Open Watching for Gossip Material

Friday Weeks

sweet(ish) | naive | two-faced
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 1/2" Flexible Hazel Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
02/48 (13)
Friday was glad to be back at school, though she hated the classes and exam aspects of the school, she liked being at the school itself. It was a fun place to be, it had people she could interact with that weren't her family. She didn't mind spending time with her brother and sisters but she liked not having to spend too much time with them. She certainly didn't want to hear about how her grades were terrible from anyone. Friday had never cared for classes like she knew Monday did. Friday had come down to the great hall, and was enjoying watching all the different people at the different tables, watching how they were, how they acted, trying to learn anything about them that she could.
Santiago hated coming back to school every year but his slowly growing acceptance at least cut down on the time he was truly miserable. The transition even after a few years was still uncomfortable and it didn't help he didn't have any real friends. As he searched his house table for somewhere to sit he spotted the girl with the dumb name he met last year. "Is it safe to sit down or did you sabotage the food?" he asked with a raised eyebrow as he took a seat.
Friday glanced up from her watching and gave a little smile. She liked Santiago more than most in the year, he was a little rude, but not so rude. She found him more interesting than most. Friday gave a little smirk and nodded. "Oh yeah," she said. "Poured a bit of pumpkin juice in every single piece of food," she said. "Took the pumpkin juice from my glass too," she hadn't of course, but she'd play this game of back and forth with him.
(if you don't want to continue with this thread i totally understand!)

Santiago smirked as he sat down. "Sounds...soggy." he said and picked up an apple and took a bite. One of the only foods on the table to be pumpkin juice free if she had been telling the truth. Not that he believed her but it was fun to play along for a little bit. "So what are you plotting besides wasting perfectly good pumpkin juice?" he asked. "World domination or something a bit smaller?"
Friday gave a little smirk at what he said, and watched as he took an apple. She felt sure that he wwas just going for what he wanted and her jokes had nothing to do with it, but it also felt fun to watch him go for an item that was not supposedly covered in pumpkin juice. "Oh no, nothing like that, not yet." she replied. "Just watching and listening, seeing if there's anything worth knowing about,"
Santiago took another bite of his apple and smirked. Of course she was trying to snoop on people. It almost reminded him of June but he shook off the thought. "I doubt it." he scoffed. "I firmly believe there is nothing worth knowing about this place." he said with certainty. "Have you had any luck?" he asked and leaned forward on his elbows. Partly to dare her and partly to know of any gossip. Not that he had anything to do with it but anything to make this place more interesting was welcome.
Friday snorted lightly as he seemed very sure that there was nothing worth knowing and really she hadn't found much gossip out, nothing that was that interesting. "Not yet, everyone has been really boring," she said with a little roll of her eyes. "But, you know that Slytherin over there has been sitting by himself for like an hour, hasn't spoken to anyone. I bet it's because he smells gross," she said making something up for someone. "And maybe we should be warning others about it,"
Santiago laughed when Friday admitted she didn't have any good gossip. "I told you so." he said triumphantly before leaning back a bit. He narrowed his eyes slightly as she started to speculate about some Slytherin. He glanced in the direction and scoffed. "Haven't you been sitting here by yourself just as long?" he countered. "I think you should go over there and give him a sniff to make sure."
Friday rolled her eyes at him, and then glanced at the boy. She glanced between him and the slytherin boy she'd picked on. "Maybe I will," she said, and she stood up, and meandered her way over to where the boy was sitting, and made a big gesture of sniffing the air and making a face while looking back at Santiago. Friday then meandered her way back and sat down. "I was right," she lied, since the boy hadn't really smelled but for this, he was supposed to have.

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