Open Trying New Things

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Kiara Thompson

perfectionist • growing • princess of plants 🌿
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Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
10/2043 (17)
Kiara wasn't a huge fan of Halloween and yet that had never kept her from attending the feast. Even if she wasn't particularly keen on getting startled or being around some of the scary students that other students came up with. She had put some effort into her costume and had dressed completely in black and white to give off a monochrome look. Even including full length gloves and painting her face to make her skin look like she had just stepped out of a black and white picture. In the spirit of being more outgoing and confident she had even brought a an old camera from home. It didn't work but that wasn't the point of her bringing it anyways. She just hoped it would be enough to invoke some social interaction. Once she reached the hall she debated what she wanted to do for a moment before heading over towards the grindylow pinata. She didn't think she would be trying to hit it herself but it would surely be interesting to see others do so. Especially since apple bobbing wasn't really an option with her painted face.
Silas thought his costume was very representative of his current mindstate when it came to art. He thought it was a clever costume, and while people were staring at him, it truly didn't matter much. He was here to make a statement with his costume and not worry about dressing up as a cat or a ghost. Silas eventually found his way over to the pinata, wondering if he would even be able to hit it in his current state, but he accidentally bumped into someone nearby. "Ooooops, sorry," he said loudly as he tried to readjust his balance.
Gwen was quite proud of her costume this year, especially the enchantment. She really looked like a large playing card, which was definitely more unique than most of the other costumes she had seen at the feast so far. But no one had really come flocking to her with admiration yet, which frustrated her a bit. She had put a lot of work into the costume. She spotted a younger Ravenclaw girl she vaguely knew and approached her, feeling fairly confident that the girl would praise her. At the very least, she would be company. But just as she approached, someone bumped into her. Gwen sniffed in disdain. “Watch where you’re going, that’s so rude.” She told the boy with a glare.
Kiara had been watching other students have a go at hitting the pinata for a few minutes, almost wondering whether she should step up and give it a try too. An idea that left her mind as quickly as it had entered because she knew she probably wouldn't even manage to hit it. Let alone cause it to break. She turned around when someone bumped into her, ready to say it was fine but taking a step back when she faced whoever had bumped into her. Needless to say, the whole green face cover had startled her for a second and very much reminded her of the fact that it was Halloween. Before she could even actually say something someone else stepped up though and she just kept quiet for a second. "N-no, it's fine.." Kiara replied after Gwen had spoken, feeling her cheeks heat up as she did. She wasn't much one for confrontation. Instead, she turned to Gwen with a small smile. "Your costume is very pretty." She complimented before turning towards the other kid. "Yours is.. interesting." She added carefully.
Silas was trying to see through the small holes in his costume as someone was calling him rude when in reality, their own tone gave off a rude vibe. He fully rotated towards the voice and looked down to see a prefect. "I really am sorry. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to move around the space, but it's a little dark in here," he said to her before hearing another voice, who he thought was saying his costume was pretty and tried to fully rotate again before realizing she had meant the prefects. He recognized the other girl from class. "Well, I like both of yours, at least from what I can see in here," Silas said, trying to decide if he was yelling as everything echoed in the suit. "But interesting doesn't necessarily mean bad, so I'll take it," he said with a grin, before realizing they couldn't see any of his facial expressions.
Gwen shook her head firmly. “It’s not fine, he should watch out.” She said, turning to the boy. She nodded in approval as he apologized again, then wrinkled her nose as she took in his costume. “What is it?” She asked, deciding not to comment on if it was good or not. To her, it mostly seemed ugly.
Kiara had long forgiven the boy when he mentioned it was difficult to see in the costume he was wearing. It wasn't too difficult to imagine that it was. Gwen seemed to think differently though, insisting that the boy had been rude for bumping into her. Part of Kiara wanted to say something else, assure her that it really was fine but it didn't sound like it would change anything. Gwen didn't seem like someone who'd easily shift opinions. "No, it's not bad. It's a little.. eery, to be honest." She replied to the boy's response. Having a costume invoke an emotion like that wasn't strange during Halloween but she was curious to hear what he was when Gwen asked the question.
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