Open Yellow Down Below

Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Yellow rose for @Leia Hume

So far Chloë had been enjoying the rose deliveries, even if she ended up roaming around the school calling out random names. Right now she had made her way to dungeons, wondering if some of the people she had to deliver roses to were slytherins. There probably were one or two so the gryffindor continued calling out random names, starting with the next one on her list. "Leia Hume? Are you a Slytherin? You down here somewhere?"
Leia had wanted to hide away today. She. didn't want to face not getting a rose, or worse only getting a rose from Vader. She loved her brother, but it would be sad. She heard her name be called and rushed rather quickly to the voice, "I'm Leia, I'm a slytherin," she didn't think there were any other Leia's in the school, but if her house was how to distinguish her from hers she'd be happy to do that.
Chloë smiled when a girl came rushing towards her. "Hi! Sorry, I don't really have a strategy for this so I'm just randomly calling out names on my list everywhere I go." She chuckled, hoping she hadn't made the girl feel too uncomfortable. "Got a rose for you." Chloë continued as she looked at the couple of roses she had left to find the one with the right note. They were almost all yellow, so the names on the notes was the best way to distinguish them. "Ah, this one!" She held out the rose to the other girl before letting her curiousity take over again. "Did you expect anyone to send you a rose?"


Happy Valentines Day! Bet they didn't do this flower stuff at your old school.

Leia had to contain some of her excitement when the girl said she had a rose for her. Leia nodded her hear to the question, those she hadn't really expected it and she read the note inside. Maj. She had her rose for him, but she would deliver it later. it was nice of him to have sent the rose to her. She was pleased she'd become somewhat friends with her. She looked back up at who had delivered her rose and smiled a little at the girl, "You've got wonderful hair," she complimented.
Chloë liked it when people were expecting roses, but she found it to be even better when they didn't. Whenever the rose came as a surprise their reactions were a lot of fun. The girl seemed to be pretty excited with her rose though, which made the gryffindor smile. The whole idea of getting your friends a rose was just so nice. What Leia said next made her smile even wider. "Awh, thank you that's so sweet!" Chloë responded as she instinctively ran a hand through her hair. "Right back at you, though." She returned the compliment in a manner of being polite, but she also genuinly meant it. "It's such a cool shade."

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