Open Study Sesh

Savannah Walters

free-spirited; alt seeker; independent
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 8 1/2 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Vampire Blood Core
02/2046 (15)
Savannah Walters was struggling a little with the way this school was. The classes were not what she'd been expecting them to be, a little boring, but she hadn't expected that none of them would suit her. She just wasn't a theory sort of person, she was hoping to just focus on her practical work, to get guidance on how to improve her working, but it wasn't that. She found lectures dull because she knew she could do the reading in her own time, she'd had practically no practical work this semester, and she didn't count flying as it. But even with all of her frustrations with it, it was still almost exam time and Savannah wanted to at least pass her classes. She gathered all the books she might need for the session, and had brought them, some snacks and some water to the library so that she could just study. Savannah had her own table in the library, covered with all the books she might need, and was studying away slowly.
Dezi knew that exams were coming up sooner than she could expect. She had not really put any effort into studying. She didn't see how she would. Honestly, she had never studied before in her life. She just kind of floated through life, through school. She never did poorly at least, but certainly at her old school the professors had always told her that she should put more of an effort in. Lots of reports home stated she lacked motivation but had potential. Whatever that meant. Dezi wasn't sure if she would get the same reports this year at Hogwarts. Did they even send reports home? Not that her parents would care either way. They had never even been the ones to read them in the past, it was always Minna her beloved Nanny who told Dezi that she could do better.

With thoughts about Minna and her words of encouragement from the past, Dezi did want to do better. Maybe this was the year to start. It was her first round of exams ever at this school. The Gryffindor girl really had no interest in the library, but that was where everyone went to study. She followed suit, hoping it would give her some motivation. She didn't know what to bring so kind of brought the lot of it. She entered the library, her mouth falling open with how many students were packed into it.

Apparently people took their studies seriously around her. Dezi wandered around for a bit before noticing a single girl at a table by herself. Although the books took up enough space on their own. But there were seats available at least. "Heya" Dezi said as she approached the girl, probably a little louder than she should in a library. "Mind if I join you? I've decided to give this whole studying thing a try. Even though I'm not quite sure how. You seem very prepared though. Look at all those books. I bet you know what you are doing. It's a lot of books. How do you even remember all that. I don't know if.. anyway. Mind if I sit too?" She began, cutting herself off from rambling on too much before the other girl even gave her permission to sit with her.
Savannah had been working away steadily in a good silence. She had never had to study or study around other people, so it was nice to be allowed the opportunity to just focus on it. To just let herself be drawn in with the work she was doing. But the silence and peace was broken by a simple heya that was a louder than should be in the library voice. Savannah glanced up towards the girl, recognizing her from a couple of her classes. The girl spoke a lot, giving her a lot of information before asking the first question again. Savannah wanted to say no really, she was studying, and this girl seemed like she would be a distraction, but Savannah hadn't exactly made many friends yet, so instead of saying no, she nodded. ”No, I don't mind,” Savannah said. ”This is my first time studying properly…seemed better to have more than less. Please don't touch the books,” she added, not wanting her to mess up the system that Savannah had – which was just that these books were only for her to use.

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