The Stands

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
((Feel free to have your students, staff members, and professors post their reaction to the game. Follow the game!))
Sage was not that interested in quidditch. She didn't take part in it, because of that reason. She didn't really enjoy most sports. It just wasn't her kind of thing. But, since she had grown very bored of studying, the girl had decided that she would spend some time at the match. It was a good waste of her time. She was smiling to herself as she made her way to one of the spots on the bench. She was dressed, in an old slytherin t-shirt, and a pair of shorts, despite the cold weather. Soon enough the game kicked off, and she watched it carefully. Attempting to keep track of where the game was heading. She liked it, but was not as interested in it as the others on the stands were. Sage was really hoping that Slytherin would actually win. They didn't really need to, but it would be great.
Avie loved watching the game of quidditch. Really he just loved being around others who were all as excited as he was about something. Really Avie loved most sports. He wasn't very good at quidditch, he got pretty easily distracted from most things, so it was the same when flying. It was part of why, he hadn't really tried in flying classes. he smiled however, as he sat with many other slytherins, ready for this match. He didn't own any slytherin clothing aside from his uniform, so the tie was tied around his head as he watched the match kick off. Incredibly excited for how the game turned out. He cheered loud every time the ball got in their side of the pitch. He was frustrated when Ravenclaw got the lead, but was incredibly happy when slytherin managed to score one. He smiled happily. Hoping that Slytherin would definitely win this match.
Gryffindor had won their match against Hufflepuff, and since that was over, and really the only option for this day that he had was to just study or go to the other match, the boy had decided the latter. He had no preference to who won this match. He was looking forward to seeing which team came out on top. He was smiling happily to himself as he sat amongst the ravenclaw crowd, just by happenstance, he decided since he was sat here, he'd cheer just that little bit louder for the Ravenclaws. He clapped loudly when they managed to score twice. This match was proving to be really interesting, and while he was sure he should be studying, he was glad he'd taken the time to come and watch it. Tybalt kept his attention on the match in front of him, smiling brightly as he did so.
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