Open Tidying Up

Kiara Thompson

perfectionist • growing • princess of plants 🌿
Blood Status
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Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
10/2043 (17)
Kiara was happy to be back at school again, more confident in her own skin than she had been before. If last year had thought her anything it was that she could perhaps just be confident instead of trying to fake it. Obviously, that took a lot of work but she felt like she had come a long way over the past year. Had grown in her confidence and felt more at ease with it all. Spending some time with her older brother over the break had definitely helped her with that as well. Now, being back, she knew there was some work that needed to be done and decided it might be good to get part of it done before classes even started. The weather was still a bit cool so she had made sure to dress up appropriately before heading to the garden and getting down on her knees, working on getting rid of some dead weeds that could be seen between the plants.
Isadora was glad to be back at Hogwarts for her sixth year. She was fairly sure she wouldn't be transferred out again, even though her OWL results had been pretty terrible. She had barely spoken to her parents, spending most of her time working over break. It hadn't been great, but it had been sort of nice. She especially liked seeing Margo on lunch breaks, as she worked nearby. Isadora decided to take a walk outside to clear her head. She always enjoyed the gardens, so it was an easy choice. She was surprised to see someone kneeling between the flowers, pulling weeds. Isadora stopped and squinted at the person. "Kiara? Is that you?"
Kiara quite enjoyed being out in the garden. It was usually not too busy but still she was keen on making it look pretty again before the weather got sunnier and students would, hopefully, be out there more often. On top of that it just felt good to get rid of the weeds and make sure the plants and flowers had room to grow. Personally, she knew just how important that could be. Kiara jumped up when someone suddenly called out her name. She placed her hand on her chest before letting out a slightly embarassed laugh when she noticed it was Isadora. "Hi! Yeah. Hi." She chuckled, lowering her hand while she took a calming breath.
Isadora felt a little bad when she saw how she had startled Kiara, and she held up her hands quickly. "Sorry, I was just surprised to see you there." She said, taking a small step back. "Why are you in the flowers, are you trying to become one?" She asked, teasing her friend a little. "You better be getting some house points for this extra work. Isn't this a staff job?" She asked, realizing Kiara was taking care of the Hogwarts garden. "Or like extra Herbology credit maybe?"
Kiara laughed when Isadora apologized, waving away her apology since there was really no need for it. She had just been in her own little world for a moment so anyone speaking up would've startled her eventually. "You mean it's not working?" She chuckled in respond to Isadora's joke, making a point to look at her legs before looking at the flowers around her. "None of those, actually." She shrugged. "But I'm one of the Wild Patch leaders so I figured I have some sort of responsibility for the garden as well?" Kiara tried to explain her reasoning for what she had been working on. "But I also just like the flowers and getting rid of the weeds allows them more space to grow, which I feel is a win. For me, at least."
Isadora clicked her tongue when Kiara said she wasn't getting anything for the work she was doing, shaking her head. "You're not even sure." She pointed out, but then smiled. "It's nice of you, but it makes me glad I don't run any clubs." She said with a shrug, putting her hands in her pockets. She looked at Kiara for a moment as the Ravenclaw explained she liked doing this. Isadora hesitated for a moment. "Do... you need any help?"

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