Y45 Wheelbarrow Event: The Race

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Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (54)
Matt was excited about today. He loved events like this, and the start of a new school year was an excellent time for it. It was also a beautiful day, which made it even better. He hoped a fun event like this would help students bond, though he mostly remembered having a very sore back from his own participation the last time this event had been held. That was more than a decade ago now, he doubted he could get up afterward now if he tried to do this again. Though he knew that wouldn't be a problem for the students. He smiled at the excited kids, eager to get started. Then looked over at the spectators and grinned more widely. This really was bringing people together already. Matt held his wand to his throat, casting an Amplifying Charm before he spoke. "Hello and welcome everyone, to the wheelbarrow race. Please give it up for the participants!" He gestured to them, giving the audience a moment to cheer. "Everybody at the starting line into position, please," he then said, more seriously as he turned to the participating students. "Get set... on your marks..." He paused. "GO!" He shot sparks into the sky, grinning as the students got started, moving towards the finish line the best they could.

OOCOut of Character:
Just a reminder that this is the type of wheelbarrow you should be RPing as. Roleplay racing, and have fun! When there is a post saying the words "Finish Line", the first team to post going over the finish line is the winner! Good luck!
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June firstly had no idea why she thought this was fun. But the fact that she could win something and have her name on another trophy made her interested. She liked to win an be the best and this was a way of getting points too. Another reason was that it was an way of bonding with Fraser, who she thought and hoped to be an good partner for this. He was sporty at least and a Gryffindor, and they seemed to like this kind of stuff. So it was an good plan with two goals in this. She went standing next to Fraser and gave him an smile. And listened to the headmaster speaking. June was glad that Fraser agreed to be the wheelbarrow since she was not gonna touch the dirty ground. So she would stand up and have his legs. Also June figured it looked ridiculus if she was the wheelbarrow.

She waved like an celebrity as the headmaster introduced them all as participants. June frowned for an moment as she saw Benico and Tempest. Why was Tempest with her book carrying Hufflpuff? They would lose for sure. June than looked at Fraser. '' Ok we win this. We keep focussing, and don't let us get pushed aside. Right?'' June than said to Fraser and spoke confidently. Once it was time to get to the start. June hold Fraser his legs, he wasn't that heavy thankfully. And he needed to do most of the work, that's how June liked it. But she would do everything to win. She stood ready and once the start sign was given June was always quick with reflexes, so she started quickly with walking. '' Go!!'' June than said loud. Competetive to win.

@Fraser Fergusson
Teddy bubbled with excitement as he prepared for the wheelbarrow race, especially because he was teamed up with his best friend. When it came to deciding positions, Teddy let Amodeus choose which one he wanted first, and he chose the wheelbarrow. Teddy was more than happy being the runner. At the starting line, he sized up the competition, knowing this would be fierce.

"Let's do this! Gimme your ankles!"
Teddy crouched to take hold of Amodeus' ankles. They barely got into position before the race began. Teddy started running, keeping a firm grip on Amodeus' ankles and adapting a penguin-like waddle to avoid tumbling over him.

@Amodeus Jones
Fraser waved with June as they were introduced. He was so ready for this, to be able to do this. He nodded at June's words. Fraser could do this, wouldn't let them get pushed aside. He moved on to his hands, raising his legs for her to hold at his ankles and then watched the headmaster, immediately setting off. Going as quickly as he could without tripping up or falling. Though he hadn't made the team, Fraser was still in good shape and this wasn't too hard. He trusted June to direct him to where he needed to go and his job was to just move forward.
@June Davenport
Ezra was standing with Elise at the starting point for the wheelbarrow race. He was staring, wide-eyed, at Dorian who was also standing at the starting line. He was standing too far away from Ezra for him to ask him anything, but his mind was reeling with questions. What was he doing here? With Anisha of all people? He forced himself to look away, trying to focus on Elise. "Alright, you're the wheelbarrow." He said, gesturing for her to put her hands on the ground. He lifted up her ankles, and then waited for the starting sign. Once it came, Ezra started pushing forward. "Go go go!"

@Elise Ito
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Anisha couldn't believe she was here with Dorian. But here she was. She glanced at him one last time suspiciously, just making sure this wasn't all an elaborate joke. Raafe wasn't going to believe this when she told him. Then she lowered herself to the grass, kicking back one of her legs. "Grab my ankles!" She called, watching Professor Alcott-Ward, as it seemed like he might start the race any moment. He did, and Anisha kicked back again. "Dorian, c'mon!"

@Dorian Fitzwilliam
Amodeus smiled brightly, excited to play. "Let's do this!" He yelled, doing his best to run on his hands, giggling and stumbling a bit but managing to keep his balance. He wasn't sure he was going straight, his eyes closed. "Come on, Teddy, you're my eyes!" He yelled, giggling. @Teddy Pirrip
Their course wasn't as straightforward as Teddy had thought because Amodeus couldn't see where they were going. He began shouting out instructions to Amodeus, "Go left!" then, "More to the right!" Teddy was determined to win. "Faster!" he urged, as he continued to direct their path.
@Amodeus Jones
Dorian was starting grimly ahead at the finish line, wondering if he focused hard enough he could will himself to the end ala apparition and not have to actually go through with this. But despite the lingering awareness of the crowd's eyes on them (and no doubt Ezra too, further down the starting line), he was a man of his word, so he wasn't going to bail on Anisha as much as he wanted to.

"Alright, hold on-" Dorian muttered as Anisha naturally took charge, nearly getting kicked in the face for his troubles as he fumbled to grab Anisha's legs, his face flushing. "Stop kicking me-" He hissed again, finally getting a grip right as Professor Alcott-Ward announced the start of the race, the pair of them moving in a lurch as Anisha practically pulled Dorian forward, likely by sheer force of will alone at first, until he properly got his feet under him and they were moving.

"Just let me lead, I can't steer with you trying to drag us forward," he grunted, trying to keep his grip steady on Anisha's ankles. Of course it couldn't be simple with her, no doubt every step of this race was going to be a battle for control between the two of them. @Anisha Khatri
Amodeus was giggling, squealing happily, following Teddy's instructions as best he could. "We can do it, let's go, let's go!" He encouraged, stumbling over his own hands but giggling with every stumble. "We can do it!" He was just rambling, doing his best to keep pushing forward. @Teddy Pirrip
Benicio was ready. He grinned at his partner. "Ready to win?" he asked. "Do you wanna be the wheelbarrow or the person pushing?" he asked, caught completely off guard when the Headmaster started the race. "Huuurry!" @Tempest Vero
As always June had prepared this. She was good at leading and she had shared her vision with Fraser. And they seemed an good team so far. Fraser listened to her, perhaps that helped. But June figured he was actually usefull in this race. So as he went she leaded him the right way. They were going pretty smooth and fast, and June focused on the goal. And would not look behind her or too much to the others. And remained focused. She heard a lot of people shouting around her. And she had too hold in a smirk, about the un prepared people behind her. June didn't need to shout too much, that will spill her energy and she was not dumb. So she only used it whenever it was neccesary. If Fraser followed her like they planned, it would go easily. She tried to not bend down too much, that it hurted her back and hold his enkles pretty high up as they moved forward. Thankfully he didn't had short legs. She speed-walked along after Fraser and watched in front of her. '' Very good! Keep your legs straight. And just keep focussing in front of you.'' June than said calm, figuring an bit of motivation would do well. As she made sure they were going in the right direction.

@Fraser Fergusson
Fraser was trying to not be distracted, he knew June liked to win, and he absolutely did not want to be the reason that she didn't. The boy was moving his hands quickly, doing as she said, and keeping his legs straight. He knew that not doing that could cause her to let go, or make them fall over. Fraser also appreciated the reminder to just focus on straight ahead, since there was so much noise that the temptation to look about was strong. But he stayed focused, breathing heavily, and just trying to move as quickly as he could.
@June Davenport
Teddy's pace gradually quickened to keep up with the front runners, until he sort of forgot he needed to keep pace with Amodeus too. As a result, he found himself holding Amodeus' ankles higher and higher in the air. @Amodeus Jones
Tempest felt like she would regret signing up for the race, especially with a boy she didn't know. But as she looked over at June and Fraser, she sucked it up and turned back to her partner. She didn't want to walk on her hands, as she had no upper body strength, but she was also taller than the boy, sitting at 5'9", and figured it'd be easier for her to be the pusher. "I just did my nails so," she said, not finishing her sentence because she thought it was a good enough reason. She stood in place, ready to grab Benicio's ankles as the headmaster gave them the go-ahead. "Don't fall," she added. @Benicio Matos
Benicio shrugged and planted his hands on the ground. Her reasoning made sense to him. "Don't drop my legs" he called back as he started forward. The Hufflepuff quickly realized this was much, much harder than he'd expected. He glanced up, but he couldn't even see the finish line. "Oh damn" he whispered to himself as he pushed forward. @Tempest Vero
It had taken a good bit of work to convince Emery to join the wheelbarrow race with him, but Rāwhiti was confident they could win. He sized up the competition as they all lined up, and when the race began he started right away, holding Emery's legs tightly as he powered forwards towards victory. "LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
@Emery Mettlestone
The moment she heard about the wheelbarrow race, Thistle had JUMPED at the chance to enter with her brother. Especially with Felix graduating this year, she wanted to get as much time with him as possible before she was the only Carnahan left at Hogwarts. So here they were, an UNSTOPPABLE team. She set off as soon as the race began, struggling a little to keep a hold on Felix's legs as she started running forwards. Sure, there was probably a more sensible way to do this, but it would only be sweeter if they could win while doing things the silly way.
@Felix Carnahan
Artemis Vasilakis was glad that she could sign up, with her dormmate too! She beamed as she took ahold of Elodie's legs to support her along. She just wanted to have some fun, and some fun was what she was doing! "Let's do this thing, Elodie!" Artie might not have been too competitive, but as long as they weren't in last place, that was a win!

@Elodie Wynshaw
Miro had been thrilled to find out there would be a school wheelbarrow race, and upon learning about it had signed up with Lucy, because in his mind there wouldn't be a better partner than his Ravenclaw friend. When the day of the race had finally started Miro arrived to the great lawn with Lucy. He looked to the other students for a moment then turned to his friend. "Which one of us is the wheelbarrow?" He asked, not a moment later following this with a suggestion. "Paper, scissors, rock to decide?" Miro added, at Lucy's agreement moving to play the game with her and choose rock because it was always the best option. He held his head back in defeat when Lucy chose paper and this meant she would be the wheelbarrow of their team. "It's cool, I still think we'll win." Miro then said as he waited for Lucy to move to the ground, before he picked up her ankles and began to race as soon as the professor said Go. Miro tried his best to run behind Lucy without pushing her too far forward so they could race at the right pace for both of them.​
The last time there had been a race sky had entered with renata. It had been fun doing through the obstacles with her crush tied to her side even if the ending had been awkward. It had certainly been a way to get over her. This time she knew she wouldn’t have that problem as she had signed up with her girlfriend. It was always fun when she got to spend time with ngawaiata. And being close to her made her feel all tingly and happy like sunlight on water especially where their skin brushed against each other as they stood on the starting line ready for the race to begin. As professor allcott-ward gave them the ready set go she got down on her hands lifting one leg up for ngawaiata to take the. They were off.
Elodie giggled, hurrying down to the race with Artie. "Let's do this!" She agreed, getting into position. She did her best, and was surprised to see she was even a little good at it, keeping a steady pace with the others. @Artemis Vasilakis
Amodeus let out a squeak. "Teddy! Teddy!" He could feel himself going higher. "You're going to push me over!" He laughed, struggling to keep his balance. @Teddy Pirrip
Felix had been doing his best not to think too hard about it being his last year at school. He was excited and terrified for graduation but most importantly he hated the idea of leaving Thistle again. He knew she’d be fine but he still hated it. So he would happily sign up to do any activity with his sister. He had been tempted to question their decision for him to be the wheelbarrow but Thistle seemed determined and it would probably be more fun this way. Felix considered himself to be fairly strong but that was about to be put to the test as Thistle grabbed his legs and they were off. @Thistle Carnahan
Tempest grabbed Benicio’s ankles tightly as they started to move forward. This was harder than she thought; since he was only using his hands, it meant she was trying to find a similar rhythm to move her body so their effort wasn’t so disjointed. “You’ve got to look where you’re going. We’re not going straight anymore. Go straight! Like, just go right a little! Right!” she shouted at him, frustrated as she saw June and Fraser in front of her. @Benicio Matos
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