last name began with an A. So it only took a matter of moments after the song for Stefan to hear.

Archer, Stefan

Stefan took a deep breath and walked up tothe hat. He felt his cheeks warm as he sat down on the stool and saw how many people were around. He had no clue as to how he would find the right table. Maybe the one that cheered the loudest. But he would be so nervous he wouldn't remember. Stefan felt quite scared as the hat was placed on his head. He wondered if the hat would see through his mind in colour or not. Mr. hat, I'm completely colourblind, as you could maybe tell. Tell me which table is the one that belongs to my house so I don't get it wrong. Stefan thought. Waiting to be told his fate.

"You'll know by the cheers. SLYTHERIN!"

Since I have now graduated, this no longer applies to me.

But I know, All I know ,
Is that the end's beginning
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FIRST YEAR: Being a first year is hard. Everything is so big. Everyone is so tall. I feel like an ant. Everytime someone comes near me, I feel as thought they're gonna hurt me. That they'll be just like my father. Making friends is hard, when you've never done it before, and don't know how. The classes are hard, I can barely keep up. Not seeing color makes it difficult to see the paper every so often. But I've working on it. I spend many late nights reading the books in the hopes of being able to understand something. Hogwarts do not really cater for those coming from non-magical backgrounds. So, overall the entire thing is over whelming. I don't know how else to describe it. But it can only get better from here on out.

SECOND YEAR:It's a little more difficult that first year but, I'm pretty happy to be moving up the school and learning more and more. It was fairly difficult to begin with, since I'm still not very good at reading quickly, or writing. But I've really improved since first year and I think at the start of third year, my reading will in the right light be as good as anyone else in my year. As for writing, I think it'll take a little longer, and I hope I don't break anything that would make it even more difficult. I've made a few more friends. It's not as hard as I worried myself into thinking it was. I just didn't know how to act last term. I mean, I'm not much better now, but I think I've really made some strides.

THIRD YEAR:This year was difficult, I had to pick electives for this year. I didn't know what any of them were so, I just let my wand land on random ones and that's what I took. The classes haven't really gotten more difficult there is just so much more reading and personal learning involved. It takes me twice as long to read through what I need to, to be able to understand the lessons. The casting spells is good, I've improved there. I think maybe my wand has gotten more powerful, or I have. Either way, I feel better about everything. About the fact that I could actually have a future in magic. Nothing too big, but it's less blurry.

FOURTH YEAR:The school work was no different than the year before, but, things outside of the school, have made it hard for me to be able to function as a normal student. For one thing I missed half the term, so I can't expect it to be easy. I know that it'll be hard, but, fourth year was the year I wanted the happiness of friends and things like that. I know that most people would begin to knuckle down and actually get some work done, but I'm happy to just be able to have them near me whenever I'd felt a little down. If I've learned anything over the past four years it's that friends can be the family you never had. I'm grateful to them for everything. And despite all that happened during the second half, I'm feeling good about this year in general. Things can only get better, right?

FIFTH YEAR: This year got off to a terrible start, although glad to be back at school, I had read the gossip magazine and that had just reminded me of the horrors of my father, and the fact it seemed to make light of my situation. It brought back memories of the muggle school i'd gone to. Which had been about as much fun as a walk in an area with lots of bees. All in all, it had left me feeling pretty awful. I just wanted to leave, and after everything with Kate, I did.

SIXTH YEAR: Well, since I didn't really go to school at all during this year, I have very little to say about it. I tried to do as much home revision as I could, but it was a little hard, I had barely any of the books, and I really had other things on my mind, like eating and making it day to day. I missed school during this year. I mean I know that I did the right thing. I needed some time, to come to terms with my entire life. The drama of it, and just go back to school with a fresh outlook, and new attitude. So, while I missed it, it was the best decision for me.

SEVENTH YEAR: My final year was good. I was at school the entire time, and I was doing pretty well for myself. I didn't really bother anyone, stuck to myself, went to some classes, albeit not a lot of them, but I tried. It's hard to catch up on something when there is so much of it, and you can only stretch so far. But, I was happy and things went well. I still had a lot of issues you know, but everything was pretty normal and Tybalt, my cousin really helped me. While I'm said that it's over, I'm happily moving forward.

I thought I wasn't going to ever graduate, but I guess that now I can. I'll be able to, which is amazing. I never thought I would. So, the year of Graduation is going to be 2033, I'll be eighteen, with my life ahead of me. I didn't ever think I would make it that far. I didn't think I'd see thirteen, now I might be able to see 20, it's incredible to me. My life will be so much better when I leave school, than it was when I arrived.

This was so odd. Mostly I never thought I'd ever graduate, either I'd die before I got the chance, or I'd have quit before then. But I managed to graduate. I left the school with my diploma, and I wasn't sure what I was expecting during this ceremony. It was interesting for me. I'd never been, or even seen a graduation before, and here I was graduating. I thought that Kate did amazing, her speech was incredible. It spoke to all the people there on so many levels, as did the head boy's but as kate is my girlfriend, it obviously spoke to me slightly more than the other. I wished that my mother could've been there, but I invited Tybalt and that was enough. He was there, and I couldn't have asked for more. He was the family I needed. I know that my mother would've been proud of me. I don't know about my dad, but, my mum would've been. I was really happy to be graduating with all my friends. It was definitely a most perfect day, and the best way to end the years at Hogwarts and move forward with my life.

Turn the clock back just over seven years, and Stefan Archer, would've appeared very different. The closed off young boy, who barely spoke, who flinched at almost every movement remotely in his direction was very different from the teen that had awoken that morning in the Slytherin common room. The young boy that had somehow managed to have magic had barely anything else, little height, little weight, no money, no love, a barely functioning father, who functioned in a very incorrect way. The bad of his life at the point seven years before far outweighed the good, now, seven years on the reverse was true. Stefan Archer was still monochromatic, he was still pretty skint, but, he was tall, he was in love with a truly stunning girl, and his father was no longer a factor in his life. In the grand scheme of things, the Stefan Archer who was getting dressed on the day of his graduation was a Stefan much, much better of. Little did most realise, how the school had truly saved his life. The teen could vividly remember the winter before the start of his very first term. He had truly believed the entire thing to be untrue. For his father to have decided to play a huge elaborate trick on him, that would end with Stefan feeling even worse than before. No where in his mind, had Stefan ever thought that the trick would not only be untrue, but would lead to this. Sure, he had gotten a little lost along the way, he had drifted away from the path, and his life hadn't really gotten easier as soon as he'd entered school, but he was a graduating Seventh year, and Stefan was certain that if he somehow ended up going back in time and waking up as the eleven year old boy on the day leaving for the school, he would do it all again, exactly as the this time. The young boy that had first stepped through the door of the great hall, sporting a black eye, and a bandaged arm, shaking to his very core had never thought even happiness would be something he would really feel. Or that he would ever actually see thirteen, let alone eighteen. It was funny how time changed things. How even if not as perfect as could be hoped, things had become better. It had been fairly gradual for the Slytherin. Things had gotten really a lot worse before anything had gotten better. He admitted that while he was at a somewhat nice point in his life, it was as shaky as anything. He knew all too well about how one simply seemingly small breathe could cause everything to crumble. He knew too well that feeling that followed. While he was a better person, better off, and happier, Stefan Archer did not kid himself, the next few years would not be some walk in the park. That much he knew. He was sure. He was an Archer after all, and bad luck was part of who he was. It as much a part of him as was the monochromatic-ness.

With few ideas of what his life would really entail after Hogwarts, the teen had thought to keep his options fairly wide open. There were a lot of things to decide, a lot of things to think about. He wasn't sure what kind of adult he was going to be, or what he end up doing, but he knew he had time. He would be all right, that much he knew. Stefan had gotten ready that morning slowly. He had showered, and changed into the best clothes he had. Which still lacked the same smartness as everyone else. Unlike all of them, Stefan wore his usual school trousers, and his usual white school shirt. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and the top button undone. He wore the slightly newer shoes, that looked a lot less worn than the only other pair that he owned. They were thankfully black, so he knew he wouldn't stand out. Well, not as much as he did already. The last part of him getting ready, were finding and putting on his glasses. The clearly outdated glasses, had a prescription suited to his pretty awful eyesight, all thanks to Elliot and Branson Archer. It was like truly seeing everything for the first time in a long while. It was pretty nice. It had to be said. He had spent the most part of the night staring blankly up at the ceiling of his four poster bed. His belongings sat in two bags beside him. The rucksack that had proved useful during his time away from school, and his school bag. Most of the larger items he had taken home in the last break, which albiet hadn't been much. He had spent the minutes waiting to leave for the graduation staring at the two bags. It was funny to him, how his entire life had once fitted into a small plastic bag. Now, he had two, full bags, not plastic. He knew it still wasn't much, but he was okay with that. The memories that sat in his mind more than made up for what he lacked in possessions. It didn't make him sad, or feel awkward as he watched his roommates back away their belongings into suitcases and things of that sort. He hadn't, not in the slightest. While this day was very bittersweet for the Slytherin, he was content. Perfectly content with how things were. How despite this being his last day at the school, it was good, and while he had long thought this day would tear him in two, he was happy to be finally moving on past the point of school. No longer a child. No longer the scared child who thought too little of his own worth. Thought that he would always be doomed to live in the shadows, to fail at everything that he was faced with.

Stepping into the Great Hall, and seeing how politely decorated the hall was, made the Slytherin smile. The ceiling above the rows of chairs had the same sky as the one outside, and because of how bright the room was he had to assume that it was sunny. Stefan took his seat among his fellow graduates. Unlike some of the others, his family wasn't around to support him. Not that his father would've, but, on a whim decision the elder teen had decided to invite his cousin, the only family member so far, to really openly accept him. Without question. So, glancing round at the crowd of people, Stefan noticed the small boy trying to see over the heads of the much taller adults. His cousin seemed to notice him staring at him, and happily waved, Stefan felt the smile on his lips grow, as he turned back to look at the front. All too soon, the ceremony itself began. Having never been to a graduation, Stefan wasn't quite sure what to expect. Wasn't quite sure how all things would play out. He listened, keeping his eyes to the floor. Not really so much as glancing up at the headmistress who was speaking. He smiled as she welcomed the head boy and girl up to the stage. Stefan looked up, and watched the Ravenclaw boy that he didn't know well at all speak. Stefan gave little smiles, knowing that his schooling had been a little different from that of his. As the boy seemed to begin to round off, Stefan looked up at the ceiling. It was something he had done a lot more in the early days of his schooling, just look up at the sky and speak to his mother, obviously in this hall full of people. But, Stefan was smiling at the ceiling, almost asking his mother if she was watching this. If she was proud of him. His heart told him that she was, she had to. He would never know, but he was happy to pretend that she was. He had made a little something of himself. He had actually managed to graduate. Well, not just yet. After the head boy, the head girl followed. Stefan's gazed was lowered and he kept his eyes upon his beautiful girlfriend. The girl who meant absolutely everything to him. It was impossibly to even remotely put into words how much he loved her. He felt nothing but love for her. He felt her words were more true to more people. He felt them. Stefan nodded along with what she said. All to soon, the speechs were wrapped up, and Stefan clapped along with the other students, keeping his eyes on Kate, and smiling brightly at her. A truly happy smile, reaching the blue eyes hidden behind the glasses. What followed was much like the first time they'd ever been at Hogwarts. Stefan knew that his name being Archer, just like in first year. History was somewhat repeating itself.

Stefan didn't feel the same nerves he had when he had first arrived at the school. He didn't have the same fear of getting up in front of all these people and then promptly getting back to his seat. This was the beginning of something that despite a third of what his mind was saying, he felt ready for. His name was called out, his name as he had pressumed one of the first. With one last glance up at the ceiling, Stefan Archer made his way on stage and accepted his diploma. The smile on his face, was unlike Stefan. He knew that maybe he didn't have his parents there to share this day with. Maybe he couldn't sit with them and talk about how incredibly it felt to say that he'd graduated. But, he could almost hear Tybalt. And what he knew for sure, was that he was proud of himself. He was proud he had made it thus far. That he had managed it. Through all the bullsh1t that he had waded through, all the beatings, the harsh words of discouragement. Through the thoughts of his never ending stream of bad luck, or through the false kindness. He had made it. Without the love and support of his parents, without the ability to even tell a person what green, the colour of his house meant. He had made it. He was stepping into a brighter future than his eleven year old mind had never dreamed of. He had made it. The teen took his diploma and walked back to where he was sitting. He clapped politely as each person got there award, clapping ever so slightly for each of the people he considered his friends. For Sara, for Tara, for Kate. He knew without all of them, there was little that he would have achieved. His family really was them. His family were those people he had chosen to befriend. Who hadn't deserted him, or ever made him feel like utter sh1t. Well, Sara maybe had once, but he'd long since forgiven her. Stefan kept his gaze to the front of the hall, soon the list finished, and they had officially graduated. Stefan, like most of the other students went to congratulate the other students. He smiled, and congratulate Tara as she hugged him. Stefan managed to get to Kate, and kissed her lightly. Just as he congratulated her, he heard Tybalt call his name. The younger Archer, managed to quickly worm his way through the crowd and stood in front of Stefan congratulating him, to which Stefan responded by bringing Tybalt into a hug. With his friends by his side, with Tybalt and his new distant family, with his beautiful girlfriend Kate, Stefan was sure that he would be all right. That his Archer awful luck would no longer feel as bad. That there would be more good days than bad. Far more. More good memories than bad. Because he'd made it this far, and this really was only the beginning.

None yet. I never got prefect, and I don't play quidditch or something, so I can assume that I won't be getting any. It doesn't hugely bother me, I know that I could've never gotten captaincy. But I had always wanted to be prefect. I know that I'm not what they look for in Slytherin prefects, I'm muggleborn. So, that has me at a disadvantage. I tried to go to all my classes, but it's hard when you have a father like the one I had. However, I know that the people who have been picked will do a fine job and I trust them as much as I trust any other Slytherin.

I dropped out in fifth year. Mid-fifth year. Just as the Christmas holidays were happening. I just left. I didn't really tell anyone I just left. I did think about it, It was the right choice, but the short of it was that I just left. Just packed what I needed and left.

I didn't really want to, but I thought it was for the best. I know that it's probably not for the best, but I just though there and then that it would be pretty good. I knew that I wasn't really keeping up with classes and such, so I figured what else do I have to lose. Leaving Kate at school was probably the hardest thing to do. I don't know if I'll ever go back. I don't think the school will ever let me return. I mean I haven't been a very good pupil ever. I just, I felt so trapped in school. I felt like no matter what I tried getting up in the morning was just too hard. Dealing with professors and other students wasn't worth the hassle it would create. I just wanted to do something to get my life on track. Even if I stayed on, I still wouldn't have had a home to go back to during the holidays. I also didn't think being around Kate would be a good idea. She'll leave me just like everyone else. She's an amazing person and I don't wanna be the guy who holds her back because I'm afraid I'll lose her. Now, she doesn't have to worry about that. I'm pretty sure I'll regret this decision one day, but for now, it's all for the best.


I guess since I'm not at school, I'll never get these. Which is good, I know they would've helped me greatly but I prefer that I didn't have to do exams. I do things at my own pace, I don't like the idea of pushing myself too quickly. Exam papers would be hard for me to read, and I write a lot slower than most so, I would've done terrible. Even the class exams I was terrible at. So, it was for the best I'm was sure. At least now I'll get to do a couple of NEWTs, which might help me get a job and such.

History of Magic

History of Magic, it's my favourite and my best class. I work really hard in the class. I read everything that I need to for the class. I've read through the books more times that anyone else in my year has. It's not like I haven't actually tried my very best with it. I always do the homework, and I really enjoy the lessons and the way they are taughts. It's the most interesting class that is on offer to first and second years in Hogwarts.


Herbology. The professor scares me. He's just not the kind of person I'd ever want to be around. He isn't someone I like or think could ever care about anyone. He puts me right off. But, I also don't like the fact that the class is fairly boring, and I'm not very good at telling the difference between plants and things like that. it's hard.

Professor Elvera Lefey

I never took any of her classes, which I sort of regret now, but she was always incredibly kind to me. She helped me out a lot, when I needed it. And since she's a professor at Hogwarts, she's my favourite. I'll never forget what she did for me.

Professor Styx

I don't know why, but I just never liked him, and I'm pretty sure he hated me. I was a muggleborn in the noble house of Slytherin, of course he'd hate me, just never expected it to be as much as he did. I liked his class, but I never liked him.

losing what was found ,
a world so hollow ,

It was called something like Queen Victoria Secondary School, it was in Island Bay, I'm not sure where that is exactly in relation to Hogwarts New Zealand, I lost track. It was a pretty nice school, nothing like Hogwarts though.

I was only there for a couple of months, like 4 at most. Which was more than enough for me. I could never go back.

Unlike at Hogwarts, this school had a very basic house system which was just a way of getting classes made up. I can't even remember if I was put in a house. I was only there for a couple of months, and they pretty much ignored me. So, I wouldn't even know.

Well, I don't what muggle schools are like, but in comparison to Hogwarts it was aweful. The classes were so different. I struggled so much, since in the English class we were asked to read these hugely complicated books by Shakespeare. I mean they were good books, but I took twice as long to them. The school was smaller, and there were no houses. The school was deary, it lacked life, and all the people at it didn't like me much. I was the weird kid with the dirty clothes and the bruises, they liked to add to it. I think it's called Bullying, there were plenty of posters about it, but it didn't stop the kids. I was happy to turn my back on such a place. It wasn't a good place for me.

I wasn't there long, so I didn't get any scores. I also didn't have any previous grades, so the teachers I had didn't ever give me a mark. It was almost as if they didn't like I would last. Like they knew I wasn't going to be there long. Apart from the English teacher. He spent extra time with me. Even if I just sat many seats away from him, and said nothing. He'd read it out to me, explain things. I did a piece of work for him, and he gave me an A which is good apparently. Which I really wasn't expecting so, I was pretty proud. It had taken me for ever, and while most others had there's all muggle typed up, I had hand written it.

English, pretty easily it was that.

The teacher was nice to me. The subject was interesting, the way the people used to write, what they used to mean. How much people wrote about what they went through and how people were able to paint a picture with words. It was pretty impressive, I kinda wish Hogwarts had a class like that.

A tie, between French and Chemistry

Well, both class I was at the bottom in, and even at that, all the kids made fun of me. In french, the teacher was always asking me to read out, and I sometimes couldn't even see what was written, much less the french language. Chemistry was mostly the same. The teacher seemed to have a soft spot for me, but the students didn't. I had to do the experiments and stuff alone, and I was always getting things wrong. The class was hard, and everyone spent most of their time making fun of me, because I was always getting things wrong. It wasn't fun.

It was this old woman who taught English, her name was something like Miss Cisco. I think that was her name, I don't really remember. Honestly those months were a blur to me. I barely like thinking about it.

She was incredibly kind to me. Unlike most of the other teachers she didn't ignore me. She even gave me extra lessons, after class when she noticed I really struggled with reading and writing. I had been writing with quills and such up until that point. It was more difficult. But, she took the time. Never got involved with the foster family I was with, but she treated me nicely.

The maths teacher, who was called something annoying like Mr Harrison. He was a tall man, really gave off a threatening air.

I've never been good with numbers. I barely knew how to any of the maths. And he just tore me apart every day. I barely had any time to do the homework, and he would just yell at me, constantly. Send me out the class, call me stupid and everything. I just hated him. I hope to never see him again.

I did, several. Mostly when my foster parents had been particularly harsh, and I would just feel so unwell, I'd spend most of the day in the bathroom. Just hiding there, to avoid the other students. Trying to get better in those few hours, to go back home and deal with them again.

I was at the school for less than six months, I didn't have the time, not that I would've wanted to any way.

Like before, I got nothing, I wasn't there long enough.

And now these walls come crumbling down ,
How did we let it come to this?


At around 14 months, Stefan Archer had been a normal, healthy weight baby, with rosy cheeks, bright blue eyes and a smile to light up the world. He was a tiny little thing, with a small but growing mop of hair on his head. At 14 months things were pretty simple, but for his father things were less simple. In their small home, his wife, had gone off in one of her tantrums. Screaming about how they should just leave Stefan in the house and get on with their lives. How he would always hold them back, and be the source of their misery. Stefan's father, Mason, had always promised that he wouldn't ever do that. He couldn't, the boy was almost a replica of himself. The doctors saying that they had the exact same bright blue eyes, and dark hair. His son would not be left to fend for himself. Mason was holding Stefan closely, the young boy obvious to the screams in the kitchen below them. Stefan had been having trouble going to sleep as of late, Mason had no idea what to do. He himself had just turned nineteen. He had no idea how to deal with his wife, or how to get his young son to sleep. But, as he held Stefan staring into the eyes that appeared grey to him, he was reminded of his own mother. Whenever his own father had ever been in any form of rage, his mother had held him tight and sung an old lullaby. A gaelic lullaby, she'd been Scottish, but gavin moved to America at the age of twelve had little accent and remembered little. But, Mason always remembered the lullaby. So, despite not having a great accent sung to Stefan, repeating the song over and over, continuing to sing until the noise downstairs had stopped and Stefan had been sound asleep.
Cha bhi mise bhuat
Cha bhi mise bhuat
Cha bhi mise bhuat
Mach air uair no dh'

Caidil thusa luaidh
Caidil thusa luaidh
Caidil thusa luaidh
Is na gluais gu l',
The simple lullaby that Mason had no idea what it meant. or all he knew it wasn't going to mean anything. He'd been taught it by ear, and he was glad that he could sing it to his own son in the time of need. A part of Mason hated that he had to sing this to his child. He'd been desperate to be different from his upbringing. But, he had the awful luck of the Archer's. Now, all he could do was sing and hope that the storm would pass. Stefan deserved the best start in life. Mason had no idea how to provide that, but he was desperate to try. For the little, amazing miracle in his arms.

It was just a day after Stefan's second birthday. He'd slept soundly due to a slight sugar overdose curtsey of Mason Archer. Who'd been the won to even celebrate the young child's birthday. It was an important year. Stefan had grown quite a bit. Still small, but growing. He was slightly on the thin side, but he looked healthy. The bright eyes of the boy showing a happiness. The attention he got from his father was never ending. It was great. Stefan had even received his first gift, a small pendant, gold with a small heart. It hadn't been bought, it belonging to Stefan's father, It was an odd gift to give a two year old, but, it was an Archer heirloom. It was old. It didn't look old, it look worn and not worth much at all. It was simple as far as heirlooms could be. Later when Stefan was older, his father would tell him that it had belonged to his mother, and she'd been given it by her mother. It was in a sense true, it was just the other side of the family tree. The next day, as the young boy slept, the adults were arguing, as they did almost everyday. "We are not leaving him." Mason was yelling. "He's two. How could you think of doing such a thing? He's your son." There was a slight pause, a sharp intake of breath.
"Mason, we have our entire lives ahead of us, we don't need the kid. It's holding us back. What's he going to amount to anyway Mason? Huh, did you think of that?" Aurora, Stefan's mother said her voice a lot calmer than his. "He's monochromatic just like you. We have no money, we live miles away from any schools. He's got no chance. Better cutting our ties their and just leaving."
"He's two years old, Aurora! How can you say things like that. Have you actually look at our child recently? Remembered that he's a f##king child. If we leave him, he dies. End of. We'd have to live with that, forever. I can't do that, Aurora, you might but I can't." Mason said with more calm than he felt.
"So what if he dies Mason, it's what we should've done in the first place. Then we wouldn't even be in this mess. This mess is your f##king fault. We could be gone before he even wakes up." Aurora was almost pleading with Mason. She didn't want to go without him. She needed him to go with her. They were married after all and that's what she believed married people had to do. They were suppose to stick together.
"I am not leaving Stefan. I am not leaving him here alone, so, either you accept him as your son, and look after him properly or you can just go. You can get the hell out of here and never come back"

Stefan was sitting in the center of the hallway, only about four at the time. A thin, frail and small body, sitting in nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of kid sized boxers that were clearly second hand. His bright blue eyes had the curious nature of a child shining in them, and his black hair short standing at all ends. He was sitting alone in the darkness, deeply shivering. He was crying, clutching his arm to his chest as well as an old torn t-shirt that doubled as his teddy bear, intense pain shooting from every edge of his body. He was crying because everything was sore, because he was hungry and because he was just so cold. There was a badly broken window in the next room and the door to the room was open. Snow was falling outside, in little flutters. But, four year old Stefan was sitting alone. Crying and crying as he had been for what seemed like hours. There was no one home. Stefan hadn't eaten all day, there hadn't been anyone home to feed him. Slowly the crying boy lifted himself off the floor and stood on his two feet. Bruised legs made it hard for the boy to stay standing. His feet were wobbly on the rough old carpet. He wandered into the kitchen and was faced with another problem, everything was too high. Stefan had been small for his age. This caused Stefan to crying even harder, if it had been possible. There was a moment when the four year old took a breath and in this moment the entire house shook as a door slammed. "Da?" Stefan exclaimed between his tears, he could hear heavy footsteps. Stefan wasn't actually allowed in the kitchen. Stefan was suddenly very scared. With what little time he had, Stefan scrambled so he was sat in the cupboard under the kitchen sink. He had stifled all noise he made, learning to cry without making a noise. Cowardly hiding in the closet until his father left the room. However hungry he'd been was forgotten. Instead he waited long enough and then headed into the living room where his father was sitting nursing a cheap whiskey. "Dada? I'm humgry" Stefan said only loud enough for his dad to hear, holding the torn t-shirt in his hand, gripping it tight in a fear and anticipation for what his dad would do. Though if he had, his dad made no movement to show he had. "Daddy, pwease." Stefan said, tears beginning to fall down his face faster. "Daddy?" Stefan was getting more desperate. He was so hungry, his arm was still against his chest, he was wobbling on his feet. "Pwease, daddy, pwease daddy, I'm humgry. Let me eat." The four year old couldn't help but be pleading with his father, he was begging his father to let him eat. He hadn't eaten all day. The day before had been a slice of bread and an apple. However as Stefan prepared to ask again he had no time to. A smack was all he hard, pain shot across his face as he tumbled to the ground. As he lay on the ground, the boy curled into himself, and used the torn t-shirt to cry into as his father walked away. The t-shirt had been given to him by his father. The small boy threw the t-shirt away from him, and used the arm that wasn't still curled around his stomach to cover his eyes as he cried. Tears falling silently, sobs making the boy shake. His father ignoring him, like he was nothing more than a stain on the carpet.

It had been a long two days. It had been a slow two days. There had been a fury in his father, that even eight year old Stefan hadn't seen coming. He had gotten pretty good at telling when his father was about to fly off the handle. But he hadn't seen it coming. For one thing, it had well and truly scared the young boy. There had been been all things being thrown. The young boy had no idea they had so much stuff that his father could then throw. Not all had been directed in Stefan's direction. Well, most of it had, but Stefan had sought refugee in the bathroom. Closing the door and locking it, and then pushing his weight against it while he sat on the floor as his father tried with all his might to bring down the door. Stefan had tears streaming down his face. He head a nasty gash on his head, and he was cradling his arm, and hand. There were just so many cuts and they all seemed to be bleeding too much. Stefan had used the rolls of toilet paper to at least stem the bleeding from his hand, but it was soaking through. After the first day, his father had stopped trying to get into the bathroom, which was probably a good thing, since Stefan had ended up crying himself to sleep. He awoke a few hours later, and this was the second day. He stood up, and stumbled back to the ground. He felt light headed. He could barely stand, his body was still shaking in fear. Steadying himself using the door, he unlocked the door, and found bits of broken glass littering the floor in front of him. Stefan didn't have shoes. He didn't have anything to stop himself from impaling bits of glass within his foot. The entire house from what he could see was a mess. And then, in the corner, passed out was his father. Snoring loudly still clutching the bottle of whatever drink had caused this huge rage. Stefan didn't want to walk on the glass, but he didn't want to stay trapped. He knew he'd be made to clean it up anyway. He just didn't have anything he could tidy with. However, Stefan was a sitting duck in the bathroom. His father would wake up, and if the mess was still there, he'd be washing more of his blood out the carpet. Instead, Stefan took a thin towel from the bathroom, and began to pick up the glass and put them in the towel. It would take him a while, but at least he could work in peace and he had a head start on it before his father woke. His hand had stopped bleeding, though it would leave a maze of scars on his hand. And after all this glass, his fingers would be the same.

Stefan's eleventh birthday had gone and past without it being anything of importance. Stefan had even briefly forgotten that it was his birthday. Not until his father had started the usual story about how it was his fault that that his mother was dead. Stefan had just stood listening to the story. He had heard it before, and yet he couldn't do anything. Stefan was tired, and he wasn't doing too well. His lip was once again split, and he wore a t-shirt that was two sizes too big for his small thin frame. His arms were littered with bruises of various sizes. His right hand tight bandaged. He'd spent most of the morning tidying up the mess his father had made drinking during the night, and he just wanted to go to his room and sleep. His father was midway through the story, which there was a knock at the door. It was a strong purposeful knock. Stefan glanced over curious about who that could possibly be. If it was one of his father's friends, then his father usual went on about it for days. Usually to tell Stefan to behave or he would be sorry. But, when stefan shot a glance back at his father, he realised that it couldn't be, his father looked just as curious as he did. Stefan watched as his father got up, the bottle of whatever liquid he was drinking placed down on the ground. He shoved Stefan out the way when passing and headed to the door. Stefan followed his father slowly. Unsure as to if he should be, or if he should head up to his bedroom. Stefan stopped a short distance away from his father, just as his father turned back to him. The person knocked on the door again. His father narrowed his eyes at Stefan, "Go to your room, do not make any noise. You do not exist" the overwhelming smell of alcohol drifting to Stefan as his father spoke. Stefan hesitated. He didn't even know why. This was rewarded of course by a harsh punch to the side of his face. Stefan who hadn't been expecting it, lost his foot, and almost fell to the ground. He did not need to be told again.

From the safety of his room, Stefan pressed his ear against the door, straining to hear what was being said. Small tears pricked the side of his eyes as the pain from the punch added to the rest of it. He could hear who ever it was at the door moving past his father and heading straight up to where Stefan was in his room. He moved away from the door, and watched the door carefully. It swung open and Stefan was greeted by the sight of a man, wearing odd looking clothes. Stefan looked to his father who stood just behind the odd man, the strange man, stepped into his room, and sat down on Stefan's bed (a mattress on the floor). His cheeks flushed a deep red. From within the robes the man pulled out a letter and held it out to Stefan. Looking up at his father, he reached out for it. Opening it up, and taking out the letter he read through the first lines. With some difficulty, but he managed it. "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" Stefan's tone was of sheer disbelief. He could hear his father laughing in the background. Stefan looked at the man with the odd robes. "have you ever been able to do something strange, something you couldn't explain?" The man asked Stefan. Once again Stefan looked to his father before nodding. Not trusting himself to say anything. He was no longer thinking of how much he wanted to sleep, or how swore his face was. Or that he had quite the bruise blossoming at the side of his face. "You are a wizard Stefan, living with a non-magical guardian. See you September 1st." the strange man said as he stood. Stefan just read through the letter as the man left the room, his father following closely behind. Stefan couldn't believe this. Was this finally the escape he had been looking for.
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Who I am from the start ,
take me home to my heart
Stefan Mason Archer was born on the 1st of April 2015 in the early hours of the afternoon, he was a month early, and had been a tiny baby. He was born to Mason Archer, and Aurora Archer, two young Americans whod been living in New Zealand less than a year. He was named after his mother's sister and his father. It was a brief moment of joy for his parents who hadn't been to excited about the birth of Stefan, as Aurora being pregnant had caused them both to be cast out of their homes. Aurora, his mother mostly saw him as a burden and as someone who had torn her from her friends and her sister. Stefan was diagnosed with monochromat when he was just two months old. His mother who had already been suffering from depression while pregnant fell deeper into this state. This in turn caused her to be quite erratic and at times violent, especially when Stefan was over three months old.

Despite this, the first two years of Stefan's life were pretty easy, they were fairly normal, thanks to his father. Stefan unfortunately remembers none of it. His father had taught his almost all that he knew, and though Stefan would never believe it, he'd been kind and gentile. Taken care of him, and wanted to show him all the love in the world. Mason had the idea that eventually his wife would come out of her depression, a line of thought that Stefan would have towards his father. Mason tried his hardest to protect his son, though this is also not something Stefan would believe. Just a few days after Stefan's second birthday, his mother killed herself, crashing the family car into a tree on the side of the road, with Stefan in the back. She had not really intended to hurt Stefan, but in the back of her mind, she had wanted rid of him.

While Stefan was mostly unharmed by the incident, the death of his mother, deeply affected his father, and in turn Stefan as he grew up. Being quite young at the time, Mason had never dealt with any real loss until that point, he had no idea how to deal with it. He grew more impatient and more easily angered. He began drinking fairly heavily and never really turned back. Stefan cannot remember anything about his mother, it wasnt even until he was about 16 that he even saw a picture of her. Despite never having known her, or what she was like, Stefan has always felt that if she hadnt died he wouldve had a much better chance at life.

At two years old, Stefan had been a smart young child. His first word had been daddy, and even at two, he was getting better and better at talking. He was walking early on, and showed signs of natural intelligence. In those first two years of his life, Mason was everything to Stefan but, after his mother died his life changed completely. Things werent too bad to begin with, but Stefans father lost his job a few weeks after and it never really got better. All it began with was a couple slaps, a few hits. But it always got worse the more his father drank, and it got worse as Stefan grew older. Along with this, Mason was easily irritated by his son, often went out leaving Stefan alone in the house as young as three years old.

Stefan learned to be pretty self-sufficient from a very early age, hed learnt the hard way to avoid asking his father for things. Due to their money issues, Stefan very often went without food, or ate very little. He did not attend school, and spent most of his days, keeping the house he shared with his father as clean as he could. The violence got worse and worse, and more and more his father would shout at him. Calling him names, and calling him useless. Stefan was not a happy child, he was quiet and removed. He flinched away from any and all forms of touch, this only really got better in his mid to late teens. The only times he can recall his father touching him with it being to hit or kick him were the few occasions that social services were called. Since Stefan never attended muggle primary school, he never really got the chance to develop as well. He could speak, which he had learned from his father, from various people who were in the house and from the small tv set that broke a few years before he went to Hogwarts. He wasnt good at reading. He had few books, only ones that hed managed to find. He traced the words with his fingers, which was how he learned to write. Stefan was still very smart, without that he might never have learned to read or write but he had no real chances of developing those skills much further while just at home.

At around the age of eight, Stefan noticed a change in his father. It was just ever so slight. He spent less time in the house, which for Stefan was a sort of blessing. The violence was less severe, and the boy realised in part that it was almost as if things were finally looking better. Stefan would not later really remember this period, as it only lasted less than a year. After it, there was a stark increase in everything. His father made more mess and would always watch as Stefan cleaned up, just on the pre tense to be sure Stefan was doing it right. Stefan did everything for his father and got very little in return. Falling on further hard times, Stefan bore the brunt of the anger. He found he could not do anything right by his father. Nothing he did was right. The smallest mistakes would set him off. Stefan had always hoped that his father would get better, that things would get better for them, but they never did, and by ten Stefan felt like he was beginning to see this. It was the letter and the mysterious man who turned up at their door that changed everything.

A day or so after his 11th birthday, a strange man turned up at the door, at first his father told Stefan to stay in his room, and stay completely silent. Stefan hesitated for a moment, and paid the price for it. He ran up the stairs to his bedroom, and closed the door. Pressing his ear against it in the hope of hearing something. The man who was at the door, Stefan heard bypassing his father completely and moving up to the second floor of their small house. Scrambling away from his door mere seconds, it turned out that the person was a wizard with a letter for Stefan for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He took the letter being handed to him by the strange man, while his father argued about how they had a mistake, Stefan was too useless to be allowed into any special school. Stefan however stood stunned, a bruise blossoming on the side of his face was forgotten as he ready the letter slowly. he didnt believe it either. Stefan didnt even realise that the man was saying goodbye until his fathers stern words brought him back. Stefan too stunned to be able to do anything, didnt hear the man politely threaten his father telling him he expected to see Stefan at the beginning of the term, at Hogwarts.

While Stefan didnt believe it, he was hopeful that it was true. So hopeful. After the wizard coming to bring his letter, the boy found that his father acted different. He was ever so slightly less violent. And had even allowed Stefan to go to the park himself. Which was something that he hadnt done in a good many years. It was where Stefan ended up meeting James Killian and making his first friend, who also claimed to be magical, a statement Stefan would later learn to be true. Stefan had thought that even if it was false, that maybe this would be the end of his fathers violence. This turned out to be wrong once more. After the park, his father grew more somber, darker, more distant. His words were harsher, and his hits stronger. So much so, that Stefan ended up in hospital about three weeks before he was about to attend Hogwarts.

Despite the sort of upbringing that Stefan had, until that point hed only been to hospital about 5 times. The first to be born, the second after his mother crashed the car, the third when hed been about five years old and following pretty heavy beating, a particularly bad time financially had left the pair with little food, and even less for Stefan, his father had struggled to wake Stefan, and had panicked. The fourth time had just after he turned nine, and Stefan had fallen ill with a pretty horrible case of pneumonia, and had been getting steadily worse instead of better for a week, his father had once again panicked. The fifth had been three weeks before his first year at Hogwarts, and Stefan had fallen really awkwardly on his arm, and incredibly badly sprained it.

His disbelief about the magical world had been strong up until Stefan had boarded the train, and was heading to the castle. Where he ended up meeting James once more. Stefan couldnt believe it, and he couldnt believe how lucky he was, finally able to leave his father. He spent most of the train ride, with one of his school books in front of him, attempting to read it, but finding it incredibly hard to stay focused or following what was being said. A lot of new words that Stefan didnt know were popping up. Eventually it became time to get sorted, and Stefan was nervous. He had never seen so many people his age, or just kids. He had never been to school, and was unsure as to what would follow. He wondered how many of them were like him, had the same upbringing since in his young mind he was sure there were plenty like him, though even just glancing around he could see he appeared to be the only one. He was sorted in Slytherin, and was in just awe of the food that they had at the feast. He had truly never seen that much food. He didnt even know what to start with. Stefan stayed silent during most of this. Careful to avoid eye contact with pretty much everyone. He stuffed his face for the first time, and this ended up being a huge mistake, because he spent the night feeling really awfully sick, but he just learned to be careful next time. Stefan was so ready to get started at school and learning.

The first few lessons passed easily, and Stefan through exploring his new surroundings managed to even meet a few people who would become good friends of his Tara, Willow and Sara, being two of those. He was very surprised in those first weeks, how no brought up how he looked. Not extensively, hed always though that people would, and he was careful to hide them, as his father had instructed him to. But, not everything Stefan would he could hide. During the first semester, Stefan learned so much. His reading, and writing became so much better, he grew more confident, ever so slightly. He found himself happy for the first time in years, possibly when he thought about when he was older, the first time in the bits of his life he could remember. He learned about halloween, lollipops, and Christmas. Things hed never heard of before. All too soon, the term came to a close. He surprised himself by doing well in his exams, and when he was picked up his father it was the first thing he told him. Though he was greeted by silence from his father. Explaining after that, that he needed to go pick up some supplies for the next term, which had been part of a lie, and mostly just that hed wanted a little time to himself. In the car on the way home, his father had agreed to it. However, the drive home had been long, and Stefan got home to find that it was clear his father had done next to no tidying during the time that Stefan had been away. Though it hardly surprised him.

The first day back at home, Stefan tidied up what he could to begin with. There was just too much, and with his father looming over him, he just kept making mistake after mistake. He ended the day with a black eye and brought back up the breakfast hed eaten at school. His father stayed true to his word, and let Stefan go to the wizarding area to pick up supplies. He took the day to buy a few supplies and prepare himself for what awaited him at home. It was on this day that he met Kate Moon for the first time. He liked her straight away. She was nice, and he needed that. It was over, and Stefan went back home. Where it was clear that his father had somehow gotten more violent. As if making up for lost time. Stefan was so incredibly thankful when he was finally able to return to school. He was a mess when he got back.

The second semester at school started off different from his first, he realised that his life would be this back and forth. He was more careful with food, but this didnt stop his home life from affecting upon his time in school. He experienced his first true nightmare, and the first of many that would plague most of his nights, even into his late teens. This nightmare threw him off so much that he ended up going to the empty bathrooms to change his bandages and ended up running into a girl called Sam. He hadnt expected to ever run into anyone. He was incredibly worried that she would tell someone. Though he didnt really know why he was afraid, hed learned from his time at Hogwarts that what his father was doing was truly wrong. That no one else's parents were treating their kids in the way Stefan was being treated. It became painfully clear to him. This didnt stop him trying to enjoy his time at Hogwarts. This term was different, he went to Taras birthday which involved throwing paint, and while Stefan couldnt enjoy the colours he had a great time. The term also involved the first birthday Stefan had in which he was actually happy. He received nothing from his father, but got gifts from his friends. It was the first time hed ever really gotten anything for his birthday. This happiness lasted until just before the exams, when he remembered what awaited him at home. Sooner than hed wanted to, the year was over, and Stefan had to head home for the holidays.

Like the previous holiday, Stefan was able to spend one day in the wizarding town, this time around hed bought a lot more things hed need for the second semester, and once again ran into Kate. Towards the end of the first year, Stefan had found he felt very strongly about her. Feelings he didnt quite know what they meant. He liked her, and he always wanted to spend time with her. They ended up kissing, and then Stefan had to go home. With this high hed felt with the kiss and the end of school, dealing with his father, and the violence became incredible hard. While things had always been hard for him. It just seemed worse. He had so little food, and it had just been so cold. Stefan only got through it by thinking of his friends, of Hogwarts. But, it was in the last week that things got so bad that the boy thought it would be a bad idea to have any friends. It wasnt that he didnt care about them, and wouldnt miss them, but more that he didnt want to get close to people just to have this happen. During the holidays the boy had just clung to everything by thinking of his friends. They were the only thing that kept him from giving up, and he was just so tired of it all. He didnt want his friends to worry, and he didnt want to worry about them.

After what felt like years to Stefan, he returned to school. All progress that hed made in the previous year had just been thrown out the window. He was more removed than before. He didnt want to deal with people. He was careful about how he dressed. Covering up more, and trying to not show what was wrong. Stefan decided to push his friends away. It was too hard in his mind to deal with the two completely different ways of life. It wasnt very well received by his friends. That made him feel bad, while hed pushed them away, it hadnt gone as smoothly as hed imagined. He had to remind himself that he was the only one with a home life that was just awful, so he was the only one with any reason to want to not be so close to others. The consequences of his actions were not things Stefan couldve predicted. He got into fight after fight with Sara Moon, and Kate just wouldnt talk to him. He had in part made up with Willow, but the most unforeseen thing was Kate, and her weight loss. Stefan hadnt thought anyone would choose that sort of life. He was thin but never through choice. He didnt think anyone would want that. It was this that made him decide to try hard with his friends. Though this didnt happen until later.

It was during the halloween feast that Stefan was confronted by the fact that his friends appeared to know what was happening to him. Though they were right, Stefan didnt know how to deal with this. He didnt trust that their parents would be any better with him. He didnt want his father to come after him. He didnt have the courage to confirm what was happening and ask for the help that he really needed. His lessons were a completely different matter, the work was difficult to keep up with, and while Stefan was smart, it wasnt really enough. He did all right, but it was more difficult, his mind drifted to his friends. That they knew, when he went back home for the holidays, like they all did when the term came to a close, he was sure that they would tell on him. Theyd tell someone, but thankfully they told no one, and Stefan was able to continue on without too many other fears. The christmas holidays in his second year, did the opposite of the last holidays. Though like before it had been the memories of his friends which had kept him going, he realised that without them, without the memories, he just wasnt going to be able to keep going. It would just be too hard for him to pretend like everything was all right when he had nothing to look forward to.

The second half of his second year remained uneventful, he worked to mend the broken relationships between his friends, thankful that they were still willing to even talk to him considering how hed acted towards them. He happily celebrated his thirteenth birthday, which had definitely not been something the boy had ever expected to reach. It wasnt a large or big age, but he just felt that much closer to no longer have to deal with it. With the thought that he had to live for his friends, so they wouldnt worry about him, and so they could create more memories together. It was a tall order, but it was the sort of the best he was going to be able to do. The term ended, and Stefan unhappily returned home. It was slightly different this time around, his father had taken slightly more care of the home in Stefans absence and for the first week it appeared like things were all right, his father had managed to get a job, and had steady employment for about three weeks. This had come to an end just before Stefan had returned home, so there was a small period when things were definitely a lot better than they had been in a while. It wasnt anywhere near perfect, but his father to begin with had appeared much less frustrated by Stefan. This changed quickly, and a cold winter brought more troubles to the family. Things had gotten from bad to worse during the space of the holiday. Stefan had been more that glad when he had finally been able to return to school.

Before the end of the last term, they had been asked to pick subjects theyd carry with them over the next few years, picking at random, the boy realised that he was going to need to work just as hard, twice as hard. Though it was difficult to start with. he was once again more removed than hed been towards the end of the last year, and he was just trying to pretend like everything was alright. At least during this year, Stefan found himself incredibly glad for his friends, but it was during this semester that his anger towards his father began to grow. It seemed like hed always been putting his anger in the wrong places, and never directing them at the right people. He couldnt understand why his father had to drink so much, or hit him so hard and so often. He worked hard during the term, and while acted friend and open to his friends, the anger brewing in him was just building. He hated the fact he couldnt really act like himself around his friends. He hated the way he looked, the scars that snaked around his entire frame. The thinness, the bruises. Everything, and he knew it was all his fathers fault, but his mind led him to believing that it was his fathers fault for everything, but that it was his fault that his father was like he was.

The end of the first term of third year came a lot quicker than the rest had, he didnt do as well as hed wanted to, but it was hardly surprising. Stefan then had to head home, and this holiday would turn out to be one of the worst holidays that hed had ever. His father had been out of work for the entire time, and Stefan could tell by the state of the house that his father had just been drinking pretty much all of the time. His father was shorter with Stefan, more easily annoyed and harsher than hed ever been. He became so careless, that hed hit, and shoved Stefan in the middle of the street in broad daylight. His friend Kate had also seen it. Stefan had been feeling so much more strongly for the girl. He was so incredibly embarrassed that this was the kind of father he had, that shed seen that. He was however thankful it had been her over anyone else. While he could tell that she worried about him, it was obvious that she wasnt going to say anything. Which was what he needed. With her help he managed to get something to eat, and got home. It had taken him a long while, and by the time hed gotten home, his father had been asleep, and Stefan had just chosen to sleep outside. This holiday got worse and worse. Stefan found he couldnt do anything. His father was pretty much inventing reasons and new insults. By the time Stefan was back at Hogwarts, he was just so frustrated with how he was being treated.

The end of his third year was equally uneventful, he just spent most of his time with Kate. Celebrated his birthday and that was it. He was filled with dread at the idea of going back to home. He came the closest hed ever been to asking Kate for help with it. But, he couldnt find the courage. He just, couldnt find it within him self to say anything. Instead he just headed home, and as his fathers anger grew to levels he didnt think were possible or necessary, Stefan just grew angry himself. The holiday started out like they all did. With his fathers usual intense anger, but Stefan was now sure that with each holiday it just grew worse and worse. It was during this holiday that Stefan met Professor Elvera Le Fey for the first time, and realised also that his father was never going to get better. That much he was almost certain of.

A few days before he was to start back at Hogwarts, during a fight that in later years Stefan wouldnt even be able to say what it was about, Stefan had been cleaning the kitchen, tidying up after having made something to eat for his father, and his father took the opportunity while he was tidying the floor to drunkenly begin kicking him. Stefan just had enough and snapped. Instead of just taking it, like hed always done before, he got to his feet and without being able to stop himself punched his father hard on the face. After a brief moment of silence, where both men stood staring in disbelief, his father returned with an even harder punch, and Stefan woke up the next day, still in the kitchen lying down on the floor, unable to move due to the pain. This had almost meant that he hadnt returned to school, but on the morning of the next day, he just dragged himself to get the train and then to school. He could tell that his father was just so incredibly angry at him. There was nothing he could. His father would get over it. Although a part of Stefan knew that it wouldnt. This was it in his mind.

The thoughts of the fight and his fathers reaction swam in his mind throughout the first half of his fourth year. He just knew that his father had six months roughly, to feel angry about it. Stefan worked hard in his classes, and kept up appearances with his friends, though as the term progressed it became harder and harder. He spent more time with Kate, and they attended the Yuleball together. Which had been the perfect way the teen thought to end the term. Stefan was sure that it would be the last time hed ever see her again, and in a roundabout way had attempted to say goodbye to her. It hadnt been the most direct way, and while he was sure it would be pointless asked her out for a first date. Shed said yes, so theyd arranged a date a time for them.

Heading home that time around had been one of the hardest things. Stefan had almost just stayed and in hindsight he shouldve stayed. But, he didnt. Stefan went home to face the music. But, as soon as he stepped inside the home, he realised that his father was done with the whole magic thing. Or appeared to be. Stefan knew better than to ask straight away to be able to go get his supplies, but it wouldnt matter in the end. Oddly enough this holiday started off pretty normal, nothing too bad. The odd hit, nothing more. Stefan was incredibly careful. He tried to do everything right, but Stefan always had the idea that nothing could ever go right for him. He accidentally cut his hand on a chip on a plate, and ended up breaking the plate. Stefan remembers his father heading straight for him, and then not much else. He woke up the next day, and remembered that he needed to go meet Kate the next day. He decided that he would tell her, and that he would ask for help. Since hed woken up that morning, and everything had been sore, it hurt him to breathe. Everything hurt. He wanted out, but he wanted to be with his friends. Stefan had heard his father coming up the stairs and had moved to ask him about going to get supplies. His father never replied, instead drove a knife into Stefans stomach. Stefan barely even realised what had happened before hed collapsed. Between that, and all the rest of it, Stefan had been pretty much about to keel over anyway. [adminapproval=7388812 ]

Mason Archer, had never intended for that to happen. Hed always loved his son, but, the loss of his wife, had driven the love to the back of his mind. He remembered the arguments about Stefan he and Aurora used to have. He protected Stefan, and thing had just gotten too out of hand after her death. He blamed Stefan for the death of his wife, he blamed his own father for Stefan, and for the situation his family had found themselves in. He had never intended to take out his anger so much on Stefan, but the more he drank the less he was able to hold back. During Stefans time at school, Mason feared that his son would become more powerful than him and that he would leave. Stefan was the only true family he felt like he had. He had a second child with another woman, but that had been a mistake, Stefan was the son hed always promised to raise better than how hed been raised. It was why, on the nights that he was more lucid, or became more lucid, mostly after hed taken his anger out on Stefan, he would make sure Stefan wasnt too far gone. He always felt terrible in those moments. It was why in the few times hed taken Stefan to hospital it had always been because hed panicked. The time when Stefan had been five, and hed just simply been too drunk to fed him what little food they had, and had taken out his anger on the boy. Going and seeing finding that he couldnt really wake him had utterly panicked the man. The time that Stefan had punched him, had brought him out of his drunken stupor and hed almost been proud, but instincts had won over, and hed been completely unable to stop himself. This time around breaking the plate, after hed spent so longer seething in anger over what had happened had been the breaking point, and hed just snapped. Like before.

Hed carried Stefan up to bed, after hed managed to stop, his son had long since passed out. He had spent a good few hours just drinking and sitting by his son to make sure that he was alright that he didnt lose him, because as much as Mason couldnt stop himself for feeling angry towards his son, it was the only family he had, but the more he drank the more his mind drifted. Hed left to get another drink having finished that one, and had just drifted away. Part of him decided that he should end it, let Stefan go. Let him go to his friends, let him leave and have a better chance at life. He didnt even realise he had the knife in his hand until half way up the stairs. When standing in front of Stefan, and Stefan had asked to leave, he knew then that his son was probably going to leave, and part of his mind just snapped and before the logical part of his brain could really think it through, hed done what hed always promised he would never do. Standing back from Stefan who was now bleeding at his feet. He panicked, running to his bedroom, and calling for an ambulance. Once that was done, he went back to Stefan, and truly realised what hed done, that there was no way of getting out of it, and he didnt think he could live without his son. He applied pressure to his sons wound and sat with him, until he could faint hear the noise of the ambulances in the background. Which was the point where he killed himself, unlike with Stefan, Mason was dead before he hit the ground.

Stefan with all his injuries crashed several times, he was officially dead for about two minutes and eventually slipped into a coma for just over six weeks. During which time his father had been buried, and Stefan had been allocated a foster family that he would stay with once he was strong enough, and awake. He awoke in mid-late February, incredibly weak and completely unsure about what had happened. A doctor very calmly explained to him what had happened, where his father was and what was supposed to happen next. They explained to him that hed been out so long because of how weak his body had been before the injury and that he would need to spend more time healing further. Stefan who had always disliked hospitals was too tired to say anything different. Surprisingly enough during the next month or so, he received a letter from Kate, and although unable to write back, he was glad to know that she was all right and looked forward to returning to her. Returning to Hogwarts. These thoughts were unfortunately taken away from him, when he was finally strong enough to leave the hospital, the teen was unable to just leave and placed into the care of a family in Wellington. Still weak, and worn out from his ordeal, Stefan had hoped that this time around with this family things would be different.

But, as things always were for Stefan, they didnt get better, not yet anyway. The family he was placed with, two parents, Steve and Michelle Easterman, with their two children who had been 18, 19 respectively, Karl and Dan, the eldest of the two no longer lived with them, and they were no better than being with his father. Stefan was fairly removed when he first moved in, they acted warmly to begin with, but as soon as it was clear the social worker had left, Stefan had been shown to his room, which had been no more than a closet with a bed inside it. Stefan didnt mind this, it was warm and he would just explain to them, that he had to leave. The family didnt give Stefan a chance. They used food as leverage, if he did all the chores right he got to eat. If not, then he didnt get to. He found once more, that no matter what he did, he could do no right. He simply couldnt please them. The youngest of their own child purposely made messes so that Stefan would get into trouble. Which he always did, it was particular hard, since Stefan was still dealing with his injury and just couldnt work as fast. He was sent to muggle school where the kids picked on his because of the fact he didnt have any parents, and the teachers were surprised by his lack of previous education, that he was pretty much clueless in their eyes, though his education had been incredibly different. The treatment that he had with them, showed no signs of getting better and Stefan decided hed had enough, it had been bad enough from his family, he didnt need it from anyone else. So, he packed what belongings he had, and left. He never looked back, and never thought about them again really.

Returning to Hogwarts after a few weeks on the road, hed thought would be easy, but while hed changed, and grown the school hadnt. It was the same. He was not, it was hard to not tell his friends what had happened but he couldnt bring himself to. Stefan was worried about what they would think of him. This coupled with the fact that he felt increasingly pressured by the school, eventually meant that Stefan just couldnt take it. He read the articles in the RHI and his anger sky rocketed. Kate managed to calm him, but he ended up kissing her, and feeling like he shouldnt. He didnt think he was good enough for her, and that she deserved someone who was just a whole lot better than he actually was. He decided not too long after that, that he just wanted to quit the school, and deal with things on his own. Which was what he ended up doing.

Stefan took what little possessions he had at Hogwarts that meant anything to him with him when he left. Stefan had no where to go, but he enjoyed the freedom. He knew that this would not last, but he worked so it would last as long as it could, until he figured out his next move. The boy was sure that he would eventually figure it out. He didnt expect it to be quite so hard really. He managed to keep the food going, but eventually he began to run low on everything. It was at this point, that Stefan just sort of decided that he would head back to Kate, and apologise to her. He knew that continuing like he had been on the streets would not end well, but he still wasnt ready to go back. He decided that he was just going to let fate decide. He was past the point where he thought his life meant anything. He couldnt understand why his mind just wouldnt let him settle. It had been when hed almost made it back to school, that Stefan had gotten too tired to really keep going. Hed sat down on a bench, with the intention of just waiting there for whatever to happen to happen, when Professor Elvera Le Fey walked by and decided to help him. He explained to her what had happened, and Elvera had shown him incredible kindness. That he had never expected. He went to her home that night, and after a good nights rest and some food, he had finally decided what his next steps were.

Stefan realised that he could no longer live like he was, he had no where else to go, but couldnt bring himself to stay with Elvera. He couldnt deal with the pressure, in his mind he was also fearful that she would be just like everyone else. He trusted her sure, but there was only so much trust that the boy had. He decided then, that the option that was right for him would be to go back to his old home. He remembered that the doctors had said that the home was paid for, and it was technically his, but that since he was underage he wasnt allowed it. Stefan had the lease, and while hed vowed to never return, he had no other options open to him that he was willing to take. He stayed with Elvera for a few more days, regaining his strength and gathering some food and general supplies for the long walk home.

Other than the knife being removed from the house, the place was exactly how Stefan remembered it, almost a year and a half before. It had not changed. It had gathered dust and that was about it. He set about making the main living area into a more habitable place. He spent the first few nights, just curled up in the living room sleeping. Worn out by his travels, and by the way the house made him feel. It was like revisiting dreams in his mind. He could go into every room and pin point all the stains and dents and everything that had been because of him. It was difficult to stay focused, but Stefan tried to. He took the time to write to Kate, and beg for her forgiveness. Which had lead to them meeting. Stefan had no job, and had the thought of not bringing any attention to himself which in his home. He went to meet apologise to Kate, and while that apology had been a long time overdue, and he hadnt expected Kate to forgive him, seeing her again, after some time, he just remembered that she was just incredible to him. He realised then that he loved her. He whole heartedly loved her. They managed to reconcile and started dating.

The meeting did not last, but now they were in much closer contact. This small amount of joy in Stefans life, brought about a much stronger attitude in him. He began by going to the local town, and doing odd jobs that paid a little bit of money so that he would be able to afford food. During this same time, he received updates from Kate about Hogwarts, and what he would find out to be his family. Growing up, his father had never made any reference to any other family. It had been another one of those no-go subjects. This news of a boy named Tybalt being related to him, brought out a curious side of Stefan, who then began to make his way through the possessions of his parents that were scattered throughout the house. It was disorganised, and difficult, but it became increasingly clear after finding some pictures that they were probably family.

During the Christmas holidays of that year, Stefan decided to invite Kate to spend it with him. It would be the first real christmas celebration that they would have together and Stefans very first christmas. He didnt really think that she would be able to attend, but she had. It had been pretty incredible really. He had fallen into a small slump, but getting the house ready for christmas had been the best thing for Stefan. The memories he created on that one day and night, during that time with her, were the beginning of getting rid of all the horrible old memories that Stefan had of his home, and it was also one of the first times that he thought that everything he had gone through had been worth it. All the bad decisions werent so bad, considering she was here with him then. The holidays ended more quickly than he wanted them too, and Kate had to go back to Hogwarts. In the meantime, Stefan continued to work through the old stuff in his house, and decided after writing to Kate during the second term of their sixth year, that perhaps going back to Hogwarts for that last year would be best.

Stefan had spent so long on his own, and had spent so long running from everything, that going back to finish that last year would be the sort of end he had been looking for. Stefan hadnt thought he would go back, but he loved Kate, and he wanted to spend time with her. He also realised that it would be a lot easier to get a better job if he was seventeen, and that hed be able to go home after the year was over and hed be able to do magic, which would help a lot. Stefan rejoined the school for his final year. The final year was happily for Stefan uneventful. It was the first time he didnt have to fear going home, and it was the first time, he was at school without bruises. He gladly saw his friends Sara and Tara, glad to see the both again after so long, and after so much had happened. He went to Professor Elvera Le Fey and thanked her. Knowing that without her, he wouldnt have been able to attend school. Stefan felt like his final year was tying up all the loose ends he had with the school. He didnt know that he would later return to the school, but he knew hed made the right decision in returning. It was just the right time, and he was in the right mind set.

The year, also marked the time when he finally met Tybalt Archer, a boy in his second year at Hogwarts who claimed to be his cousin. Stefan had to admit, the resemblance the boy had to the picture of his fathers family was uncanny, but Stefan had some pretty poor experiences with family, so he wanted to be sure they were actually related before he did anything else. After seeing that they were, and some fairly heavily persuasion from Tybalt, Stefan agreed to meet his aunt and uncle. The rest of Stefans seventh year went by without any drama. He did fairly well in his NEWTs considering he didnt have any OWLs, and graduated.

Graduating for Stefan was a strange thing. Had it been a different life, had Stefan not had the turbulence both before and during Hogwarts things might have turned out differently. Stefan was smart, he was strong and stubborn, even artistic but his childhood had taken away that from him. it hadnt given him the right chances to succeed as much as he couldve been capable of, which mightve meant he wouldve done better, but Stefan had been happy about his graduation. Happy that hed made it. A part of the graduate had been certain that both his parents wouldve been proud of him for what hed achieved, and really had they been alive to see it, both wouldve felt incredibly proud of the boy theyd both so terribly treated.

After graduation came the time, that Stefan finally met his family. It was clear to him that they had no clue what had happened during the time between when his father had left them, and then. Stefan hadnt told them, but he felt certain that his aunt, Elliot knew. This bond between them ended up growing more than Stefan expected. In the time after leaving Hogwarts they became incredibly useful. Showing Stefan various muggle and wizarding things hed need to know. That was useful for him to know. It was during this time, that Kate, the girl he was so madly in love with left and went to travel the world. It ended pretty badly, and for once Stefan realised what it was like on the other side of things. Being the one sitting in the chair instead of lying in the bed. It hadnt been nice, and Stefan had been incredibly glad to bring her home.

During the time of his leaving, Stefan continued to tidy the house. Using his magic to get rid of many of the stains. Piling his parent's belongings into various boxes that would help him as he continued to sort through everything. He ended up finding his mother's grave's address. Not something he had known until then. This set Stefan back quite a bit, and he found it hard to not suffer from terrible nightmares for weeks on end. The nightmares that Stefan had, were really nothing new. But, where hed been getting better, the weight and size of everything seemed to fall upon him.

Stefan turned nineteen that year, and truly began feeling better. Everything was falling into place, and he was happy. He had Kate, and Tybalt, he had his extended family. He happily hosted christmas, and found that for once everything was going well. His life became fairly average, he got a job at the local bookstore to help bring more money in, and he began feeling like now was the time to propose to Kate, since in the winter of 2035, both himself and Tybalt went to buy an engagement ring.

Despite the normality and simplicity of everything in his life, Stefan could really say that he had never actually been happier. That he would not trade it for anything. Stefan is now twenty years old, and is currently working at Hogwarts New Zealand as a librarian, and is waiting for the right moment to propose to Kate. About a year and half after proposing they get married in a small service at their back of their house, which Stefan loved. He continued working at the library and Kate finished her teacher training, and for the next five years their life passed without much of a worry, or much drama which suited him perfectly fine. In the October of 2040 Kate fell pregnant with their first child, and the baby was born in May of 2041, and they named it after Stefan's uncle who had died of a heart attack a few days prior, Branson Moon Archer.

Coding Done by Emzies,
if you want to use the same code, just let me know, and I'll PM it to you!
Lyrics: Shattered - Trading Yesterday

Last edited:

Name: Kate Archer
Relation: Wife
Born: 17 May 2015
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Teacher
Monochromat: No

Name: Branson Archer
Relation: Son
Born: 7 May 2041
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Too young
Occupation: Too young
Monochromat: Yes

Name: Aurora Archer
Relation: Daughter
Born: 12 December 2043
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Too young
Occupation: Too young
Monochromat: No

Name: Rose Archer
Relation: Daughter
Born: 12 December 2043
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Marital Status: Too young
Occupation: Too young
Monochromat: No

Name: Mason Archer
Relation: Father
Born: July 2nd 1997
Died: December 23rd 2029
Cause of Death: Suicide
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Widow
Occupation: Never had one
Monochromat: Yes

Name: Aurora Grace Archer
Relation: Mother
Born: 3rd April 1997
Died: 1st April 2017
Cause of Death: Suicide
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Never had one
Monochromat: No

Name: Cristian Archer Sn.
Relation: Grandfather
Born: 5th October 1964
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Accountant
Monochromat: Yes

Name: Isla Holt Archer
Relation: Grandmother
Born: 21st September 1966
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: English tutor
Monochromat: No

Name: Xavier Grace
Relation: Grandfather
Born: 13th January 1970
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Widow
Occupation: Family Lawyer
Monochromat: No

Name: Aurora Harper Grace
Relation: Grandmother
Born: 26th March 1971
Died: 4th May 2009
Cause of Death: Cancer
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Elementary teacher
Monochromat: No

Name: Branson Archer
Relation: Uncle
Born: 31st July 1993
Died: 4th May 2041
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Unemployed
Monochromat: Yes

Name: Elliot Archer
Relation: Aunt by marriage
Born: December 8th 1994
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Unemployed
Monochromat: No

Name: Mason Archer
Relation: Cousin
Born: 24th June 2015
Died: 30th June 2026
Cause of Death: Drowned
Blood Status: Half Blood
Marital Status: Too Young
Occupation: None
Monochromat: Yes

Name: Tybalt Archer
Relation: Cousin
Born: 30th September 2019
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Half Blood
Marital Status: Too Young
Occupation: Student
Monochromat: Yes

Name: Lydia Warrick
Relation: Cousin
Born: 14th February 2026
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Half Blood
Martial Status: Married
Occupation: professional quidditch player
Monochromat: No

Extended Family
Name: Zoe Archer
Relation: Aunt by marriage
Born: 7th November 1991
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Columnist
Monochromat: No
Name: Madelina Carter Archer
Relation: Cousin
Born: 31st August 2023
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Too Young
Occupation: None
Monochromat: No
Name: Annabeth Archer
Relation: Cousin
Born: 25th November 2027
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Too Young
Occupation: None
Monochromat: No
Name: Zefria Archer Lyria
Relation: Aunt
Born: 3rd October 1995
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Flight Attendant
Monochromat: No
Name: Calvin Lyria
Relation: Uncle by Marriage
Born: 6th January 1994
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Pilot
Monochromat: No
Name: Stefina Grace Violet
Relation: Aunt
Born: 28th March 2000
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Elementary teacher
Monochromat: No
Name: Ryan Violet Sn.
Relation: Uncle by marriage
Born: 16th July 1999
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Shop owner
Monochromat: No
Name: Grace Violet
Relation: Cousin
Born: 21st June 2023
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Too young
Occupation: None
Monochromat: No
Name: Ryan Violet Jn.
Relation: Cousin
Born: 6th May 2026
Died: N/A
Cause of Death: N/A
Blood Status: Muggle
Marital Status: Too Young
Occupation: None
Monochromat: No
Last edited:

First year

So, It's True
People In RP: James Killian
Date Started:12/9/10
Group At Time: Unsorted

what a beautiful day
People In RP: Tara Sitara
Date Started:21/9/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

A Stroll, Mayhaps
People In RP: Lolli Lovre
Date Started:3/10/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

Skipping Class
People In RP: Willow Autumn
Date Started:7/10/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

Walking, Just Walking
People In RP: Willow Autumn
Date Started:24/10/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

A Lion and A Snake
People In RP: James Killian
Date Started:16/10/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

This Isn't Charms?
People In RP: Sara Moon
Date Started:11/11/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

Wrong Place, Wrong Time
People In RP: Dan Adams
Date Started:13/11/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

When the walls fall around you
People In RP: Nadia Kaster
Date Started:13/11/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

Yule What?
People In RP: Willow Autumn, Karah Love,
Kayden Night
Date Started:21/11/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

Just One Chance
People In RP: No-One, Closed
Date Started:24/11/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

Lost, Or Fate Drawn
People In RP: Lolli Lovre
Date Started:24/11/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

Time Almost Up
People In RP: Shiloh Denton
Date Started:25/11/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:25/11/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

Some Pictures Can't be Drawn
People In RP: Tara Sitara
Date Started:27/11/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

This Isn't The Place For You
People In RP: Sam Weisz
Date Started:2/12/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

A Brush With Reality
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:7/12/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

Muggle, Ahhh!
People In RP: Grace Raven
Date Started:22/12/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

Coloured Powder
People In RP: Kate Moon, Grace Raven,
Sara Moon, Tara Sitara, Kayden Night
Date Started:23/12/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

You Again
People In RP: Sam Weisz
Date Started:23/12/10
Group At Time: Slytherin

It's My Birthday
People In RP: James Killian, Kate Moon,
Sam Weisz, Tara Sitara
Date Started:1/1/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

An Irish Ceili
People In RP: Kate Moon, Grace Raven, Sara Moon,
Tara Sitara, Kayden Night
Date Started:9/1/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

The Little Things
People In RP: No-One, Open
Date Started:19/1/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

Something in Common
People In RP: Danielle Warbeck
Date Started:23/1/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

2nd year

Which Is Which
People In RP: James Killian
Date Started:23/1/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:25/1/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

The First Day, Remember?
People In RP: Kate Moon, Sara Moon,
Willow Autumn
Date Started:31/1/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

Running Up That Hill
People In RP: Willow Autumn
Date Started:6/2/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

A Place to Get Away..Or Not.
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:7/2/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

Chocolate,Food For the Soul
People In RP: Sara Moon
Date Started:11/2/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

You Kicked Me, When I was Down
People In RP: Kate Moon, Sara Moon,
Willow Autumn
Date Started:27/2/11
Group At Time:Slytherin</SIZE></SIZE>

<SIZE size="50">Walls Crashing Down
People In RP: Jake Simpson
Date Started:15/3/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

<SIZE size="50">Walking Out
People In RP: Jeremy Thorne
Date Started:15/3/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

The Mix-Up.
People In RP: Jeremy Thorne
Date Started:16/3/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

People In RP: Jaden Feanor
Date Started:6/4/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

A Fear of Heights
People In RP: Tara Sitara, Georgiana Night
Date Started:7/4/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

Spotting the Signs.
People In RP: Justin Cliffeton
Date Started:7/4/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

And I miss Them.
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:23/4/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

third year

Don't Look Down
People In RP: Alice Hills
Date Started:7/6/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

Previously Set Limitations
People In RP: Sara Moon
Date Started:29/6/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

World On Ice
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:29/6/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

Rain on this Colour
People In RP: Danielle Warbeck
Date Started:21/8/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

The Long Walk Back
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:21/8/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

Flying to Infinity
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:30/8/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

Like The Three Musketeers
People In RP: Sara Moon, Willow Autumn
Date Started:12/9/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

In The Corner
People In RP: Kate Moon, Willow Autumn
Date Started:13/9/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

Just My Echo
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:26/9/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

A Little Party
People In RP: Kate Moon, Tara Sitara,
Danielle Warbeck
Date Started:4/10/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

4th year

It's been Days
People In RP: Elvera Lefey
Date Started:23/10/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

Misery Loves Company
People In RP: Cosette Mayfair
Date Started:25/10/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

Let Us Trade
People In RP: Georgiana Night
Date Started:2/11/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

You Got That Smile
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:2/11/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

An Early Morning Stroll
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:5/12/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

A Little Gathering
People In RP: Kate Moon, Sara Moon,
Tara Sitara, Dante Vrael, Willow Autumn
Date Started:5/12/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

The First Dance
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:31/12/11
Group At Time: Slytherin

The Meant To Be First Date
People In RP: Kate Moon, Sara Moon,
Tara Sitara
Date Started:11/1/12
Group At Time: Slytherin

Many Questions, No Answers
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:25/1/12
Group At Time: Slytherin

I Will Be.
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:4/2/12
Group At Time: Slytherin

5th year

Cold Winter Nights.
People In RP: Sapphire Bookchild
Date Started:21/3/12
Group At Time: Slytherin

The Lies We Tell.
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:31/3/12
Group At Time: Slytherin

Decision of a Lifetime.
People In RP: Sara Moon
Date Started:29/4/12
Group At Time: Slytherin

Help One Another.
People In RP: Javarius Askolov
Date Started:2/6/12
Group At Time: Member

Admission Of Everything
People In RP: Elvera LeFey
Date Started:29/6/12
Group At Time: Member

A bed, Some Warm Food
People In RP: Elvera LeFey
Date Started:6/7/12
Group At Time: Member

Anger, Honesty, Reunion
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:30/7/12
Group At Time: Member

6th year

Letters To A Loved One
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:22/8/12
Group At Time: Member

Our First Celebration
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:22/8/12
Group At Time: Member

7th year

The Audacity Of Hope
People In RP: Kate Moon, Sara Moon, Tara Sitara
Date Started: 23/12/12
Group At Time: Slytherin

Keeping The Past Behind
People In RP: Professor Elvera Le Fey
Date Started: 3/1/13
Group At Time: Slytherin

Food Heals the Soul
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started: 14/1/13
Group At Time: Slytherin

People In RP: Tybalt Archer
Date Started: 28/1/13
Group At Time: Slytherin

Chase The Devil At Night
People In RP: Various Archers & Kate Moon
Date Started: 11/3/13
Group At Time: Slytherin

Graduation 2033
People In RP: Various Graduating Students
Date Started: 21/4/13
Group At Time: Slytherin

A Heart Full Of Love
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started: 1/4/13
Group At Time: Slytherin


One Final Get Together
People In RP: Various Characters
Date Started: 1/5/13
Group At Time: Member/GM

A Little Light Lunch Alone
People In RP: Jeremy Thorne
Date Started: 6/5/13
Group At Time: Member/GM

Colours and Promises
People In RP: No one, Open
Date Started: 12/5/13
Group At Time: Member/GM

With Your Laughter Lines
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started: 15/5/13
Group At Time: Member/GM

Christmas At The Archer's
People In RP: Various Characters
Date Started: 23/7/13
Group At Time: Member/GM

And The World Came Tumbling Down
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started: 26/7/13
Group At Time: Member/GM

Louder Than Words
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started: 1/9/13
Group At Time: Member/GM

Hey brother
People In RP: Tybalt Archer
Date Started: 5/12/13
Group At Time: Member/GM

Are You Doing, What I Think You're Doing?
People In RP: Tybalt Archer
Date Started: 5/12/13
Group At Time: Member/GM

That Important Question
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started: 31/05/14
Group At Time: Member/GM

Books To Study With
People In RP: Clara Antolini
Date Started: 11/06/14
Group At Time: Member/GM

Tá Mo Chroí Istigh Ionat
People In RP: Various friends of Kate and Stefan
Date Started: 14/01/15
Group At Time: Member/GM

Just Keep Swimming
People In RP: Daniel Clairoux
Date Started: 22/05/15
Group At Time: Member/GM

Into Something Wonderful
People In RP: Kate Archer
Date Started: 22/09/15
Group At Time: Member/GM

Library Break In
People In RP: Various people
Date Started: 25/11/15
Group At Time: Member/GM

Restricted Section Troublemaker
People In RP: Various people
Date Started: 25/11/15
Group At Time: Member/GM

Messy Students
People In RP: Professor Monty Pendleton
Date Started: 3/03/16
Group At Time: Member/GM

People In RP: No one
Date Started: 28/09/2016
Group At Time: Librarian

Brain Freeze and Crayons
People In RP: No one
Date Started: 15/01/2017
Group At Time: Librarian


A Window To The Future
People In RP: Kate Moon
Date Started:13/2/11
Group At Time: N/A

New Found Friendship
People In RP: James Killian
Date Started:22/8/12
Group At Time: N/A
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