Closed Up To Something

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Senna Overby

💫 unofficial quidditch club 💫
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Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Fairy Wing Core
07/2045 (16)
Senna perhaps had said 'yes' a little too easily when Kyon had asked her if she wanted to go to the dance with him because he really needed a date. They were friends so she hadn't though too much about it and was happy to attend the ball to him but she had gotten a feeling that perhaps there was a little more to it. That he was up to something. It wasn't anything he had planned on keeping a secret from her since he had openly admitted why he needed a date when she asked him to and by that point she had already said yes. Still, she wondered if taking her to the ball would aid his attempt of gaining someone's attention. She didn't know who he was attempting to make jealous either. "So," Sen raised an eyebrow at her friend, holding his arm while they walked down the final few steps towards the great hall together. "If you really want to make a lasting impression perhaps you should tell me who exactly needs to see you with a date? Maybe then I can keep an eye out for them?"
Kyon was probably rather impulsive and he didn't always think everything through. He knew that. This wasn't exactly his smartest idea. He wasn't sure how it was ever going to work. He rubbed the back of his neck. But at least it couldn't go too badly, right? He still got to hang out with one of his closest buddies. He groaned when she almost immediately shot his plan down to completely ignore it, though. He shook his head. "Ughhh, don't make me think about it," He grumbled. "It's not going to work- he's never noticed before I doubt he's going to care now."

He sighed, but decided to answer her question anyway. "But if you must know, I'm trying to get Emmanuel to pay attention to me." He pouted a bit, rubbing the back of his neck and staring at their shoes as they walked. "He's always surrounded by all those girls that have the hots for him. I don't want to be just another admirer stuck in the crowd, but he never bothers-" He cut himself off before he could really get ranting (or risk being overheard) and just sighed again. "Can we just forget my dumb ideas and hang out or something?" He pleaded, giving her his biggest eyes.
Even if she had gotten much better at walking in heels over the years Sen was still glad she got to hold on to Kyon's arm while they had been making their way down. Stairs could be tricky and faceplanting while she was all dressed up wasn't exactly on her to list for tonight so she was more than happy when they had reached the last step and could make their way into the hall. "Aw, c'mon, anyone would be dumb not to notice you. I mean you look very fashionable tonight." She nudged him as they walked into the hall, figuring she'd hold on to his arm a little longer if only to help him be a little more noticeable.

When he mentioned who this was all about she couldn't help the chuckle that escaped from her mouth though, quickly raising her hand to cover it. Perhaps she should've asked more about his plan before the ball. "Oh, Ky, I'm sorry I don't mean to laugh." Sen quickly apologised, letting go of his arm so she could properly face him and show him her best apologetic expression. "I don't really think I'm the right pick if that's who this is about though." She added. Emmanuel was one of her best friends and she was quite certain he would know there was nothing going on between Kyon and her. If there was, she would've already made sure to tell him. "Although I could get his attention so we can say hi.." She trailed off a little as she started thinking about it, quickly snapping her attention back to Kyon when he talked on. "Or we could do that. Honestly, whatever you want." She just wanted him to have fun.
Kyon made sure to support Senna as they moved, actually appreciating the touch. He let out another frustrated sigh, shaking his head. "Really, Sen, it's fine," He promised, dragging a hand through his hair. "It wouldn't matter who was here with me. I've tried everything- ignoring him, snogging with boys in the halls, trying to be extra affectionate, extra cute- nothing works." He complained. "Honestly-" He offered out his hand. "Let's just dance. Either I can enjoy tonight with you or waste it with another pointless scheme that wouldn't work." He gave her an almost shaky smile, looking unusually defeated and tired- it was a drastic shift from his usual energetic, off the walls personality. "This was my last plan- I'm tired of fighting for his attention. His fangirls can have him. I hear most of the girls in our year have it bad for him. They can just keep him at this point."
Senna tried her best not to look at Kyon with a sense of pity as he talked about everything he had tied to gain Emmanuel's attention. She couldn't help but to think they all sounded like work arounds though. Ways to try and make his intentions or feelings clear without actually doing so. "Have you tried a more.. direct approach?" She questioned carefully, not keen on making her friend feel like she thought she knew better. "I mean I know that's scary but hints like that often just go over people's heads. Especially with boys as sweet as Emmanuel. He might not even have realised you like him and, I'm going to be honest here because I'm your friend, but kissing other boys might not have send the right message either." Sen offered, reaching out to fix a few stray strands of his hair after he had run a hand through it. "Well I am a blast to be around, so you enjoying your night has been a guarantee since the second you asked me." She smiled, happily grabbing his hand and tugging him towards the dance floor. The very least she could do was make sure he would remember tonight as a good night rather than one during which he felt faced with defeat. And she wouldn't mind having some fun either.
Soren shook his head. "I've tried everything, Sen- I've gotten close, given him chances to kiss me, told him maybe he should date me instead, I've done everything but paint it on a dumb sign and hold it up. But he doesn't listen, Sen, it's like- I'm just there. I'm in the background of whatever he's doing. He doesn't hear me, doesn't see me. He's always focused on his school, on his club, on his damn enterouge." He frowned, his heart hurting. "I can't do anymore- he's never shown any interest in guys, if I come on to him too hard and he's not bi then the friendship could be ruined, and I would hate that, too," He sighed. He shook his head, taking a few deep breaths before turning to her with a more genuine smile.

"Sorry... I shouldn't drag you into things, Sen, I'm sorry I rambled. Let's just go dance, yeah? Find some snacks, have a good night?' He offered out his hands to her. "You really do look beautiful tonight. Almost beautiful enough to turn me," He joked, giving her a playful wink.
Senna opened her mouth to respond but closed it again as Kyon rambled on about his struggles with Emmanuel. She felt for him, she really did, and part of her wanted to stalk right over to Emmanuel and ask for his opinion on the matter but she could hardly do that. They were both her friends but she wasn't going to just meddle in their business. No matter how much she wanted to. "I guess that's the biggest risk to consider, yeah.." She replied when he mentioned not wanting to ruin their friendship. "Although I hardly think that would ruin your friendship. You're both smart and kind enough not to let that happen." She offered her honest opinion about her friends.

"Nah, Ky, you're all good." She waved off his apology. If he couldn't even rant to her about a boy her about a boy he liked she would consider herself a terrible friend. "Sure." Sen nodded easily, already making her way over to the dancefloor and twirling herself under his arm when they reached it. "Aww, thanks." She laughed when he complimented her. "Maybe that smooth talking can help find me an actual date for the next dance." Sen joked.
Kyon just laughed and twirled her, dancing with an easy smile on his face. "Aw, come on, Sen. A few dance moves and any guy here would fall all over themselves to escort you to the next dance," He teased her. "Though I might cry little manly tears if you make him swoon," He laughed again, trying to twirl her a second time. "Tell me, though. Is there anyone you have your eye on? Or shall I list off single boys looking for attention?" He teased her lightly.
Senna was more than happy to show off her dress when Kyon twirled her. The outfits she wore to these dances were always were quite a step up from her regular clothes and she had to admit she did enjoy putting in some effort for them. Especially since it was only a few times a year. "Please, he's my friend. I would never." She smiled in response, giving his offer some thought before her smile turned into a grin. "Oh, go ahead, I'm dying to hear who you'll name." Sen laughed. "Just make sure to include any interesting girls as well, yeah?"
Kyon laughed and tried to just dance, forgetting that Emmanuel was there somewhere- even though he spotted him moving with someone. He looked back to Senna quickly. "Well, I mean, Emrys is single since the break up with Marnie and I think Yuelia is single too, and of course the head boy and girl are both single, and there's Zerrin in fifth year, and his brother Fraser is single I think, and that weird quiet Slytherin- I forget his name, the one thats roommates with Cassius, and there's that one girl, Evelyn or Evan or something in seventh, she's super quiet but pretty," He rambled, trying to ignore Emmanuel wherever he was even as he felt the heat climbing up his cheeks.
Senna laughed when Kyon actually started to list people who he knew were single. She wondered for a second if she should worry about why he seemed to know everyone's relationship status but then again he always seemed.. inquisitive. "I'm not even going to ask how you know all of that." Sen shook her head. "And we probably shouldn't let them hear you grouping them all as 'single people looking for attention'." She added with a grin. "But I guess there are plenty of options, although honestly I don't think I really need a date. I could always just drag another friend along." She had only been joking when she mentioned it after all. Surely, if any other student had piqued her interest it would be someone she had noticed before. And she didn't think she had noticed anyone that way.
Kyon laughed at her commentary. "Oh! I think Gregory Friend is single too," He gave her a playful wink. "And Savannah Walters, maybe." He smiled impishly at her. "I make it my business to know these sorts of things. I'm not perfect, though, I don't know everything. Just a few rumors here and there." He caught sight of Emmanuel again on the dance floor and looked away, blushing. "I'm getting thirsty, want to get some drinks?" He asked, offering out his arm for her again.
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