Open Study Sessions

Professor Noel Waldgrave

DADA 1-4 | Loyal | Friendly Professor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 Inch Alder Wand 13 3/4" With Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Noel knew what he had to do, his goal was clear. He followed the classes neccesary for his dreamjob. At least he thought that was. But he almost knew for sure. The brown haired boy went to the library to prepare himself again for the lessons. He wanted to do good, his grades last year were good and he needed to keep up with the lessons. And than it would be all fine. The Gryffindor could study for himself he had spend a lot of time in the library and he just needed to make an good schedule so he could have some free time with his friends as well. And he hoped he could motivate Minnie to do the same. He hoped she would be less hard on herself, if there was a way where he could let her parents see he would. Also Noel was kind of mad about something what happend at the start of the year feast. An Hufflepuff student was hit by an Slytherin one. And he wanted to do something, but he was all slimed and on the other side of the hall. But if he would see the boy he would tell him. If there was something what Noel hated it were bullies. He just hoped Styx would take care of that boy, and if there was something who could he would be it he figured. The Gryffindor found an spot in the Library and had an table for himself. He put his bag on the table and started to get his books out. And than he would look at his schedule what he would be doing today.
Minnie didn’t have much time to spare, but it was only really just a little worse than prior years, she was just feeling it more she thought. There was something to all of the work that she was doing and something more with the quidditch too. But, she was in the library finishing off some homework and she could admit that her brain wasn’t entirely in it. There was studying she needed to do and then quidditch later but her mind wasn’t really in it. She was just letting herself be distracted by noises and by the small amount of quiet chatter. She knew she needed to spare some time to relaxing since she was distracted because she was working so much she was all but entirely caught up and ahead. The girl decided that she should move, knowing the work wasn’t getting it done. Perhaps she could go to the quidditch section and read up more on how to form a team. It was as she went to look for those books that she spotted Noel. Minnie smiled a little, it had been nice to spend time with him over the break and she was quite eager to hang out with him more. If only because she definitely lacked other people. Minnie walked over and cleared her throat a little. ”Would you mind if I joined you?” she asked in a quiet and polite tone.

Hope you don't mind me joining
The year was becoming busy again. Noel wanted to really step up his game and practice a lot for Quidditch. He felt like he could do better, but his head was with study as well. He wanted to become an auror and he wanted nothing else, so his goal was set. That ment that he had to study really hard, but thankfully it kind of went all good for him. He picked up the lecture easily and he just had to keep focussing and see on his schedule what he had to do. Plan things and so he would have lots of free time and time for practice as well. Noel looked at his schedule and saw that today History of Magic was on. He liked that subject and took the book he needed before him. Before he wanted to open it he heard an sweet and familliar voice and looked up to see Minnie. Noel directly felt his heart racing. '' Minnie!'' Minnie made him in some way nervous. But also very happy. He started to smile directly to her and looked at the empty table. '' No ofcourse not. You are very welcome. It's becoming an usual thing right? Us studying here.'' He suggested she would come here for studying, most of the people did. Unless she came to search for him, but he would not think that was the case. '' I guess you came here for that. Not for something else.'' Noel than responded and felt a bit akward, since it seemed like an logical thing. Why was he so nervous all of sudden?! '' Still got that blue tongue?'' He than asked with a grin on his face.

Ofcourse I don't mind. Noel especially not
Minnie looked at Noel with a small smile, they were friends and she always though that a little weird. She wasn’t the sort of person to have friends, but with Noel it was undoubtedly that. She was pleased that he didn’t instantly ask her to leave but instead accepted that she wanted to study with him. She put down her books and notes and everything that she had just packed away. She’d been intending to move on a little early, but with Noel, she knew she’d motivate herself more to the studying. That she would dedicate more time to it. The ravenclaw smiled at him as she took her quill, ”It is, I guess,” she replied, ”That’s what friends do though, right?” she asked it like a question, though whether she was looking for him to confirm they were friends or if that was just what friends did it was not particularly clear. She looked at him as he continued speaking and just gave a little shrug.
”I was actually about to leave, my studying today is going pretty poorly, so I was going to move on. Can’t seem to focus today, but I spotted you, and you always help me focus,” she meant very literally that having someone there studying with her, made her do better because she didn’t want to show herself up in front of him. She didn’t want anyone to think she wasn’t doing the work she needed to do well. She’d study in front of Eric….if...just..She discard the thought and just gave a little laugh, ”No, thank merlin,” She said, ”My dad thought I’d taken a vow of silence, because I didn’t want them to see,” Minnie had a warm expression on her features, ”Have you developed a blue tongue?”
Noel didn't mind if Minnie interrupted his schedule. If there was someone who he was happy to see it was her. And now looking at her he still felt different than before. It seemed like there was something changed. It could be him who became older and the way he looked at girls, showing more interest and seeing their beauty. Minnie actually called him an friend now and it wasn't like he didn't knew, but it was the confiirmation that they were. He didn't studied with Sully, he was sure he could not focus and that Sully came up with some crazy idea or they would talk about quidditch. He only studied with Minnie, and they shared their hard working spirit. Only Minnie was forced in doing so it seemed. '' Yeah we're friends. And I only want to study with you to be honest. My other friends just make it an game to let me unfocus to my studies.'' He said with an grin. It was perhaps the influence people had on him also. And Minnie had an good influence on him. He was wondering if she knew what he and Sully did to Eric last year. And if she still saw Eric. He didn't knew if it was jealous feelings, or just the fact he wanted to protect Minnie from Eric. Seeing her hurt was something he didn't liked.
He listened to Minnie as she explained herself. The way she spoke of him made Noel blush for an moment. It was nice hearing it. '' Glad to have such an effect. Really you help me focus as well.'' Noel than said in return and smiling to her. He grinned because of the ice colour tongue talk. He really had enjoyed their time together over the break. '' I didn't got an blue one. It was more red than normal.'' He than anwered back with an smile. '' It was delicious ice though. Worth it.'' He than added.
Minnie smiled at him as he agreed they were friends, and a little blushed graced her cheeks as he said she was the only person he’d want to study with. She knew what this meant that he was a good study influence but it was always nice to hear. Nice to hear that someone liked to spend time with her, even if it was only to study. Plus Noel was a friend and it was always nice to spend time with a friend even if just studying. She opened her books and took her quill she could study with him there and the light conversation wouldn’t distract her. Well, it likely would but in her mind it was not going to be a bad distraction. She was pleased that she could help him focus too, in the way that she could focus. It was good. She knew that Noel was a good friend and she knew he was someone her parents would appreciate, even possibly approve of. She laughed lightly as he talked about their ice cream adventure, nodding in agreement. ”Definitely worth it,” she agreed, ”I didn’t even mention to my parents that we didn’t study,” really she just hadn’t told her parents about it much at all, opting that as long as she didn’t say anything they couldn’t catch her in a lie. ”I think with everything else if I’d told them they’d have lost their minds, but it would've been absolutely worth it,” Minnie assured him with a warm expression.
Noel looked at Minnie and seeing her smile made him as well. He kind of hoped it wasn't that he dreamed it, but he felt like there was some connection between them. And something else than he had with both Chloe's for example. And some other friends of him who were girls. He grinned as Minnie thought the same of the ice cream. '' Rebels! Are you really an Ravenclaw?'' He than said with an grin. Joking a bit, ofcourse he hated the situation for Minnie but it was important to make fun in life as well. He smiled back at her. '' But really I hope you can relax a bit more and just be happy without them being all over you. If there is anything I can do for you.. I am here for you to help.'' He than told her with an warm smile. He would talk to her parents and let them see how smart she was and one of the best in class, if she wasn't the best. But he didn't want to do anything what Minnie would not want. Noel than looked at his book for an moment, he felt suddenly a bit nervous. He was thinking of the Yule Ball and wanted to find an good moment. After an moment of silence where he pretended to study he looked at Minnie again. '' Minnie? So I wanted to ask you something.'' Noel than started and hoped that he could find the right words. He smiled shortly and closed his book. '' Would you like to go to the Yule Ball with.. me?'' He than asked her with an smile, really hoping she would say yes.
Minnie smiled at him, laughing lightly. She knew that very few people thought it about her, but she knew she didn’t often break rules or go against her parents, but when it mattered, when it mattered to her then she did. This was just an occasion in which she knew it was important to go against her parents and just tell a little white lie. She looked back at her work as he spoke, just deciding in essence to ignore what he said, there was no sense in her mind lingering too much on it when it wouldn’t really change anything. She looked back up when he said her name, saying he wanted to ask her something, she nodded, ”Sure,” she said, a little curious since for once it seemed that Noel was nervous, she returned his short smile and then frowned a little at the question. Confusion moving across her features...he wanted to go with her? ”With me?” she asked a little surprised but then nodded, ”Yeah….okay,” she sounded keen, though surprised. It would be nice, to actually go with someone. To be someone’s date to the ball. ”What colour will you be wearing? I should try to match it.....right?” minnie was sure this was jumping a few hoops and maybe they didn’t need to, but her parents always tried to match outfits, so that was what people did right? She was sure it was.
Noel hold his hand on his knee and tapped with it on the ground a bit nervously. Minnie didn't said anything back about his offer to help her out with her parents. But that was fine, perhaps she just wanted to forget. And perhaps he could do nothing, he didn't knew them. He waited for Minnie's response and was glad when she agreed. It was such an relief for him that she said yes. His nervous face turned into an smile and he was super happy and excited. '' Yeah?!'' He than asked surprised as well. He wanted to be an gentleman to Minnie and show her what he had. And how sweet he would be for her. But on the other hand, what if Minnie wasn't ready for boys yet? And what if she would not like him in that way? Noel would take things slow for sure, not to scare her. Last thing he wanted to do was ruin their friendship. '' Awesome.'' Noel than said once again. He looked at Minnie and tried to see what she would be thinking right now. She asked which colour he would wear. Noel hadn't t thought of it so specific but figured it would be black suit. '' It doesn't matter. Just wear what you want and where you feel comfertable in. I'm wearing an black suit I'm guessing.'' He than said with an friendly smile. He wanted to scream from the towers, he was so happy. And he was so not focused on studying anymore. Now Minnie was not helping him focussing anymore. He went with Jarica once to an dance but they were just friends there, he really thought of Minnie as special something he never had felt before. Noel looked at his book with History of Magic and tried to read some. He wanted to tell Minnie he couldn't focus at all now anymore, but that would be weird. '' So besides Lars, me and books with who do you spend your time as well? I was wondering if you made more friends?''' Noel than changed the subject and just wanted to know a bit. He was curious if Minnie had some common friends or people he didn't knew yet. Or someone he just didn't liked at all.
Minnie couldn’t help the light blush as he too seemed surprised by her acceptance. She knew she could probably tell her parents about Noel taking her, he had good grades, was a well rounded individual and polite, they would be a match, that perhaps her parents wouldn’t mind at all. She was sure she’d be warned off boys or relationships in general, but as a date to a yuleball, she thought that would be good. It would be fun. Minnie smiled at him, nodding, ”I can pair what I have with black,” she told him since she was more than likely going to be able to do that. Minnie couldn’t help the excitement on her expression as she thought about how nice it would be to spend the evening with him at the yuleball, it was going to be so nice and so fun. She was a little wrapped up in her own thoughts as Noel asked in essence if she had any more friends. She thought briefly of Eric, but they weren’t friends, they’d never been friends, it had just been her delusional mind telling her they were friends, they had never been. ”Well, there’s Emily, my dorm mate, but between studying, homework and quidditch, I don’t really have time, for friends..” she told him, keeping a light expression on her face, though she didn’t feel it as much. She just had to stick to the positives. ”Who has time for more?” she gave a little laugh with what she said but it wasn’t particularly genuine. ”What about you?”

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