The Masks talk

Hoshi Icchihara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
When Hoshi was thinking of places that would be privet so she could talk to her friends about what they where going to do next the realization came that if they acted suspiciously they would attract attention and then someone would guess what was going on. At least in the Student Lounge they could get away with it because nearly everyone used it to talk like this and there for they would think it foolish for the Sins to use it this way. Hoshi sent out the note to all her friends so they would know where to show up.

The thing in the Entrance Hall had gone well enough even though a teacher had shown up. She hated that but there was nothing much she could do about it. The Badges would now be in the alert too. Exsacty what she wanted. What would be better then pulling all this off under their noses. There was also the fact that there were two trying for the spot of Wrath. Hoshi's original intention had been for Adira to take on the post of Wrath but then Big S as she had started calling her had heard them talking and made it quite clear that she wanted to be Wrath.

Hoshi had taken the opportunity for more anarchy. She as the lady of black pride took an armchair like a throne and laughed knowing that they would take it as big joke. Though Hoshi was a prideful girl she was always light hearted about it so people wouldn't think she was arrogant. She had wanted to bust out at the Welcome Ceremony at the building of school but knew that she would get into it deep if she did. This was fun though, she only hoped her friends thought so too. She had also made it a point to bring a bag of good for Aeon. Goodness knew how that boy's stomach was bottomless.
Adira walked into the Student Lounge and saw Hoshi she smirked and walked in and went to chill next to Hoshi, "Sup hubris" Adira said softly so no one else could hear.
Adira sat on a Seat on her right sitting sideways so her legs were over one arm and her back leaning on another.
Adira's Black Converse and green Jeans blended nicely with the Red Coloured chair, and her Blood Red ripped tied up shirt seemed to work Nicely aswell "This Chair was built for me" Adira smirked as she stretched out her arms.

"So Hoshi Darling What do you have planned" she said sounding Posh Imatating the Glam Squad, she smirked to herself before she started to turn a ring which was now newly placed on a chain around her neck to replace her Serpent which she had given to Andrew, The Ring infact came from Andrew his family's heirloom so it was a perfect replacement.

Adira's Aura basically screamed 'don't come near me or i'll rip your throat out and replace it with a dirty old Sock'
she looked around the room and pulled out her wand "i'm so bored don't people hurry up" she said as she motioned her wand so it pointed to the wall, with a quick movement she moved her arm and wand to the left and all the portraits on the wall tilted left. Adira heard the complaints of the portraits and she moved her arm and wand right so that they all tilted right hearing more complains Adira was clearly satisfied and moved her arm and wand left again so they all tilted left, she heard a few crashes in the portaits and she smirked again

'OI MISSY, Stop Doing that would ya' said a Man in a Clear scottish accent
'Leave us Be! you little BRAT' Cursed another in a Spanish Accent

Adira looked at the Scottish Man and just glared at him with her Blazing Emerald green eyes

'Respect Respects Missy' He said and went back to adjusting to his new tilted left Picture.

Adira's attention moved the Spanish man "Cierre su boca, si usted sabe cuál es bueno para usted, yo saben que su otro retrato está en mi Father' oficina de s, don' t hace que le hace la quemadura él." she snapped and grinned when the man cowered away.

"Diga a su padre que lo siento y bendigo a su familia para las generaciones, mi Srta. Ater de los respectos." The Spanish Man Responded

"These things are so Funny" she said.
Shaylah walked into the student lounge and saw the other wrath girl messing with the paintings. She walked up to the two girls with her hair flowing behind her. "And there was me thinking you were meant to be more mature than me." She couldn't see what was so funny about talking to a painting in a different language. Shaylah had completely ignored the french tutor her dad had hired so never learnt any other language.
Shay sat on one of the other seats with one foot on the floor and the other by her side so her knee was level with her chest. She was wearing torn jeans and a black hoodie with trainers. She had never been a stylish person and she wasn't about to start now. Shaylah was the sort of person who preferred to stand in the rain than to go shopping for shoes.
"So, what are we here for then??" Shay knew that they were here to talk but what she didn't know was what they were going to talk about. She had been too busy trying to work out where she was going to over the christmas holidays. It was a long way till then but she knew she couldn't go back home after the winter holidays she had just had. The only other place was Sam's house but her husband had just been killed so Shay didn't exactly want to be there either. Dervish had, after all, been her dad's best friend.
Shaylah looked around the student lounge to see if there was any familiar faces there. So far, the only one of her friends who she hadn't had a massive fight with was Sydney but she was even starting to get annoyed with her.

(Sorry for the lameness. It's gone 4am here. I'm just slightly tired.)
Hoshi heard the other name for what she represented and laughed. She laughed more when she saw what she was doing to the paintings. Hoshi put one of black pointed shoes on the table and waited for the others. She saw Shaylah come in and rolled her eyes slightly. "Come off it Big S it's just a bit of fun. Anyway we are here to come up with what are we going to do next. Bare in mind that we will have to make this plan cool and sleek. That teacher coming into the mix nearly cost us everything." She said a bit of a pout coming on to her lips.

She wanted the school to feel as wild as she did, as unrestricted as she did. "Save the rivalry for center stage please, while we are here without our masks there is nothing to fight over." She said as a reminder. Hoshi didn't want to have the student lounge turn into a duel site. That and she didn't want to explain why there was a second year in pieces on the floor. Adira may not have looked it but Hoshi knew that there was a very dark streak to Adira. Hoshi had no fear of it but she was one of the few that didn't.
Adira smirked "Tormenting the Portraits it quite fun, causes them to be unhappy and me to be full of joy to there misfortune, if you don't see that i don't know why you are trying for ira" Adira said darkly without even bothering to make eye contact with the 2nd year.

"Which Reminds me Hosh, My Brother Alton thinks your Cute, Keep away from him if you know whats good for you, he likes to hit it and quit it if you know what i mean" she said.
Adira flicked her hand at the wall and the portraits shot over to the other angle again she heard multiple groans and bangs and crashes "and Audel has offered to make any pastrys you might need, Extra creamy and he can toss in a bit of Magic if you like to make it more Hillarious, well hillarious to the person throwing the Pastry, the person getting hit by said pastry won't like it, when i was little my brothers would do these in around there first year on the holidays. Audel would make these Fantastic Pie's once there thrown at you they would cause you to a.. be covered in cream and b.. either you started puking, came out in zits, all horrible things, even the pathetic skin changing colour that she did the other day, also work if you ate a slice but the effects were longer, we might be able to bribe the elves into putting these on the tables for dinner so the whole school had multiple things go wrong with them" Adira said as she watched the portraits continue to complain and readjust.

"Hosh you and i both know i don't get along well with Anyone at all, and i'll pick a fight with anything i can, this isnt rivalry for me, this is me normally" She said to Hoshi.
Adira looked back at the portraits and picked up her wand again 'Lumos Maxima' she said mentally and flicked her wand towards the portraits and just like a camera flash the light from her wand shot out and blinded the portraits, Adira snapped her wand back and the light died out and there was more crashing from the portraits tripping over and groans, "See this is Quite Amusing, i will have to do this along the stair cases" she said.
Shaylah rolled her eyes and slouched slightly in her seat. She couldn't see the fun in targeting people which weren't technically real. Real people were loads more fun.
She watched the two girls have a conversation about some boys and pastries. She sat up at the mention of the pastries being put for the students to eat. "Ok. Now you're talking. Watching some of the freaks in this school walk around with those sort of symptoms would make my day. I would be more than happy to help with that one." She smirked at the thought of it. She could imagine Lily and Angela and Steph all walking round puking their guts up. It made her smirk increase just thinking of it.
"I'll tell you what's more amusing. Doing that to real people. Doing it to paintings is boring." Shaylah had always got fun out of scaring people. When she lived in Scotland, it seemed to be one of her few ways of passing the time. She made a reputation for herself over there and enjoyed it. Then, moving house meant she had to start over and for the first time in her life, she had made friends. It was weird and she hadn't liked it then. Now she was mostly alone.
Hoshi rolled her eyes laughing. She knew that it was Adira's nature to start fights and get into trouble but she wanted to be this meeting somewhat peaceful. She started considering what Adira was saying about the trick food. "We would have to make sure that some of our members know well that these are to be thrown and not eaten." She said as she rubbed her hands together. "Another thing would we would have to work the house elves well because I know of at least one that would take offense to us giving them food to put out. Rather proud of their cooking I should be feeling the same." She said with a slight smirk on her face.

Hoshi leaned back in her chair so that her deep red dress puffed out a little bit. "Since this is your idea Adira how about for this turn we do a division. Groups of us take on a house and works on a prank. I say this one would be good for Ravenclaw and in the middle of the table have the elves leave a note saying 'Figure it out'" She said thinking of confused Ravencalws. She had 'Claw friends of course and Knight her best friend had been confused before but other than that she had always seen Ravens with smug looks on their faces. She wanted them to be truly confused for once.

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