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Fiona Burke

irish ☘️ | playful ✨ | loves adventure! 🏕
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
12 (06/2049)
Fiona was the last of her siblings to be at Hogwarts, and she couldn't wait! It wasn't going to be long before she was able to join her siblings in a few months (minus her eldest brother, who was going to be out of Hogwarts by the time she joined). But for now, Fiona was in the wizarding park during the weekend. It was around the end of summer, and Fiona's dad had dragged her to the park, hoping that she would be able to make some friends.

Fiona, however, didn't mind being dragged out to the park. The youngest Burke loved the outdoors and couldn't wait to spend time in it either. It was a sunny day, which she was happy about. There were a few clouds scattered around the park, as well as a bit of a breeze in the air, which made Fiona's hair blow against the wind a little. Fiona had brought her skateboard with her, and she had been skating on the main footpath of the park. "Beep, beep! 'Scuse me! Coming through!" Fiona called out as she skated through the park with her skateboard.
Summer spend many days hanging around the park with her siblings. Mostly because she was sure her parents were happy to let them head to the playground so they could have a minute to themselves. She could get tired of her siblings sometimes so it was totally understandable her parents did as well. Obviously, it was just her siblings. There was no way her parents got tired of her. It even made her wonder what things would be like at home when she was gone to Hogwarts next year. Leaving her siblings at the swings Summer wandered away from them for a moment, almost being ran off the path by a girl on a skateboard and needing to quickly step aside. Right into a puddle left from yesterday's rain. "Hey!" She called out in offense, looking down at her, now soaking wet, shoes.
Fiona whipped around at the sound of someone complaining, hoping it wasn't an adult telling her off. She silently sighed in relief when she noticed it was a girl roughly around her age. "Oops! I'm sorry! Did I get you wet?" Fiona said quickly in apology. Though honestly, Fiona didn't really see the big deal with the girl's shoe's getting wet in a puddle; they were going to dry up again. But she didn't want to seem mean about it. Apologising about it was the nicest thing to do. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
Summer was glad the other girl had the decency to turn around. She wasn't happy with her shoes and socks being soaked, but at least it was just water. Mud would've been way worse. Plus, having the girl turn around suddenly made her remember her goals in the first place. "No, it's fine. Sorry, you just startled me." She waved off the girl's apology, stepping forward so that at least her shoes wouldn't soak up any more of the water. "That was pretty cool though, you were going, like, super fast." Summer said, putting on her friendliest smile as she complimented the girl. Whether she genuinely meant it was a different question entirely, but it seemed like mentioning something positive about the whole skateboarding thing might be what this girl needed to hear. "I'm Summer," She added, moving back and forth on her tiptoes for a second. "What's your name?"
"Are you sure? I feel bad," Fiona says to the girl. She felt a little more bad than she did before. Maybe she could find something to help the girl be a little more dry, but if the other girl was sure. Fiona's face lit up at the compliment that the girl had given her. "Really? Thanks! I've been practising. But, again, I'm really sorry for startling you. Is there any way I can make up for it?" Fiona says genuinely. "Hi, Summer! I'm Fiona," Fiona says with a smile as she introduces herself.
Summer waved off the girl's apology once more, trying her best to act like she was totally chill even if the feeling of her soggy socks inside of her wet shoes felt gross. She put on her most interested smile when the girl told her how she'd been practicing. Perhaps she needed a little more of that. "It's fine, really, I'll get over it." Summer giggled. The thought of the girl owing her one sounded interesting but she wasn't here to collect favours. She was here to make friends before heading off to school. "That's such a pretty name." She complimented her, not completely lying. There were prettier names, sure, but there were definitely worse ones too. Fiona wasn't a bad pick. "How old are you?" She asked curiously. "I'm eleven."
Even though the girl had said that it was totally okay, she still felt bad for making the girl's socks all soggy. She smiled as Summer complimented her name. "Thanks, yours is pretty too," Fiona says with a smile. She thought that the girl's name was nice, though she wasn't really sure how to react to it all, but she guessed her name was nice. "Cool! I'm turning eleven in a couple of months. I'm excited to go to finally go to Hogwarts. My brothers and sister have spoken about it a lot"

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