🌹 Rose Giving The Last but not Least Important Delivery

Miro Morales-Albertson

🌻 Confident & Impatient 🍄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Fairy Wing Core
The last name on Miro's list of rose deliveries was Aine Thompson, a girl Miro recognized as the head girl. He smiled to himself as he made his way down from the seventh floor and to the second floor, where he waited by the prefect's common room for the second time that day in the hope Aine would soon walk by, or at least a prefect who could point him in the right direction to find her. He smiled to himself as he waited for someone to walk by, happy that he had been given the chance to deliver roses to both the head boy and head girl that day. The deliveries he had been assigned were likely random but that didn't mean he didn't feel special over the fact he had the chance to speak to two older students he thought were so cool.​

@Aine Thompson
Aine had been running around a fair bit over the day, even if she wasn't one of the main people delivering roses she was still trying to keep it organized, point people in the right direction and overall making sure everything ran smoothly. It was tiring, but it was actually kind of nice in a way. There really was something to be said for bringing cheer, and it wasn't even on a cynical level this time. Most people seemed to be in a good mood, and it was somewhat infectious. Even if she didn't really get how the romance side of things worked. She gave a tired but friendly smile (as friendly as Aine could make it, anyway, it was still a little stiff) to the young Gryffindor boy who met her eyes as she walked towards the prefect's common room. "Hey, thanks heaps for helping out with deliveries," she said, genuinely. "Hope it's not been too difficult."
It wasn't too long before Miro spotted Aine walking in the direction of the prefect's common room. He smiled as she walked over, stepping forward to greet her happily. "Hey! It's been great, met lots of new people!" He exclaimed, feeling anything but tired, and more energized and excited than anything else because it had been so fun to run around the castle and see the joy on each person's face as he delivered their rose. "I do need to deliver my last rose, though." Miro added, looking to the last rose in his basket and picking it up. He twirled the stem between his fingers for a moment before he offered the yellow rose to Aine, making sure the note was attached. "This is my last one, and it's for you." He said, hoping she would be happy to receive a rose. Aine certainly deserved at least one rose that day given the effort she had put into organizing the deliveries that year.
Thanks for being a great friend, head girl, housemate, rose buddy, fellow reporter, and all round great person wohoo!! I'll miss you lots next year!!
Happy Valentine's, Love Marnie
Aine was kind of impressed by the energy level, already she felt old even though she was only eighteen. She made a mental note that when she went back to the muggle world she'd have to try and join a gym or get a pool membership and try and be somewhat active. Still, even she felt the joy was somewhat infectious, more so when she saw the note on her rose. It was funny, Marnie was someone that Aine shouldn't have gotten along with on paper, but she was really nice and her thought processes seemed to work in a similar way to Aine's, just much louder. She'd have to thank her properly once they were done. "Thank you," Aine said to the boy - Miro, if she was remembering correctly - and carefully placed the note in her pocket. "It's Miro, right? Happy Valentine's Day." She still didn't really get the romantic side of things, necessarily, but this side of things she kind of liked.
Miro smiled as Aine accepted the rose, feeling pleased she seemed happy with it. Seeing people's faces light up as they received their roses had been one of the highlights of Miro's day, a highlight he hadn't expected but one he realized he welcomed as it made him happy by proxy. He could only hope that he would also receive a rose that day from one of his friends. "Yeah, it's Miro." He confirmed. "Happy valentine's day to you too!" He said in return to Aine. "I hope you have a great day okay! Bye!" Miro then exclaimed moment later before running off in the opposite direction so he could return his now empty rose basket and spend the rest of the day however he wanted.​

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